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Maldives - Iran

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    Maldives - Iran


    - Anyone wants to explain to me why nowroozi started? What has he done so far and Why he wasn’t subbed so far? What did he do in the first game that warranted him staring another game?
    The guy cant even go past MALDVIANS and they take the ball away from him cleanly without committing a foul!!! What chance does he have against the likes of Saudis or Koreans or aussies?

    Do I still find ppl saying" oh the coach knows and we shdnt even question these decisions"???

    - Secondly, I think the team is too conservative and the mids hardly join up with the 3 front players. That’s why on a few occasions we saw once the ball was past the front 3, there was no white shirt to collect the rebound ball!!! This means the mids are staying back. Why? Whom are we playing? South korea?
    Isn’t that karimi’s duty to fill the gap between the midfield and forward line? A note to his fans: this is when STAMINA is proven to be more important than merely possessing skills

    - We still commit too many fouls in front of our box. If we commit this many against Maldives, I shudder to think what we’d do vs aussies or Japanese!

    - Very poor crossing from our flank players. On BOTH sides. Often too low and weak. And it’s a shame. Becoz we’re just wasting away our advantage in height and physical presence in the opponent box! I hope CQ has noticed this and reminds the flank players what and how to do.

    - both haidari and pouladi are told to stay back and not go too far forward!
    why? are we playing germany that we have to be so cautious? what would CQ have them play if we actually play the likes of japan then?

    Summary of the 1st half – the team picked up where we left off in the shambolic display of the past 2-3 games with little sense or quality, and even less display of a game plan or tactic! I am worried this is becoming a habit for the team! Wonder when we’re gonna see a semblance or inkling of quality performance.

    I wonder if CQ is still going to defend this pitiful, pathetic performance as he’s done so far.


    in case you're all wondering where the bloody hell is the 2nd half, I must let you know I gave up watching the idiocy after minute 55.
    I dont even care what the result is.
    I watched the beginning of the 2nd half to see if nowroozi is subbed. he wasnt.
    to see if more players are pushed up. they werent.
    if ansarifard is subbed for another striker. he wasnt.
    so I just put up my hands and said screw it all.
    I cant even pretend to care if we scored or how we did it or how we played or if CQ finally subbed those poor players or if he decided not to be so damn bloody cautious or ... etc

    What a horrible game and insult to the eyes of every football fan.

    All players underperformed, but some were horrible. For example Heydari wasn't able to control the easiest passes. And what was Karimi's problem? In first half he made only mistakes and in second half I thought he was subbed out for a long time because he was nowhere near the ball.

    Great job Ansarifard btw, I think he's suspended for the next game for collecting his second yellow.

    However, I don't think any proper conclusions can be drawn from this game. Considering timing of the game and the overall situation, I think most players were just thinking of not getting injured.


      ^ Pejman khan, you usually have a sensible analysis report of the game. This time however you couldn't be more wrong!!!

      It seems like you've been analysing a football match, while we clearly were watching a volleyball (or at least a footvolley) game!!

      The ball spend more time in air than on ground, especially in the first half. The only times that the ball was on the ground more than 10 sec, were during the set pieces....


        Ps: did our lone striker had at least one shot? Nit even on target but in general, during 100+ minutes he played...


          As I mentioned this in another thread, sometimes playing crappy teams who play dirty and anti-football can be the hardest for any football powerhouse. A clear example is N. Korea and its display in WC2010, and that's where the "Sometimes" factor comes into play, N. Korea were almost able to pull some serious upset and surprise against one of the best teams of the world Brazil, however unluckily losing the match 1-0. However in their next matches they got thrashed by the likes of Portugal...

          Another example is yet again our own TM against the underdogs Bahrain, when we lost 3-1 in a very crucial match, we all remember how the Bahrainis started that psychological war with or boys days prior to the match day, and indeed needless to elaborate on the match day!

