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I like our chances with QC

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    I like our chances with QC

    QC just came back from two trips to tashkand and Istanbul,checking the sites of TM turkey camp and attending a league game in Uzbakistan,as well as the stedium there with its facilities.....He has made some foundemental changes in TM,and got rid of majore weaknesses...and TM is on its way to stablish a good chamistry before the qualifing rounds,or at the most by its mid-season....He is taking care of the " Hashieh " pretty well,and handling the Media very proffessionaly....He has given a fair chance to all prospects,and has used a mixture of experince and youth,as well as New European players .....TM , is using Taller and physicaly stronger players.....and is yet to lose a game under QC...
    On the other hand, our group is not alarmingly strong..we got only one of the top three Asian super power in our group,perhaps the weakest one....Uzbakistan appear to have always been less powerful against TM than against other Asian nations, as if TM style of play does not fit with thier style....Lebanon and Qatar,posemore danger to South Korea & Uzbakistan than they do to TM.....
    And is time,for QC to seperate himself with likes of " Ali daie " and " Ghotbi ", in analysis of the opponanats and game planning.........and that is the maajore difference and the stronger point of TM under QC.....TM will niether be predicatble as it was under " daei ", nor scared as it was under " Ghotbi " . QC appears to have taken his job very seriously.....and that sounds promising.
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    Last edited by zzgloo; 04-25-2012, 03:00 PM.

    Chances are cool, but we need some good friendlies ASAP.
    Teams in the top 20 FIFA ranking.


      Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
      Chances are cool, but we need some good friendlies ASAP.
      Teams in the top 20 FIFA ranking.
      Does it realy have to be among the top twenty ? at this stage ?..that is about way higher than our own are the teams between20 to 30....are we better than those guys ?

      20 Mexico
      22 Ghana
      23 Colombia
      24 Norway
      25 Paraguay
      26 Czech Republic
      27 Bosnia-Herzegovina
      28 Slovenia
      29 USA
      30 Japan
      Last edited by zzgloo; 04-25-2012, 03:12 PM.


        CQ's professionalism & maticilus planing still never fails to amazes me..! Boy did we get lucky to get him for coach or what..!? & to imagine the complete disaster of a TM that he took over after a complete ravage of the team by three of the most unqualified, useless predecessors in history of the team..!
        That's when it comes to light the true genious of the man & his immense accomplishments so far under a broke-ass, chaotic IFF..!
        Yep..! For so long as CQ is guiding TM, we are as good as through..!


          There is no doubt about the quality and the professionalism of a Carlos Queiroz, In fact , I am more surprised about some of our dear friends here who are astonished by what CQ is doing and how he is conducting himself !!! Gentlemen...this is the norm in the professional European system. CQ is not doing anything miraculous , nor out of the ordinary...this is it..this is the way the professionals do it. Don't get shocked

          I definitely think we have a very good chance with CQ for WC2014. There is a good balance of players and a strong leadership plus the pedigree that can guarantee us a place in Brazil comes World Cup 2014.........On paper , that is.

          Similar things about Team Melli chances were said back in 2002 and 2010 . It is not long time ago that we were counting our chickens and then we were shocked by late exits from those two competitions. When the 5hit hit the fan , we started finger pointing and looking for culprits, preferably and conveniently , the poor old coach.

          The reality is not that simple. CQ has already said that he cannot take Iran to the WC on his own......Gentlemen, that is the true sign of a professional. If you think that CQ will do it on his own , then wait for the repeat of post 2002 and 2010 era and the subsequent inquisitions.



            ^ I like that he doesn't promise this and that all the time. Our past coaches and unfortunately also some of our keyplayers always claimed we would win this or that game, qualify for WC, win Asian Cup etc. Finally CQ is bringing the right attitude to TM. Being confident but not promising anything, instead pointing out that it will be a tough task.


              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
              ^ I like that he doesn't promise this and that all the time. Our past coaches and unfortunately also some of our keyplayers always claimed we would win this or that game, qualify for WC, win Asian Cup etc. Finally CQ is bringing the right attitude to TM. Being confident but not promising anything, instead pointing out that it will be a tough task.
     is the sign of true professionalism that he does not open his mouth and gift everyone with promises. Many , and I dare to say most of the Iranian footballers and coaches are full of hot air ( a respectable way to saying they are "full of 5hit "). The have this old cliches of "we will win" , " we will beat them" and say it so regularly , it has become just a slogan for public consumption.

              Unfortunately , playing with words and giving promises that they can not keep is harming the characters of Iranian footballers and coaches. What CQ doing is perhaps quite valuable as he showing them the proper way of conducting themselves. I don't want to over hype CQ or portray him as a hero who is beyond criticism , at least not just yet , but the signs and the way he conduct himself is certainly refreshing and encouraging.



