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What does it tell us when a team with multiple national players is 16th in the IPL?!?

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    What does it tell us when a team with multiple national players is 16th in the IPL?!?

    The simplest explanation for me is that there are better players in the IPL which are not being noticed or utilized in the national team.
    Are CQ and the rest of the coaching staff sufficiently inviting others from the Shahrestani clubs? Please give us your thought on this.

    1 Malavan 5 3 2 0 4 11
    2 Tractor 5 3 2 0 3 11
    3 Saba 5 3 1 1 5 10
    4 Sepahan 5 3 1 1 5 10
    5 Fajr Sepasi 5 3 1 1 5 10
    6 Saipa 5 3 1 1 3 10
    7 Naft Teh 5 2 2 1 4 8
    8 Damash Gi 5 2 2 1 1 8
    9 Esteghlal 5 2 2 1 1 8
    10 Peykan 5 2 1 2 -4 7
    11 Rah Ahan 5 1 3 1 1 6
    12 Foolad 5 1 2 2 -1 5
    13 Aluminum 5 0 4 1 -1 4
    14 Mes 5 1 1 3 -2 4
    15 Gahar Zagros 5 1 1 3 -3 4
    16 Persepolis 5 1 1 3 -3 4
    17 Sanat Naft 5 0 1 4 -8 1
    18 Zob Ahan 5 0 0 5 -10 0

    It says that you cant just grab a bunch of players and a coach and then you have a team. PP did not have a preseason. Probably they need a month long boot camp for the coach to know the players and the players themselves to know each other and then you have a team.


      it also means those who chose the players didnt know jack sh*t about football ... which is about 95% of our football managers and officials.

      When this rishoo f**k goes around spending precious public money on "NAMES" (instead of what a team actually NEEDS), then this is what he shd expect.
      I wish more misery and losses for him and people like him who are ruining our football (and country, in a larger scale).

      it's time to break the cycle.
      both fans and the club shd break this cycle.
      instead of wasting even more money bringing korean or x or y players, PP shd get seriousl about its youth program. just having weekly sessions with a bunch of underage kids is NOT having a youth program.
      fans also shd get their bloody sh*t together and stop expecting trophies or high ranking for a couple of seasons. (heh, as it is they arent getting it. so why the bloody hell are you demanding it anyway?) then, this respite will allow the club to invest and use some of its youth players to BUILD FROM BOTTOM UP and make a good team in a couple of seasons later.

      but this is singing yaasin in the ears of khar.
      pp and ss will go on with their momentary and ultra-short term goals and continue to fail and be more miserable and bring humiliation to Iran even if they actually manage to reach asia!
      serves them right

      edit: I just feel bad for poor Zob Ahan who were sacrificed and decimated for the sake of pp and ss. the moment they reached that high, their funding was cut and suddenly the government decided helping industries maintain football teams is wrong. so they cut off almost all of Zob's budget ... as REWARD of being second team of asia!

      but instead, at the same time they started funding and diverting 10-20 times more money into the toilet holes without bottom (ss and PP). and we see the result now!


        It also means....that players and Coaches move around so much,that Teams have no chemistry....everything is on paper.


          All the valid points mentioned here aside, I am thinking PP might just have a curse hanging over it. For instance I always considered Gordan a top-notch goalkeeper and he established himself as the rock in Zob Ahan. Since he started playing for PP though he has made uncharacteristic childish errors and nowadays not even the starter there. There are other examples similar to Gordan's case, but you get the idea. Even Ansarifard is not scoring in PP like when he was in Saipa (where he finished the top IPL goal getter last season.)

          About Doc Doom's comment on PP and winning IPL cups... To this date PP has won the thing only once and that one time was under our very beloved (being surcastic!) coach Afshin Ghotbi. I wonder how in the world he managed PP to get the job done. I think we all agreed here more or less that Ghotbi was an "analyzer" and a "public relations person" much more than he was a football manager.


            it also means: "Be Footbaleh Iran Khosh Amadid"!

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
              All the valid points mentioned here aside, I am thinking PP might just have a curse hanging over it. For instance I always considered Gordan a top-notch goalkeeper and he established himself as the rock in Zob Ahan. Since he started playing for PP though he has made uncharacteristic childish errors and nowadays not even the starter there. There are other examples similar to Gordan's case, but you get the idea. Even Ansarifard is not scoring in PP like when he was in Saipa (where he finished the top IPL goal getter last season.)

              About Doc Doom's comment on PP and winning IPL cups... To this date PP has won the thing only once and that one time was under our very beloved (being surcastic!) coach Afshin Ghotbi. I wonder how in the world he managed PP to get the job done. I think we all agreed here more or less that Ghotbi was an "analyzer" and a "public relations person" much more than he was a football manager.
              mate, dont start that with me.
              you well know it was denizli's effect that early into the season pp raked in wins. reaping what denizli had sowed.
              BUT as the effect (teachings and conditioning) wore off slowly draws & even losses appeared and quite a few points dropped that brought them that crisis near the end of the season, and eventually they won by their teeth.
              testament to ghotbi's inability to sustain what denizli had sowed is the next season when HE was in full charge and the team was totally HIS. heh. we know what happened and how he was eventually kicked out.

              nice try, attempting to sneak in an un-deserved credit or kudos to ghotbi in the middle of all this. but no biscuit.

              oh, besides, that wasnt pp's ONLY championship. Ali Parvin won the first pro league championship too.


                ^ That is right, I looked up the record of the first season again:

                In any event I think we both agree that Perspolis needs an iron hand to manage it. Maybe they should bring Parvin back?



                  Amongst many other things , it means that if your are a player in Perspolis or Esteghlal , your chances for selection in Team Melli is quadruple.

                  Actually , when PP bought all those players , they were already in Team Melli , so , things are a bit more complicated.



                    Unfortunately it could also mean that these PP players could spread the virus they are suffering from in TM as well.
                    As we all know, SS player don't have a good immune system either.


                      A football team is much more (or less) than the sum of the individual quality of the players.

                      The way the Persepolis squad was built was highly amateurish and I predicted ahead of the season that PP will be far from title contenders.

                      The situation is more complex, but don't forget all of PP's new TM players were national team players ahead of joining PP this summer.

                      They all performed well at their clubs and at TM and to be honest, all of them pretty much still deliver for the national team.

                      But obviously, there is much wrong at the club which makes it difficult for them to perform there.


                        it means that PP turned into a wellness club. Players, who want to earn big money and drive big cars, enjoying some quality time in Tehran, desire a move to PP.

                        Mr Royanian is acting like Baba Noel, the coach is the newest holiday host.

                        And by the way, pls tell me a club, where first the players are bought and afterwards the coach is appointed.
                        TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                          Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                          The simplest explanation for me is that there are better players in the IPL which are not being noticed or utilized in the national team.
                          IMO, it's a little too early to judge - there haven't been enough games yet. We could not say Levante was a great side because they led La Liga for a few months...I think we need another 8 games before we can consider this properly.
                          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                            it tells you that only 5 weeks have passed and perspolis needs much time to get to used to a new coahing staff + more than 10 new players.


                              Ok, I am gonna keep observing the next few games and let's see what happens. I wonder how come Teraktor or Sepahan don't need 6 weeks to get it together.