          It's just hard to play against a team which parks the bus in their own half, and resort to anti-football (Grass-rolling, Dirty and rough play, All kinds of time wasting tactics, horrendous pitch, an away match in a packed stadium, horrible and total biased referee etc).

          We as Iranian football fans/critics are way too unfair and to quick to jump the guns and bash the team/coach... It's just the beginning of a very long journey, CQ just took helm of this team, he still needs to get to know his players, he has a whole new IPL season to watch and analyze, give TM a break and some times. He needs at least 2-3 years before he is judged.

          As football fans, we need to learn to be patient!

          Plus, I don't think DD would ever be happy with any TM coach, it's the cynicism that holds us back and kills the motivation of any coach to try different things and be a risk taker!


            Keano Jan...if you say that we have difficulty playing against a defensive , rough tackling , weak teams , then we need to admit that we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM that needs to be addressed.

            If the players get intimidated and react in a silly manner , getting yellow or red card in the process , then we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM.

            If they can not finish against the likes of Maldives , then we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM.

            A good team , and I take your good example of Portugal against North Korea , will crush those minnows., while a shaky and dodgy team , AKA Brazil , fail miserably .

            There is no point of giving ourselves these justifications that we cannot play well against these minnows. A professional and a balanced team should dispense easily with the likes of Maldives , something that we have failed to do convincingly,

            BUT , I do strongly support CQ to continue his experimental sides. although for the life of me , I will never understand how a world class coach will field a player like Hadi Nourozi in two consecutive matches !!!!!
            Does he have some secret we have not been able to see yet ? By God , I don't know.



              sarbaz in the general forum said something that may even make sense given the pathetic performance:

              I just realzied something :
              Maybe Qrosh is trying to prove a point to IFF and all of us that half these players are not good eneough to be TM players !!
              Maybe he is selected these players on purpuse just to prove his point

              for all you know this could be right.

              to keanu:
              yes, yes, it is my cynicism that is holding the coaches back from choosing the right players or tactics. coz they ll visit pfdc and are heavily influenced by some guy calling himself DD and base all their decisions on such things.
              surely it is this that results in their poor performances and wrong roster and poor tactics and horrible subbing and ... etc. surely. it just cant be "them making the wrong decisions"

              however, I'm willing to give CQ a couple of months to get his own roster right.
              although I'd love to hear your reason for starting with nowroozi after the last performance and even after this one's 1st half.


                Maij jaan, I fully agree on how ridiculous it is to play Noroozi in TM, let alone starting him in every single match. TBH I don't even want him anywhere close to Perspolis! But I still stand by my statement that sometimes (Not always) playing against teams that display anti-football performance is harder than we can imagine, simply because you start worrying about some side issues such as getting injured or receiving stupid cards, and being upset for the continuous shameful acts of the opponents such as Grass-rolling etc. Iranians are typically very emotional and sensitive, and tend to overreact to little side issues and worthless matters, thus losing their cool and concentration, for that we need great sports psychologists to work on the players' emotions...

                DD jaan, once again you quote me out of context, how did I imply that your cynicism will influence and effect the coaches in Iran? I was referring to Cynicism as a whole and a main characteristics of Iranians. Admit it, we're just too negative and love complaining over pretty much everything, regardless of its magnitude and importance. You typically are a super duper cynical person, I am sure you agree with me on that!

                Oh BTW Keanu:


                  It was just one of those wack & scrappy games on both ends where we failed to get into any sort of rhythm on offense nor defense..!
                  I think our strategy was to play rather conservative for most part & draw the required result & leave without any cards & injuries & move on to next round..!
                  Off course it all backfired when maldicks resorted to all out hacking & dirty tactics & the stupid rookie ref failed misrably to keep control of the match..!
                  I was mostly dissapointed with the unchanged CQ starting line up & the stupid yellow cards, & our wingers/wingbacks failure to use the widths of the pitch to open the game up as in the last leg. ..!
                  I refuse to stress too much over the details of of our performance today..! It was for most part a meaningless match, but I'm begining to worry about fixation of CQ to some of our totally useless players & if he is capable of finding & giving playing times to more worthy candidates ..!
                  I Also think that general fatigue played a huge part in our sub par performance..!
                  I guess that's what we get for our past failures, so now we have to go through these scrappy teams just to make it to where we shoulda started in the first place..! But considering our Federation's ineptness to garner any sort of friendlies, perhaps it was for the best..!


