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Hanging on to the "Trophy coach"

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    Hanging on to the "Trophy coach"

    The term actually comes from - Yeah. Queiroz is going to take us to the World Cup.
    - Oh really? Queiroz is coaching Iran now?
    - Yep. He has been there for over a year now.
    OVER A YEAR in charge speaks volumes.

    Rahmati - Mahini, Aghily, Montazeri, P. Nouri (46' Hajsafi) - Karimi, Nekounam, M. Nouri - Shojaei, Khalatbari (68' Gholami) - Ansarifard (46' Ghazi

    very well written.
    I like the analogy too.

    but montazeri was already capped by other coaches.
    and I think even ghazi was invited by ghotbi too. but this needs confirmation.

    so as far as "introduction" of players goes, I think only reza haghighi of fajr can be mentioned and that shd be it

    also I am not amused by the cheeky way and rather quietly, you slid the "made mistakes/wrong steps since 2006" into the argument. cheeky, but transparent. trying to buy credit for a bankrupt wimp.
    I'd say you shd have made it "since 2004"


      I hope some IFF folks come to the football forums here to see the great posts our members are making.



        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        also I am not amused by the cheeky way and rather quietly, you slid the "made mistakes/wrong steps since 2006" into the argument. cheeky, but transparent. trying to buy credit for a bankrupt wimp.
        I'd say you shd have made it "since 2004"
        Doctor Jan,

        I know your opinion about Ivankovic, fully respect it, but don't agree with it.

        The guy had a great team, but, unlike Queiroz, when he came to Iran, he took a team of U-23 players, went to the Asian Games, won GOLD, and then took that almost same team to the 2006 World Cup.

        In the process, he also won 3rd place at the Asian Cup.

        My opinion:

        Ivankovic wasn't PERFECT and ERROR FREE, but, at least, he gave something back to iranian football.

        Can you say the same thing about Queiroz if he'll leaves tommorow?

        The only thing he has so far given Iran football is ruining the chance of qualifying for the 2014 World Cup in the EASIEST GROUP we've ever been to in history...


          As far as I am concerned, I really do not care if Team Melli coach is Mongolian, Chinese, Croatian or an Arab. I am truly concerned with his quality, productivity and ability to deliver. I realize that many fans jump to the bandwagon of a foreign or European coach because they think that by the virtue of being born in the West and having a white skin, he habitually will be better qualified, more knowledgeable and more suitable than a local coach. Of course they consider such coach to be unconditionally better than any local Iranian coach and capable of succeeding in his mission.

          That is a stereotype mentality, that has no place in a real professional environment. It stems from poor knowledge and understanding of professionalism and many other factors. There is also what is referred to as “Colonial Effect”. Despite the development, education and progress that our society has gone through in the last decades, we still have a lack of confidence in our own ability and still carry traces of colonial influences. We still look at the white man with fair skin as a superior race. We think we are guaranteed success with him , even if he fails to deliver and has a poor end result , we condemn ourselves and our people for making the white man fail in his mission !!

          I pity a nation that has such a mindset.

          To Carlos Queiroz. Yes , you have described well and his particularly his relation with Iranian football image , Agha Amir. Some people seem to have this feel-good sense with a guy like Queiroz at the helm of the Team Melli coaching and frankly, I was very much in that group based on the background and the resume of the guy. That support was despite the fact that for years I have been shouting my mouth off about the unsuitability of foreign coaches for Iranian players and Iran’s football. For years I have said that a foreign coach is NOT necessarily the best option for Team Melli under all circumstances. The are many reasons that I have repeatedly mentioned, which is beyond the scope of this post , however , never in my wildest dreams , I would have thought that the knowledge , experience , achievements of a professional such as Queiroz will yield such poor results and performances.

          There must be dozens of reasons for his failure to guide the team to its deserve position and status, some of those are truly beyond his control. But , let us not forget or ignore , nor turn a blind eye to the fact that Carlos Queiroz is guilty of many shortcomings be it in his poor selection of players , tactical prowess, mentality and valor or communication skills. He has simply displayed poor competence, for a supposedly professional and high class coach that he once was.

          That feel good factor has been marginalized a long time ago, in my case. Queiroz has repeatedly failed to deliver so far. One cannot predict on the future , but the past record is clear. The performance of Team Melli is so desponding and disappointing that instead of depending on our skills , competence , tactics and spirit amongst many other things to make it to the world cup , we have to resort to “Doaa & Salavat” and wishful thinking with the combination of this coach and the players that HE selects , playing the tactics HE designs and sets up.!
          Last edited by maij; 09-13-2012, 12:52 AM.



            Originally posted by Kaiser Amir View Post
            Doctor Jan,

            I know your opinion about Ivankovic, fully respect it, but don't agree with it.

            The guy had a great team, but, unlike Queiroz, when he came to Iran, he took a team of U-23 players, went to the Asian Games, won GOLD, and then took that almost same team to the 2006 World Cup.

            In the process, he also won 3rd place at the Asian Cup.

            My opinion:

            Ivankovic wasn't PERFECT and ERROR FREE, but, at least, he gave something back to iranian football.

            Can you say the same thing about Queiroz if he'll leaves tommorow?

