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Gucci: Yes or No?

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    Gucci: Yes or No?

    I'm not referring to a new sponsor for Team Melli's kit

    As you may know, Reza Goochannejad is currently lying second on the goalscoring charts in the Belgian league - this is made more remarkable when you consider that his scoring exploits are for a team that is currently lying bottom of the league.

    I haven't seen much of this kid except for the odd highlight video, which looks promising.

    The question is: When we are so desperately looking for a striker, does he deserve a call-up to Team Melli? I think for a training camp, at least, he's worth a look.

    Sure, he's not quite in the class of Dejagah, but we need to see what this kid can do and maybe give him a cap so he can't play for Belgium.

    I think this case also reveals the shortcomings of identifying Iranians playing in Foreign leagues that are perhaps raised outside Iran. What can be done to improve this?
    Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

    Never. I never liked their line, be it clothing or shoes. too flashy only good for the "new rich" and dahatis.

    Personally, I'm an Armani man.
    clean, simple cuts and yet extremely elegant and understated.

    edit: ohh.... you mean the Iranian chap.
    well it is definitely noteworthy to be the second scorer in the league in the bottom team of the league. says a lot about one's capabilities.
    however, I'm afraid, with CQ (and his staff) what's REALLY important is how famous and popular he is in Iran. Is he popular enough to justify his inclusion in TM?
    would he be willing to join pp or ss to rectify and correct his "serious flaw in football" to ultimately force CQ (and his staff) to call him to TM?

    these are some very pertinent and relevant questions he must answer.


      Hehe...I think there is a real underlying issue here that we have omitted to consider: We need a system instituted by the IFF to identify Iranian talent (like Zandi, Gucci, Dejagah etc.) playing overseas.

      I'm betting CQ doesn't even know who Gucci is.
      Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


        Players such as Gucci or Etemadi, who both dream of representing Team Melli, have had their whole 'soccer education'/development in European youth systems.
        This only makes them favorable to be invited to TM.

        Next to that, we don't have a striker that is much better anyways, we should at least invite him and maybe give him some minutes to get to know each other

        YES for Gucci in TM
        Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
        O.G from '97 & still here


          We should atleast cap him 1 game so he cant be pickt by belgium.. who knows maybe he will develope to a great player in some years
          Supporting Team Melli


            sure, he should be capped before belguim takes him too.
            Humanity. Love. Earth.


              first we should cap him immdeiately for 5 mins, so the belgium option is out and then never invite him again, ta halesh jaa biad.

              Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                We should atleast cap him 1 game so he cant be pickt by belgium.. who knows maybe he will develope to a great player in some years
                Originally posted by toofan View Post
                sure, he should be capped before belguim takes him too.
                Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                first we should cap him immdeiately for 5 mins, so the belgium option is out and then never invite him again, ta halesh jaa biad.
                Don't you guys worry, he can't play for Belgium (at least not for the coming 5 years) as he has a Dutch nationality, and not a Belgian one.....

                And don't you worry about him being picked up by the Dutchies as he wouldn't be in the top 30 picks for the attacking line up of the Dutch national team

                Neither does belgium need his services as they have very talented offensive players themself.

                So bikhiyal, alan mogheye zadan to sare male


                  If he is interested then why not? CQ should invite him in one of the TM practices and test him.
                  2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                    Preferring Hugo Boss but Ghoochannejhad for TM gets my vote.


                      He looks a bit undersized & too short to fill in that ideal CForward role we so badly lacking in current TM..! But the chap is super speedy & knows full well how to run into open spaces, good nose for the goal & obviously in great form currently..! So sure ..! Jessss..!
                      The next step should be for him to strongly hint & publicize his interest to represent & surely he will be granted a trial at the very least..!
                      I still prefer Oladi to him based on overall quality for similar size..!
                      But I believe ghoochReza will fill the compromise CF role better than mehrdaad, while the later can be best utilized as a winger or AM..!


                        I haven't seen him play so I wouldn't know how good he is. His scoring highlights doesn't cut it for me either.

                        I guess it is upto Carlos to let this generation of footballers into his camps.

                        If they are not that superior to their "same position" local players, I am guessing Carlos would prefer locals as they are more available, flexible timewise, and practical.

                        We'll see Carlos first experience with Ashkan and go from there. If he is happy with Ashkan, we may see Gucci next ...
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                        Go IRAN!


                          CQ says that he might invite Iranian players from Belgium and Sweden. I guess Ghoochaninejad is one of them:

                          کي روش ادامه داد: براي ما سخت است که در گذرنامه دژاگه تنها يک مهر ورود وجود داشته باشد و او فقط سه ماه در ايران باشد و تنها يک بار بتواند از ايران خارج شود. ما در بازي هاي فيفا و کنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا به همه بازيکنانمان احتياج داريم و درباره زمان بندي مطمئنا زمان هاي ورود و خروج بسياري داريم و با توجه به بازيکنان مشمولي که داريم نيازمند کمک و هماهنگي مسئولان نظامي هستيم. ضمن اينکه ما علاوه بر اشکان دژآگه چند بازيکن ايراني الاصل ديگر در بلژيک و سوئد داريم که سطح فني خوبي دارند اما شرايطشان شبيه به شرايط اشکان دژاگه است و ممکن است آنها را به تيم ملي دعوت کنيم تا براي تيم ملي بازي کنند. مي خواهيم همين طور که حضور دژآگه در ايران فراهم مي شود حضور آن بازيکنان که تعدادشان هم کم نيست فراهم شود و به همين دليل به حمايت نياز داريم.مطمئنا با حضور بازيکنان با کيفيت در فوتبال ملي موفقيت ها در دسترس خواهد بود.
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Never seen him play, all I have seen of him is a few highlights of his goals. Nevertheless when you score so many goals in any European leagues, thus the runner-up of the top goal scorer's table, you must be doing something right!

                            BTW being a top player in a bottom-placed team is easier than shining in a top team of the league for the obvious reason. In our own IPL we've seen many top goal scorers of bottom teams of the league who upon their transfers in the next season to the top teams had become nothing but a flop, to name a few: Arfi from Payam Mashhad to Perspolis, the top goal scorer of 2008 along with KHalili from Rahahan to Sepahan (Cannot remember his name off the top of my head) Mojtaba Zarei from Rahahan to Perspolis (Total flop) etc.


                              Originally posted by Keano View Post
                              Never seen him play, all I have seen of him is a few highlights of his goals. Nevertheless when you score so many goals in any European leagues, thus the runner-up of the top goal scorer's table, you must be doing something right!
                              BTW being a top player in a bottom-placed team is easier than shining in a top team of the league for the obvious reason. In our own IPL we've seen many top goal scorers of bottom teams of the league who upon their transfers in the next season to the top teams had become nothing but a flop, to name a few: Arfi from Payam Mashhad to Perspolis, the top goal scorer of 2008 along with KHalili from Rahahan to Sepahan (Cannot remember his name off the top of my head) Mojtaba Zarei from Rahahan to Perspolis (Total flop) etc.
                              was it hadi asghari?? not sure...

                              anwayys,,, JOooOoOoOoONNnNnNnNnN UR NEW SIGNATURE
                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