                    OH..yes...... Not in anyway my usual style to criticize referees, but I thought that the Korean referee was one of the crappiest ref I have seen for a loooong time.

                    Where the hell did they dig this one from ???

                    That alleged foul (.....)by Nouri on the Maldive touchline said it all ......



                      The first rule of trouble shooting:

                      - Elimination of the variables.

                      I guess this coach is the best coach Iran has ever had (at least on paper). So, it's up to you now, you may eliminate the variable "coach" and look for another variable for trouble shooting. Or, you may have a U turn and try to invent the wheel again.

                      It's obvious to me that your chain is as strong as your weakest link and coach is not among your weakest links.

                      You may jump at the coach's throat and blame him for his selection/tactic/strategy/changes/... but, it doesn't change the fact that Iran-Maldive was 1-0 and the performance was "zamin-khaki" level.

                      Up to you, choose your way. I chose my own way: not caring much as I see the problem lays much deeper than TM.



                        ^ but what if that weakest link's presence there was on the insistence of the coach?
                        what then?
                        who's at fault in such a case?

                        Originally posted by maij View Post
                        OH..yes...... Not in anyway my usual style to criticize referees, but I thought that the Korean referee was one of the crappiest ref I have seen for a loooong time.

                        Where the hell did they dig this one from ???

                        That alleged foul (.....)by Nouri on the Maldive touchline said it all ......
                        given he was a north korean (his name didnt sound like a south korean one), and considering the tough and rough style of north korean football in general, I think in his opinion the violent acts of maldivians was just rotuine, everyday football tactics. and he felt he shd reprimand our players' refusal to tackle violently or to play rough as a sign of lack of commitment, therefore he saw the need to caution of "bi gheyrat" lads for this. (otherwise that #7's two-footed kick to karimi's stomach deserved a straight red. but the north korean monkey actually penalized us!!!!)

                        apart from this, I have no earthly excuse why he was acting/officiating so weirdly


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                          ^ but what if that weakest link's presence there was on the insistence of the coach?
                          what then?
                          who's at fault in such a case?

                          As I mentioned, you can presume that like you did in last ten years or so for over 10 coaches or so.

                          Or, you can assume that the coach was successful elsewhere, so there is no need to investigate his qualifications and move on to other spots that may be at fault for such a weak performance.

                          Still up to you.

                          I know, we can't improve from this point by changing the coach. The coach is more than good for us. A coach from Portugal with a proven record from ManU and Real and you still wonder what happened in Maldives game, a team that once we beat them with 26 goals in two games? You must be joking.

                          Still, you may invent the wheel again and again and again.



                            1- I really dont understand why you think I'm asking for changing CQ. surely ppl can criticize decisions they dont agree with and still want him at the helm.

                            2- secondly, why do you (and some others) immediately bring up qualifications and this or that as soon as someone criticizes a particular issue?
                            as if coaches are not human and therefore bereft of mistakes

                            I'm in fact quite happy we got such a coach and still have high hopes for the team and its future.
                            but that doesnt mean I'm going to close my eyes to discrepancies and errors in judgment or at least matters that I have issue with (thankfully
                            many ppl have observed and mentioned these issues as well)


                              At lease CQ didn't play banned players to lose the match 3-0 like with U-23.

                              Actually let's suggest a decent starting line up for CQ, we have not done that for a while. I am sure one of his staff members will eventually see it and maybe they get an idea to improve things. We can't expect CQ to know all the Iranian players really well at this point.