            The only thing he has so far given Iran football is ruining the chance of qualifying for the 2014 World Cup in the EASIEST GROUP we've ever been to in history...

            well, you're talking about a coach who was in Iran for about 5 years, at the time we still had a lot of fantastic players available, quite a lot of legionnaires and a fantastic Omid team at his disposal.
            it makes it hard to compare them in this way as CQ has had 1 and half years and a bunch of players who arent at the same level of those in 2002-2006 period, and hardly any legionnaires (in fact so far the only worthy one of value is dejagah and no more) and a bankrupt, mismanaged omid team!

            unfair to compare them for their deeds during their tenure.

            but there are similarities.
            BOTH look like to be good assistant coaches, supporting great head coaches. so when it comes to being the second in command, they know what they're talking about and deliver properly.
            but when you put them in the driver's seat and give them the decision making role is when they both seem to fall apart and make mistakes and get clogged and clobbered.

            we've had many discussions on how some great assistant coaches can not automatically be great head coaches. both branko and CQ are examples of this phenomenon.

            - and "easiest" group? really, you're going to push me to defend CQ?
            direct qualification
            2 teams out of 4 ---> each team has exactly 25% chance (faced only one tough opponent; japan)
            2 teams out of 5 ---> each has 20% chance. (now, we have two tough opponents; skorea, uzbeks)

            (it's a different matter that we were extremely lucky to face a severely depleted uzbek team)

            note on branko. As I always admit, I believe he was good for us from the moment he took over the U23 side until the end of AC2004.
            that was the time we shd have let him go and brought in someone with fresh ideas. Branko simply ran out of ideas by asia cup (during it, actually).
            and things got worse when the WCQ's started. he lost his nerves and became a very different man. too scared and cautious to the point of despair, never showing any nerves in dealing with the smallest obstacles and problems.
            after asia cup, he shd have packed his bag and left with his head held high that he gave Iran some years to be proud of. but greed and rooky ambition of appearing at a WC took over and ... !


              i think queiroz best contribution to TM so far has been introduction of pouladi as TM LB who so far seems a better option than branko & daei's nosrati, ghalenoi's zandi, and ghotbi's hajsafi. but then again, the LB position is pretty much the only position in TM which different coaches can display their difference in taste. the other positions are more or less fixed.

              queiroz also did help in bringing some iranian legionnaires to TM and although its too soon to question the qualifty of these players, atleast he did make an attempt to give a chance to iranians outside iran as well. but question remains, will they turn out to be another shapourzadeh?

              i also like his new project of playing montazeri fixed in TM cos i think besides him, nosrati and sheys, no other CB in iran has the pace or the ball control to challenge the top asian teams. however, whether aghili or hosseini has to be benched for pejman is the question. i would prefer a hosseini-pejman duo but if queiroz prefers an aghili-pejman combo, i can see the following explanations:
              1) hosseini is relatively short for a CB and pejman is not very dominant in air. aghili is the only CB among the 3 who is a safe bet on aerial balls.
              2) aghili is more of a leader than hosseini and in a 4 line defense, u need someone to lead the defense line which i believe aghili can do better than hosseini
              3) hosseini has been heart of perspolis defense and with the horrible defensice performances of PP in IPL this season, part of it could mean hosseini is out of form?
              4) plus aghili score more goals again because of his good height and heading ability and penalty taking skills.

              i have also noticed since queiroz took over, TM has reduced its bekesh ziresh style of play. its still there though, but much lesser than before. however, we are still having problems creating chances which leads me to:

              wat is clearly missing from irans game is:
              1) speed and transition of the game from defense to forward and vice versa
              2) stamina and fitness level
              3) a creative attacking midfielder with vision to break through the center of defense and play 1 touch passing

              1) and 2) is more done at club level and to an extent at national level specially if u have longer period camps.
              3) with jabbari missing and mohd nouri being so inconsistent, there isnt much queiroz can do at this point.

              i dont know why quieroz doesnt visit any city outside tehran to see matches other than SS and PP. a man of his caliber, experience and intelligence should know that he is giving a weak point to the iranian nation to focus on. maybe he sends scouts to other matches? possible, but still, he himself needs to go to some of those games as well such as isfahan derby for example even if it is just for showing his face to the public.

              his over reliance on karim ansarifard who is totally out of form and can be seen in the league games, and the fact that first he doesnt call him, then suddenly few days left, he calls him and plays him fixed can leave us baffled.
              while i do believe that we need to call players who are on form, i also do believe that a national team needs to build and develop chemistry and after every 2 months, inviting new sets of players will not help a national team. the most succesful teams in the world are the teams who dont change their line-ups and squad a lot. joachim low showed how negative this could be in euros when he kept changing his squad per game and finally against italy, it back fired. critics explained that had germany (like spain), fielded its own main starting 11 and not change his lineup to suit italy, germany would have probably won that game. spain didnt do the same mistake, they didnt change their squad and didnt field more central midfielders to neutralize de rossi and pirlo and they came out successful. but to not even call the leagues top scorers to atleast test them is pushing it...

              while i appreciate queiroz idea of trying to maintain the majority of the squad same to build a "team" over time, i dont appreciate it mostly being consisted of the oldies of iranian football.

              not playing friendlies against any team of even 2nd division in europe is worrysome. more so is the situation where in 3 games, we have only scored once that too against uzbek, qatar and lebanon. we have had 3 draws with qatar and 1 loss to lebanon. this should clearly indiciate to queiroz that he isnt doing wat he is supposed to do cos these scorelines can also be achieved by 2nd division azadegan coaches. i hope he realizes he needs to make major changes in watever he is doing cos at this rate, he wont make it to the worldcup.


              as for branko, 6 years have passed since the end of his tenure and the results and performance of TM speaks for itself no matter who says wat. everything is recorded as facts.
              beghole maroof, an che ke ayanast, che hajat be bayanast
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

