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Grading Iranian coaches

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    whooaaa! I knew these soosools are going to stumble and fall. I just didnt know this bloody early in the league.
    3-2 in TEHRAN!

    yeki nist be oon martikeye rishoo, rooyanian begeh akheh avazi, to ro che be football? boro hamoon pool-e mardom ro bokhor, kari be football nadashteh bash.

    result of buying "names" and not having the sense of knowing just what the bloody hell your team actually needs - which is a couple of decent def-mids (not 7 center forwards!)

    amoo, keif kardam
    daste jenab sarhang dard nakoneh


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      whooaaa! I knew these soosools are going to stumble and fall. I just didnt know this bloody early in the league.
      3-2 in TEHRAN!

      yeki nist be oon martikeye rishoo, rooyanian begeh akheh avazi, to ro che be football? boro hamoon pool-e mardom ro bokhor, kari be football nadashteh bash.

      result of buying "names" and not having the sense of knowing just what the bloody hell your team actually needs - which is a couple of decent def-mids (not 7 center forwards!)

      amoo, keif kardam
      daste jenab sarhang dard nakone



        One of many things missing in Iranian the lack of quality " Assistant coaches "....and lack of need for assistant coaches...
        Coaches like Jallali who may have some very good teaching and offensive qualities would do much better,if he had some defensive assistant coaches as well as other assistants.
        Or jallali himself,could be an very effective Offensive assistant coach.
        If a team can not count on having top quality talents ,they could atleast be compatetive,by being a Balance team,offensively and defensively and managerial to have damage control management,and not self defeating efforts....Likes of Naft e Tehran.
        Last edited by zzgloo; 07-25-2012, 08:36 AM.


          Oyyyy mommy. the other soosool also fell ... in the SECOND freaking game!!!

          is this my bloody birthday or what?


            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
            One of many things missing in Iranian the lack of quality " Assistant coaches "....and lack of need for assistant coaches...
            Coaches like Jallali who may have some very good teaching and offensive qualities would do much better,if he had some defensive assistant coaches as well as other assistants.
            Or jallali himself,could be an very effective Offensive assistant coach.
            If a team can not count on having top quality talents ,they could atleast be compatetive,by being a Balance team,offensively and defensively and managerial to have damage control management,and not self defeating efforts....Likes of Naft e Tehran.
            very good point on the assistant coach factor.
            that's why most of the successful coaches usually move about clubs along with their assistants.

            speaking of assistant coach, I didnt know Majid Saleh had joined ss camp.
            he is among the few talented, promising young coaches we have that are so rare. so maybe there is some hope for GN and SS afterall


              LOL I can even hear DD's orgasm relieving roars after 2 in-home shocking defeats of Tehran giants... LOL JK

              Both Fajr and Saipa deservedly humiliated Perspolis and Esteghlal in Tehran, one in an empty stadium and the other in front of home fans. Now the question is how to address the home losses and find the culprits, and how and whom to issue the credit for the victorious sides!?

              Is it safe to say Both Star-studded teams' players just displayed a sloppy and low-spirited performance or their coaching staff's decisions and tactics were the huge loss factor? or to take it a little further and completely give the entire credit to the no big name teams of Saipa and Fajr for a fantastic teamwork and great coaching team? Hard to chose, but I think it's just a combination of all of the above!


                Indeed , i can see DD jumping with joy having a laugh at the loss of the "Kahkashans" ...Frankly , I don't blame him

                I personally , don't think we should read too much in these two results , although I seriously hope that teams like Saipa , Saba , Naft Tehran , Fajr and even Rah Ahan , give the big boys a run for their money.

                Losses like this for SS and PP cannot be attributed to one or two factors while isolating the coaches from it , while it is also unfair to blame the coaching or technical issues entirely.

                I think , like our dear friend Human said in the TV yesterday , a league that is dominated by one or team is a very poor league and does not augur well for national teams.



                  lol. majid jan, if I werent in the clinic, I'd have actually "jumped and hollered"
                  unfortunately cant do that sort of stuff in front of patients. But I guess the change in my facial expressions was evident as I checked the comp in between patients or tightening of my torture devices (God! I think the poor girl must have thought I was ecstatic to be causing her pain!! anyday they might come to arrest me and take me to some NSA site for "torture of american citizens"!! ).

                  and you're right. both ss and pp may get on their winning ways from next week onwards. But trust me, this isnt going to be their last defeat. I feel clashes against traktor, sepahan and even saba are not going to be too pleasant for the two as well.

                  I just feel gutted about zob ahan. how they have been punished for their success in asia by the government!
                  you'd think everything is opposite in iran. a sort of bizarro world where good is bad and bad is good, black is white and ... you get my drift.
                  success in ACL is to be punished, while abject, humiliating failure (ss and pp, season after season) is rewarded with multiple folds budget and funding!
                  says a lot about the way a country in general, is run

                  also allow me to say how funny it looked the way CQ stomped off and looked so anxious and angry when pp was being rattled.
                  priceless. I dont know if his face was showed during ss' game too (but I'm guessing his face wouldnt have been any better or calmer either)
                  the guy's like :WTF!! this is my bloody national team getting their arses handed to them by no-name youngsters.

                  oh, btw, I forgot to say: ahmadi 1 - rahmati 0


                    Got another cheerful occasion for you , Doc.....Gahar Zagros Do Roud has equalized with Perspolis in Azadi, a controversial draw to say the least.



