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The danger/problem with majority of Iranian football players

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    The danger/problem with majority of Iranian football players

    the problem and the danger with Iranian players (in general. not exceptions) is when do they feel satiated and satisfied in their career.

    Until this moment, they will show hunger and drive, show urgency and eagerness to prove something,... basically, are motivated enough to run themselves to the ground.
    But the moment they feel "they've reached it" or "they've got it" or "they're it" is when they start to lag and stagnate and eventually fall.

    Now, this milestone occurs at different times for different players. some reach it very quickly like our Karim Ansarifard who has started to lag even before his hits 22. Some players reach it late and some almost never reach and continue to pursue more and show hunger (Ali Daei a prime example. his last 1-2 years of low productivity was not becoz he felt satisfied. in fact it was becoz he never knew when to quit and was still showing hunger)

    (Although we must admit, some also fall by the way side after being neglected and ignored, despite showing drive and motivation. and that is the most unfortunate deal in football)

    the moment fame and fortune smile upon our players you'd know they are going to take the veritable dive. look at players like Nikbakht and how he fell, at an age that could have had several great years at TM.

    however, once in a while among all the exceptions, there's another peculiar exception to this minute group. those rare players who discover hunger and drive IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR CAREER ... even after fame and fortune. Like the guy who showed borderline boredom while playing football and pretended as if this is one boring drudgery of 9-5 job that he's been unfortunate enough to be saddled with it. despite all the adoring fans pouring their love and adulation over the chap.

    and then BANG! in the middle of his career he "discovers" football can be exciting and great. and showed enthusiasm and motivation to better himself. and now, after crossing his 30's he's become the perfect player!
    well, how do you explain this specimen?

    the culprit is our system. it nurtures laziness and "rahat-khahi" among players. and our media is the other dirty partner where they unjustifiably elevate certain players into demi-Godhood that these poor saps with low intelligence get so bloated in the head (some in other places too) that the sheer weight of their head/ego drags them down.

    I also suspect the injection of this ridiculous amount of money into our football through government is their way of distracting and satisfying the popular sports figure in the country to keep their mouths shut and not tangle with politics. There is simply noway to explain this amount of money suddenly finding its way into football in the past 2 years.