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Iranian Players and Physical strength.

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    Iranian Players and Physical strength.

    This may develop into a lunatic-like rant, but I'm sick of Iranian players, coaches, refs, administrators, sponsors, TV, fans, their mothers, aunts, pets.... complaining about scheduling in Iranian football.
    The Iranian league for the most part is being scheduled better than ever! Yes it's very "compressed" at times for specific teams, but that is ordinary in today's football where you have domestic, international and continental commitments. Playing every 4 days or even once every 3 days is not out of the ordinary. I know we don't have the same professional standards in Iran, but its a 2-way street. The club can only do so much, to prepare a player in the off-season and occasionally rest them during the season, but the player himself has to keep in shape, control his diet, not take any random supplement....!

    Am I a cruel monster for thinking this?
    Also I'll leave you with a couple of quotes from CQ regarding this same issue:

    سرمربی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان به مصدومیت برخی بازیکنان تاثیرگذار تیم ملی اشاره کرد و گفت: ما برای این گل خوردیم که دو بازیکن تاثیرگذار خود به نام*های جباری و تیموریان را از دست دادیم همان طور که در اردوی قبلی هم کریمی و حدادی فر را به همین خاطر از دست دادیم. ما باید به این نکته توجه داشته باشیم که وقتی تیمی را برای بازی*های بین*المللی آماده می*کنیم باید به غیر از 11 نفری که درون زمین هستند یک مجموعه بزرگتر را تشکیل دهیم که در صورت لزوم و مصدومیت و محرومیت بازیکنان مشکلی نداشته باشیم.

    وی در خصوص این که عنوان می*شود برگزاری فشرده مسابقات لیگ برتر یکی از عوامل آسیب دیدگی بازیکنان است، گفت: اگر صحبت شما این است که علت مصدومیت بازیکنان برگزاری فشرده مسابقات لیگ و انجام بازی*ها هر 4 روز یکبار است این یک حرف دیگر است اما به عقیده من بازیکنی که با این شرایط مصدوم می*شود آمادگی بازی در سطح بین*المللی را ندارد.

    کی*روش در ادامه با طرح این پرسش که "در این شرایط چاره چیست. ما باید چشمان خود را ببندیم؟" افزود: زمانی که من در تیم های رئال مادرید و منچستر یونایتد حضور داشتم ما در31 روز 11 بازی انجام می دادیم. این یعنی این که در کمتر از سه روز یک بازی انجام می دادیم. بازیکنان ما باید خود را برای رویارویی با تیم*هایی که نفراتشان بدین صورت بازی کرده و در فواصل 3 روزه به میدان می*روند آماده کنند. ما باید آمادگی رویارویی با این تیم*ها را داشته باشیم.

    سرمربی پرتغالی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان خاطرنشان کرد: شما انتظار دارید ما در جام جهانی مقابل تیم*ها شکست بخوریم و من بگویم خسته بودیم آ*ن وقت شما حرف من را قبول می*کنید؟ شما انتظار دارید برویم و ببازیم و من بهانه بیاورم؟ اگر این طور است اصلا ً*بهتر است ما به جام جهانی نرویم!

    وی لازمه رقابت در سطح بین*المللی با حضور قدرتمند در جام جهانی را سخت کار کردن و بهانه جویی نکردن دانست و گفت: نگرانی من از این بابت است که پزشکان تیم ها می گویند بازیکن ما نمی تواند در اردوی تیم ملی حضور یافته و بازی کند اما روز بعد برای باشگاهش در یک بازی بین*المللی به میدان می*رود. مشکل ما این است که بهانه می آوریم بازیکنان خسته هستند اما من اعتقاد دارم بهتر است به جای اینکه عنوان کنیم بازیکنان خسته هستند آنها را بهتر ریکاوری کنیم.

    Iranian players need to stop being so lazy, they get injured easily because a large number of them rely on their natural strength and speed, they need to build much stronger muscles to avoid injury, but not ando and jabbari, they are actually strong, just freak accidents.
    AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


      excluding england, all other top european leagues dont play regularly every 3 or 4 days. yes, once in a while, they play a hazfi game or a champions league game but for most of the part, they dont. plus they have much better physical training, nutrition and body building compared to IPL and iranian teams. so i think its against iranian football benefits to play so compressed schedules constantly.

      if its so hard to organize an 18 team league, make it 16 or even 14. germany with all its discipline and planning and professionalism has 18 teams in their league, how iran wishes to do the same is beyond imagination!
      Originally posted by siavasharian

      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


        I wonder how the Spanish or British schedule with 20 teams in their leagues. Maybe Iran can learn from them. There are only 18 teams in the IPL.


