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Has the TM found the missing link in Dejagah ?

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    Has the TM found the missing link in Dejagah ?

    WHO IS HE ?
    Player details
    Name Ashkan Dejagah
    Age 25
    Club Wolfsburg
    Position Midfielder
    Squad No 24
    Born Tehran, Iran
    Height 1.81m
    The guy has big tatoos,and thanking God in the " Moslem " Way as oppose to Christian, crossing the chest....
    Not willing to play Isreal football,playing in German Youth team,ambivalant joing TM at first......
    Coming off the plain,for the first time in long long time...go to Azadi after couple days...and score twice for TM ,..
    No matter where he has come from and what the circmstances has seems like TM has finaly found its " leader " !..leader in Enthusiasm,leader in Energy,leader in taking charge.....
    He can help TM lot more than just by his football talent.....he can energize and be that Killer instict motivator we been looking for......some one that would totaly keep our opponants ,who think they know us,off gard.
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    Last edited by zzgloo; 03-10-2012, 01:51 PM.

    I religiously and fundamentally refuse to comment on the quality and effect of a single player on his first match.

    For me , the jury is still very much out on Ashkan Dejageh. That said , he had a very good match and two absolutely wonderful goals. Not bad for a debutant.



      first I think it is too early to judge his impact on TM. although he did get off on a flying start, but more important than that is consistency.

      Secondly, even if he is the ideal player for his post ... that's just one post out of 11.
      even if we have found the ideal player for his post, does that mean we wont have any further problems with the LB or CD or playmaking or goalkeeping or substitutions or ...?

      and lastly, I am not sure about "leadership". an inspiration for the rest to up their game and try to be better? definitely. but a "leader"? imo a leader requires certain & specific characteristics not all players (no matter how talented and skillful they may be) possess. imo Karimi is no leader. Daei is a born leader. messi isnt a leader (but a mother f**king nuclear bomb of an inspiration), while Xavi or Puyol ARE born leaders.

      I'd wait for 5-6 games and THEN assess him.
      so far he's got me in his corner. but things can turn around quite quickly. for example if he doesnt shave that ugly-ass pube on his face I am not going to guarantee I'd STAY in his corner, all jolly and fine.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

        and lastly, I am not sure about "leadership". an inspiration for the rest to up their game and try to be better? definitely. but a "leader"? imo a leader requires certain & specific characteristics not all players (no matter how talented and skillful they may be) possess. imo Karimi is no leader. Daei is a born leader. messi isnt a leader (but a mother f**king nuclear bomb of an inspiration), while Xavi or Puyol ARE born leaders.
        Very well said , Doc. I wholeheartedly agree on that , specially Messi example. Such a uniquely talented once in a lifetime footballer , yet shy , extremely humble , down to earth , discrete and quiet person. He definitely is no leader ,although he is quite inspirational to the rest.

        BTW: Messi latest value in the market is 140 million Sterling Pounds. (approx 220,000,000 US$ ) about the price of a brand new , state-of-the-Art , Boeing 787 - and the change buys you another private jet or a used Boeing 737-400. Except Messi does not consume so much fuel and is environmentally friendly

        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        so far he's got me in his corner. but things can turn around quite quickly. for example if he doesnt shave that ugly-ass pube on his face I am not going to guarantee I'd STAY in his corner, all jolly and fine.

        I nearly chocked on my chicken salad , Doc.......



          Talking about Messi , this Pespsi Cola commercial during the World Cup 2010 , is one of the classics and the ending was absolutely fantastic...Cute Messi is lost ......and asking for help.............Enjoy.



            thanks majid jan. I hadnt seen this particular ad. very cute.

            speaking of messi, one thing that keeps me in awe is for all his accolades and trophies and branding and fame, the lad is very very humble and down to earth. anyone else in that position would have had a bloated head the size of a watermelon. look at that idiot, ronaldo (CR7), who hasnt chieved a quarter of messi and we see such attitude and sense of entitlement, ego and superiority complex. not to mention temper tantrums and other flaws.

            and I think this goes back to the club, barcelona. the club itself has a humble (attitude wise) atmosphere and attitude. we see the humility and down to earthness in all its super stars like iniesta (shy & quiet to the point of despair), xavi, puyol, ... . and funnily, even the stars who are brought in to the club also arent displaying the kind of ego-centric antics we see in other famous clubs. look at Villa or the magnificent Sanchez. Both have adopted the club attitude. Even Henry wasnt the same Henry of arsenal.
            that's why Ibrahimovic never fit into the club and he was let go after one season.

            the club philosophy that is also demonstrated in its extremely successful coach as well. I think Pep has projected his personality on the team quite successfully.

            gone are the days of romario or ronaldo or stoichkov, ... . the new club attitude is one of humility while being supreme in quality.
            Maybe that's why we see the best football from this club.
            just contrast it with their rival who are egocentric, belligerent, loud, offensive, violent and volatile with a massive sense of entitlement that expects everyone to be on their side (borne out of an entire apparatus of spanish football in their service ... including referees and officials, TV & media, ...). exactly reflecting the personality of their coach.

            and bringing it back to Iran related and Iranians, I think our lads also must learn to be down to earth and humble. the problem with our players is they lose their heads the moment they become famous or reach the PP/SS level with their photos in all the papers and ... etc etc (we know the rest). and that's when they start to decline and lose focus. seen in their sudden hair style & dressing changes, modes of speech, ... etc.

            Is dejagah a humble, down to earth player? I dont know.
            I'd like to think he has adopted the germans' top professionalism and attitude that shd keep him grounded.

            I apologize for ruining your salad. but I am serious. the guy with that ugly beard looks like a bloody criminal.
            in fact I wouldnt stop with him. I'd add mohamad nori also to the list with that silly afro. why cant he go to a freaking saloon, for God's sake? cut it short. that looks very decent. accept you dont belong to those who can carry a long hair.
            neither does the other Nouri, as well. these two really need to see a barber. and take the new lad along with them as well.


              Yep , the Barcelona culture is definitely one of the reasons behind their success. I believe in any profession , the attitude and demeanor of the person is directly reflected in his performance. In our industry , a person who thinks he knows it all , is the person who is dangerous and a high risk to his passengers. In Barcelona , the culture is so entrenched that an odd player , Ibra as you rightly mentioned , would find it difficult to gel.

              As far as Iranian are concerned, my own experience with Iranian players has always been pleasant. I have met , sat and talked with many Iranian players for decades and I can't recall anyone with attitude, at least in the last 10 years or so. Touch wood , most of them are quite humble are approachable. Of course , occasionally you can sense a trace of arrogance in some , those would normally be the younger ones who have just stepped in the threshold of fame.

              In all honesty they seem fine to me.



                You two payman and majid..have a wiser assesment....and perhaps I am too Enthusiastic...about the guy....not because of Goals he scored...but because of his attitude. His first goal against qatar was a kind I have very seldom seen in IRAN.....Total understanding of what is neccessary to score,as Audacity and killer instinct is far more important than good position.particularly for a forward.
                Aside from any particular position players ,what TM has lacked the most.has been the take charge attitude,and giving 110%.
                His continued attitude will only motivate others and adds to thier efforts.....
                In my childhood street football in Tehran....we had the Bigger guy in our team, and we had the guy who told everybody where to play, and we had the Capitain....but, we always looked up to the one who worked the hardest and maid more things happen.........that ,to me,has been "the leadership ".


                  Maybe the zodiac signs can tell us something about which players make good leaders? For example, good old Maradona is a Scorpio I believe.


