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    For years IPL clubs have tried to come to an agreeable resolution for broadcasting rights of their games. IFF has not been successful to deal with IRIB and government on receiving market value of their broadcasting rights. All other avenue gone nowhere, why not trying this way.....

    برخي از آيات عظام در پاسخ به استفتاء ايسنا مطرح كردند:

    به گزارش خبرنگار حقوقي و قضايي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران(ايسنا)،

    متن كامل سوال و پاسخ آيات عظام مكارم شيرازي، موسوي اردبيلي، نوري همداني، حسيني زنجاني و
    علوي گرگاني، به اين شرح است؛

    پاسخ آيت الله العظمي مكارم شيرازي:
    پخش هرگونه برنامه مفيدي كه از سوي تهيه كنندگانش اجازه پخش به ديگران داده نشده باشد، جايز نيست.

    پاسخآيت الله العظمي نوري همداني:
    چنانچه امتياز و يا حق پخش آن مربوط به ديگري باشد بدون اجازه او جايز نيست و نيز بايد بر اساس مقررات حكومت اسلامي باشد.

    پاسخ آيت الله العظمي علوي گرگاني:

    چون ما براي اينگونه امور مالكيت قائل هستيم بدون مجوز حق پخش نداريد.
    پاسخ آيت الله العظمي حسيني زنجاني:

    پخش فيلم از حقوق متعلق به توليدكنندگان است و بايد كسب اجازه شود.
    پاسخ آيت الله العظمي موسوي اردبيلي:

    چنانچه توليد كننده و صاحب حق عرفي و عقلايي، مسلمان باشد پخش بدون رضايت صاحب حق اشكال دارد و اگر غير مسلماني است كه در حال جنگ با مسلمين نمي باشد مساله محل تامل است و اگر از نظر عرف عقلاء صاحب حقي ندارد پخش آن مانعي ندار


    Who cares what these Dinosaurs think .?


      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
      Who cares what these Dinosaurs think .?
      Since you asked.
      Usually when someone is asking , in someways he/she care.

      Ayatollahs specially GA in Iran have great influences in their communities ( regional or national) and millions of Iranian listen, follow and care about what they say.
      This particular Esteft'a is relevant to football clubs and that is the reason they cared to obtains such points of views.


        Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
        Since you asked.
        Usually when someone is asking , in someways he/she care.

        Ayatollahs specially GA in Iran have great influences in their communities ( regional or national) and millions of Iranian listen, follow and care about what they say.
        This particular Esteft'a is relevant to football clubs and that is the reason they cared to obtains such points of views.
        These dinosours , have long been away from thier constituencies.......they no longer ,since 20 years ago, have any religouse services.....or studies, they have become adminestrators and bourocrats......(with lots of money )........and directly responsible for crimmes against humanity,along with thier boss Khameneie/
        They have absolutly no opinion on thier own....


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          These dinosours , have long been away from thier constituencies.......they no longer ,since 20 years ago, have any religouse services.....or studies, they have become adminestrators and bourocrats......(with lots of money )........and directly responsible for crimmes against humanity,along with thier boss Khameneie/
          They have absolutly no opinion on thier own....

          You asked who care about their opinion.
          I replied IPL Clubs who sought their opinion.
          Rest of what you said is hate speech