          Completely agreed, playing a two hour football match every 96 or even every 72 hours is fairly common nowadays in the professional footballing world, yet Iranian coaches and footballers alike continue to rant about the schedule day in and day out. As CQ has noted, which is something we've all known all along, since the introduction of IPL (or should I say "IL"), IPL has never been even close to being considered Professional, and if we want to be considered Professionals in the footballing world then we must be able to perform and act accordingly. Players who get injured and immediately point the finger at the league and compact scheduling of matches must look within themselves first, and ask themselves have I done everything in my power to be at my optimum physical shape. Of course it all comes back to grass roots once again, and the fact that the Iranian FA and Physical Education Administration have yet to introduce any truly professional footballing academies that instill the proper footballing mentality within our youth. Footballing academies are a dime a dozen all over Europe and South America and certain Asian nations as well. Let's face it by the time our footballers are introduced to IPL, they are already at least 19 years old, by which time they have received little to no support from the FA by way of honing their professional footballing mentality and skills. Until such time that the FA recognizes their shortcomings in this regard we will continue to see our footballers get injured due to tight scheduling of matches and receive complaints from coaches and players, both of whom are also accountable for the player's physical fitness.
          He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt, for he has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. Albert Einstein

          Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, and the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph.


            Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
            excluding england, all other top european leagues dont play regularly every 3 or 4 days. yes, once in a while, they play a hazfi game or a champions league game but for most of the part, they dont. plus they have much better physical training, nutrition and body building compared to IPL and iranian teams. so i think its against iranian football benefits to play so compressed schedules constantly.

            if its so hard to organize an 18 team league, make it 16 or even 14. germany with all its discipline and planning and professionalism has 18 teams in their league, how iran wishes to do the same is beyond imagination!
            Neither does the Iranian league if we go with that formula.
            I'm talking about elite teams.
            Of course they have better preparation, but that means our players and teams have to strive to improve themselves. Their complaints about fatigue are as if they believe the human body can't go any further.
            Let's not even compare to Europe. The Japanese, Korean and Saudi players have just as many games (plus or minus a few). The only time I somewhat accept the fatigue issue is if a team has to go to East Asia, then back to West Asia for another game. That can be draining. But it should not be an excuse when you have 3 games in a row in Tehran then a game in Tabriz followed by Isfahan.


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              Neither does the Iranian league if we go with that formula.
              I'm talking about elite teams.
              Of course they have better preparation, but that means our players and teams have to strive to improve themselves. Their complaints about fatigue are as if they believe the human body can't go any further.
              Let's not even compare to Europe. The Japanese, Korean and Saudi players have just as many games (plus or minus a few). The only time I somewhat accept the fatigue issue is if a team has to go to East Asia, then back to West Asia for another game. That can be draining. But it should not be an excuse when you have 3 games in a row in Tehran then a game in Tabriz followed by Isfahan.
              1) first of all, saudi arabia has 14 teams, south korea has 16 teams and japan has 18 teams. if such an advanced country like south korea with modern infrastructures, modern nutritional plans, modern youth academis, modern facilities, etc are only running their league with 16 teams, a country like iran which is far behing korea in every aspect mentioned will not be able to run a professional league in a perfect manner with 18 teams.

              2) secondly, if our players want to strive to reach those standards, we should first strive to arrange for them the basic necessities and facilities required for our players to reach those standards. if we want to play every 3 days on hafezieh pitch, then we should make sure that ground is playable and not a liability to our already injury prone players whose bodies are not developed from an early age to handle such pressure.

              3) our players travel around the country in buses for 5 6 hours, and dont take 30 min flights like the koreans and japanese! so u lose 1 day going, and 1 day coming between every match because u dont have much time for training except some light workouts. more over, the exhaustion which is both physical and mental after such trips is much more than a 30 min flight from state to state or city to city.

              our players are the end users of our football league, if our basic infrastructure and raw materials provided to them is not the same as japan, korea, germany, spain, UK, then we shouldnt expect the same performance and same results as japan, korea, germany, spain, UK either.
              Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 02-29-2012, 03:50 AM.
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                The first thing that we need to think of is: DO NOT COMPARE IRAN WITH ENGLAND , SPAIN or GERMANY.

                You cannot go far if you start such comparisons, and in many cases these comparisoons are used as a pretext or justifications for shortcomings.

                I agree with Nokhodi and support him on his thoughts. Professionalism in sport is about conditioning oneself for the requirement of the job. That is the first rule of being a succesful professional.



                  sombody send this lad, Karim (Daisy) Ansarifard to the gym to build some leg and calf muscles for God's sake.