                I like our chances too, but at the moment I am worried about our mid field players and how they have been performing as of late.
                Have you seen the way they have been playing lately: karimi, Ando, Jabari, Nouri, Badamaki, Zare and now Dejagah injured.
                And yes I do realize Ando and Jabbari just came back from injury but Ando has been regular starter now for few games and has not done well at all.


                  Until playing Brazil again, I can't 100% compare how this current team may have improved over the one from 2010!



                    Originally posted by oldcoach View Post
                    I like our chances too, but at the moment I am worried about our mid field players and how they have been performing as of late.
                    Have you seen the way they have been playing lately: karimi, Ando, Jabari, Nouri, Badamaki, Zare and now Dejagah injured.
                    And yes I do realize Ando and Jabbari just came back from injury but Ando has been regular starter now for few games and has not done well at all.
                    Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                    Until playing Brazil again, I can't 100% compare how this current team may have improved over the one from 2010!
                    OK....Today we played against half a team called Mozambique using our second team ( give or take a few ) and we were faaaaar from impressive.
                    It was not the result but the performance which was quite poor , in my opinion. I don't know what goes on with these training camps of Team Melli but it is obvious that there is something missing.

                    I don't know whether you were joking or nor , Paradigm Agha , but I tend to agree with what you are saying. Simply put , we cannot find out the true form unless we have some real test. Real tests cannot be conducted against the likes of Mauritanian and Mozambique.



                      ^ Maij, I agree with you completely; recently Team Melli has been "hiding behind" playing easy opponents.
                      The last serious friendly was over a year ago with Russia. By the way, where is Dr. Doom these days?




                        PFDC - TEHRAN, Iran boss Carlos Queiroz hailed the passion of Iranian football fans in an interview with 'footballasia'.

                        "I didn't know that the Iranians are so passionate about the game. I was completely surprised when I saw Azadi stadium with 90,000 people there to see a league game. And we today have 90,00 people to see the games of the national team of Iran.

                        "There are not many countries in the world where you can put together all those fans to watch the national team and league games.

                        "I didn't expect so many fans and people crazy about football [...] and that's the best starting point to progress in the game."

                        The former Real Madrid and Portugal boss also once more pointed out the importance of a good preperation to fulfill his and whole Iran's dream of qualifying for the next World Cup, but also expressed his satisfaction with Team Melli's development, however, also sees room for further improvement.

                        "It's our job now to be ready and help the team with the best preperation program.

                        "I think the team had a fantastic progress, but I think we should be and can be more dominant in away games.

                        {{{{{{{{{{{{{{"We often play too cautiously and with a 'wait-and-see' attitude and I want to change that. I want that for my players and my team it doesn't matter if they play at home or away, but that they play 90 minutes with wanting to win the game in their minds."}}}}}}}}}}}

                        The many fans, however also heap quite some pressure on Queiroz.

                        "They [the fans] are on my shoulders, I have 78 millions Iranians here on my shoulder", a laughing Queiroz said.

                        "That's why I need to be very accurate and demanding with the program to prepare the national team.

                        "I think the Iranian fans really deserve qualification, they really deserve to be in the World Cup, because they are so passionate, and like this game, football, so much.

                        "When you have 78 million football fans - those are the countries who deserve to be at the World Cup.

                        "But it's not all about deserving, it's about doing it, it's about making everything to make it happen."

                        Queiroz also wasn't shy of demanding the most of every player to reach the goals.

                        "The most important thing for a professional player is not to lie to football. That means to wake up every day to work hard and to be ready to become a better player and a better personality in the game.

                        "Millions of people dream to be a football player, but only few of them are born with the skills to be a professional player.

                        "So it is not acceptable to me that a person chosing that profession doesn't respect himself, doesn't respect the game and doesn't wake up every day with the strong wish, the strong desire and the strong ambition to become a better player.

                        "By doing that he helps the team, he helps the country, he helps the club and at the end of the day, he helps football to grow up, which is the most important thing."

                        Below comes the 'footballasia' clip from PFDCTV.


                          I looked at the title of the thread and thought hard to myself then asked the question..

                          What difference CQ has made to Team Melli and Iran's football in general ??

                          I am already convinced that Team Melli coaches role (regardless of who it is) has marginal impact on our chances for qualification to the WC 2014. It is more hail Mary stuff and more wishful thinking than fact or ability with this particular Portuguese coach at helm. Undoubtedly the highest profile TM Coach ever, is he giving TM an edge? or is he is simply a name , and a foreign one for that matter?

                          Such is this society and its confidence crisis that any foreign object is an object of marvel and desire. When this coach ends his contract , he will be the only real winner either ways , smiling all the way to the bank , while we look again towards the west in a futile attempt to find someone who will tell us what is the problem with us !!!

                          Lord have mercy.