                      ^ you said it mate.

                      no matter how they didnt uphold the ban on PP fan's suspension, but KEPT saba's coach's suspension!!!! go figure!
                      but one more shafting for that idiot rooyanian and his brainless spending of national wealth. 2-0 in TEHRAN!!
                      actually shd have been 3-0 if torki had the guts to actually play on and give the advantage.


                        Isn - سرمربی پرسپولیس كه از شكست تیمش برابر صبای قم ناراحت بود، گفت: سخت ترین دوران مربیگری خود را در پرسپولیس پشت سر می گذارم. تیم سرخپوش تهران در هفته چهارم لیگ برتر فوتبال باشگاه های ایران برابر صبای قم متحمل شكست 2 بر صفر شد تا شرایط سختی را تجربه كند. 'مانوئل ژوزه' در پایان این دیدار در جمع خبرنگاران خاطرنشان كرد: متاسفانه در مرحله ای هستیم كه اتفاقاتی خوبی برای پرسپولیس رخ نمی دهد. در طول چهار بازی عملكرد نسبتا خوبی داشتیم اما گل های بدی دریافت كردیم. وی افزود: در دیدارهای خانگی، مسوولیت سنگین میزبانی بر دوش ما است و متاسفانه می بینیم بازیكنان پرسپولیس عصبی هستند و با استرس بازی می كنند. برای همین مجبور شدم در نیمه دوم بازیكنان باتجربه را به میدان بفرستم كه تا حدودی شرایط تیم را تغییر دادند. سرمربی پرسپولیس عنوان كرد: پس از گل نخست صبای قم برای گلزنی فرصت داشتیم اما پنالتی دقایق پایانی، اشتباهات تیم را تكمیل كرد و از نظر فكری شرایط را به هم ریخت. ژوزه ادامه داد: باید تیم از لحاظ فكری درست شود. پرسپولیس تیم بزرگی است اما تاثیرات فصل گذشته در آن باقی مانده است.نمی خواهم این شروع نامناسب در تیم بماند و امیدوارم در تعطیلات لیگ برتر شرایط ما بهتر شود. برای برطرف كردن این مشكل باید دكتر روانشناس استخدام كنیم. وی خاطرنشان كرد: زمانی كه از لحاظ روحی به شرایط خوبی برسیم، دیگر مشكلات تیم نیز تا حدود زیادی برطرف خواهد شد. ژوزه در خصوص عمكرد نامناسب بازیكنان جدید پرسپولیس گفت: این نفرات از تیم های كوچك آمده اند و برای عادت كردن با شرایط پرسپولیس نیاز به زمان دارند. وی در پاسخ به اين سوال مبنی بر حاشیه هایی كه از سوی برخی افراد نزدیك به تیم برای 'مهدی مهدوی كیا' به وجود آمده است، عنوان كرد: مهدوی كیا بازیكن باتجربه ای است و می داند نباید این مسایل بر عملكردش تاثیر بگذارد. شاید برخی ها با این بازیكن و حتی من مشكل داشته باشند اما این مساله به تیم آسیب نمی زند. ژوزه در خصوص اعتراضات هواداران پرسپولیس به بازیكنان گفت: تمامی تقصیرات بر كردن من است و از هواداران می خواهم فقط از من انتقاد كنند تا بازیكنان بدون استرس به میدان بروند. دوشنبه 16 مرداد 1391



                          Perspoise and Taj coaching and managerial jobs...are a Quagmire .....particularly Perspolise's.
                          The pressure is so coach can work normaly...just ask currant coach of Sepahan.


                            ^ very true.

                            another problem is because they keep going for high profile stars and big names, it automatically raises the expectations of everyone and the gans demand immediate results (sort of a catch-20 as their managers want immediate results for which they buy big stars. and big stars raise expectations for immediate results).

                            aside from the fact that buying big named stars is always the bane of pp/ss for they always have trouble paying those high salaries and transfer fees (a very heavy burden that each year is eventually transfered to the shoulder of regular people as the government takes that money from national budget), they ignore the most glaring factor: youth development.

                            this way not only they have enough youngsters to fill in for some spots, these youth also provide energy, they have very little ego, they charge a fraction of fees and salaries, ... they also make fans become more realistic and not have unusual expectations from a team that has so many youth players.
                            with such squads, fans also will have a grounded view of results

                            but this is singing the rhapsody to a bunch of blind donkeys (pp and ss management). they had plenty of opportunities to see the truth and they willingly ignore them only to continue their brain-dead system of "name-based, immediate result oriented" crap

                            so I say let all these buggers suffer and get humiliated as many times as possible. they truly deserve it.
                            I hear the lowly Mes also shaved off soem points from the high and mighty kahkashani sogolis today. Hah!


                              PP needs to stop spending money buying players, the solution for them is to focus on developing a successful youth program!!




                                addresses many points we have discussed here and in another thread.
                                but I'm surprised he is actually saying these out-loud, in an environment that is run by sepah pasdaran and zero tolerance for anything outside of total obedience.

                                Hope nothing happens to him over this

