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Should we care we are playing with ?

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    Should we care we are playing with ?

    ( I meant to write " Should we care we are being played with " but I could n't change the topic )

    Two months ago I was in IRAN and attended the game between saipa and Esteghlal in Azadi stedium.....I wanted to buy the most expensive seat Under the " Jaygah " was 5000 tooman( $ 4.5 ) the normal tickets were 1000 toomans ( 80 cents ), the stedium was very well secured hundreds of securety forces on each and every section...the pictures of Khamenei and Khomani on the top of the stedium....and players of both teams had Islamic slogans written on thier chests,...and the pregame program was about paying tributre to some " shahids " and thier devotion to the islamic republic....and pictures thousands of photos were being handed to fans regarding islamic republic values and woords of prophit mohhammmad....
    1- Perspolise is about to hire one of the most expensive European coaches.
    2-Esteghlal has been spending like crazy on players.
    3-Even lower cllass teams have camps in Europe.
    4-Burned out ,old,legioners have left Europe and play for every Local teams,no matter where,and get paaid very handsumly.
    5-Iran Football has far more forign players than any rich Arab countries.
    6-Time to time, forign teams ( mostly poor south americans ) are invited,and some sorts of " CUP ", is designed for fans to get bussy with.
    The Dollar sign and amount spent is in no way corresponds to the level of football,and the revenue it is generating.....The league/federation has no TV/radio Broadcasting revenue, no ticket sales,no help from FIFA,.....nothing.....the level of proffessionality is close to zero......
    In USA, they say...." If it walks like a Duck,and vacks like a Duck ", it is a Duck.......
    Should we,as reletively more educated,forign living,more emancipated fans, and mostly against this thier game ?......are we as desprate as some local fans ,to have no other options ?.........
    and more than anything......don't we have poletical obligation to our mother-land ?...........
    Is Football, That important, to ignore what is realy happening ?.........shoulld n't we care if we are being played with ? specialy by a bunch of low class individuals who are murderes....and want us to help them survive ?
    Last edited by zzgloo; 11-08-2011, 09:19 AM.

    so what are you suggesting we should do ??


      I am very confused and not sure what your point is.

      Also I am not sure some of the things you mention are correct:
      Do we have more foreign players than Arab countries?
      Also, most players may sign big contracts, but are they getting paid any of it? Seems like all SS players complaining about not getting paid. Zob players on strike for not getting paid and so on...

      Are you suggesting we should stop following football in Iran?


        Originally posted by oldcoach View Post
        I am very confused and not sure what your point is.

        Also I am not sure some of the things you mention are correct:
        Do we have more foreign players than Arab countries?
        Also, most players may sign big contracts, but are they getting paid any of it? Seems like all SS players complaining about not getting paid. Zob players on strike for not getting paid and so on...

        Are you suggesting we should stop following football in Iran?
        1-Yes.....IRAN has more forign players......aside the faact that there are more teams in our leaguess thaat aarab leagues...we also have many forign players playing in our secound lleague.......
        2-The players are getting money even some times more than European teams pay.....and, all the talk about " Not paying ", is about " late paying ", not , " Not paying " and that is due to bad management, and not low budget....the budget just come irregularly to them..........even Arab players want to come to IRAN and play, because it pays better,and exppects less.....the fact that we only have three IRAQI players, is because, IRANIAN fans...are some how more openminded toward the IRAQIES whom we had a shared loss of lives in a WAR.and hated person like Saddam....,the other arab players from the persian gullf reigon, are never invited, and notaccepted amonmg Iranian fans.....
        3- What do I suggest we should do ?.....
        we can :
        A= always bring the issue up in all football disccussions,anddonot let it get forgotten.
        B=In all contacts with Inside IRAN, bring the issue and provide information,and have some kind of " counter -propaganda ".
        C=Some of us, can, sanction the IRANIAN football , all together....
        D= Do not allow any Islamic rebublic, Hizbullahi to be freely posting in this site..and we should keep bugging them for explanations,and justification,for thier support of the regim.
        E=Some of us, who encounter TM players in different countries and ask for thier Autographs,should also let them know how we feel.
        F=Distinguish and isolate players in TM who are supporters of Islaamic republic, and admire those who are in green movement.
        G=Take anti regim slogans to stediums where TM plays.
        H=Let all our freinds from other countries,know what kind of regim Islaamic republic is.
        I=Let our dissatisfaction known to foreign medias.
        All in all,...we should mix football with poletics,( contrary to what FIFA says ) because..we should let the world know, where our proyareties lay !


          I don't want to make this a political discussion.

          But I believe football and politics should be kept separate.
          After all, sports are suppose to bring people together regardless of the color of their skin, religion or their political views and so on...

          Let's just leave it at that.


            You certainly are free to " Just leave it at that "......
            I how ever,do not believe, islamic republic subcribes to the FIFA policy's " keeping football & poletics separate ".
   is investing in it........and we are giving its devidents.


              Nothing wrong with mixing of those two and GF is best place for that.
              As far as i know there is no restriction to mix politics with sport in general forum ( i have not been there for few years but there were no such restriction there unless rules has been change).

