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    آرامش بعد از طوفان

    Calm after Thea storm

    پس از این توفان ها به آرامش خواهیم رسید

    صعود به جام جهانی سخت است
    و ما راهی دشوار برای رسیدن به هدف مان پیش رو داریم.
    قطعا این توفان ها تمام خواهد شد و ما به آرامش خواهیم رسید.

    دفاع کی روش از مردانش

    After embarrassing and costly defeat in Lebanon Queiroz left for 10 days vacation or to take care of personal issues. One might think taking off 10 days before do or die game versus S Korea 34 days ahead is untimely , but on that best is to give him benefit of doubt for whatever reason he has.
    He will miss 2 weeks of IPL but he has time away to re evaluate his strategy and fine tune his game plan against strong S Korea. It is expected of him to play strong and deliver satisfactory result. No more "Abbas" excuse may be accepted even for staunch supporter.

    Upon his return he will have chance to promote his vision and give hope . If latest news (Fars) is accurate, he may have second thought about playing against N Korea. Given his past record in Iran , CQ unlikely to risk playing young player against S Korea and IF N Korean game was to give opportunity to fine tune and opportunity for young/new players that might not be as useful.

    So far response to his defeat has been mixed ,and there has been many former players or coaches who are against his removal. According to Kafashian he will not fire him even if he lose to S Korea but as usual the way Kafashian talk , one has to examine fine reading of his statement because often what is say is opposite of what he mean.

    He seems has already gave up on this team an believe with this trend and results what is the point of going to WC !.
    ( Then why fire him and pay, why not let him leave. Is suddenly Money is so important? more than chance of WC ?)

    * بعضي رسانه ها معتقدند فدراسيون بايد به خاطر شكست تيم ملي از مردم عذرخواهي كند، نظرتان چيست؟ـ

    ير؛ عذرخواهي يعني چي؟! حالا ما صد بار هم عذرخواهي كنيم چه اتفاقي مي افتد؟

    ما يك رقابتي را شروع كرديم و معتقديم ا
    گر بخواهيم شانسي و ضعيف به جام جهاني راه

    پيدا كنيم به درد نمي خورد
    . تيم ما اگر فقط هدفش صعود به جام جهاني باشد فايده اي ندارد. اگر به جام جهاني برويم بايد تيمي داشته باشيم كه آن جا حرفي براي گفتن داشته باشد.
    اگر مثل كره و ژاپن به جام جهاني رفتيم و آن جا جنگيديم و خوب نتيجه گرفتيم شرط است اما اگر مثل كره شمالي به جام جهاني برويم و همان اول چند تا گل بخوريم و برگرديم كه به درد نمي خورد. آيا مردم از اين راضي مي شوند؟ اتفاقا سرخورده مي شوند.

    بنابراين تيم ما بايد خوب بازي كند و خوب نتيجه بگيرد؛ صرفا يك باخت و يك برد كافي نيست.

    قبول كنيم ما ازبكستان را شانسي برديم و به لبنان هم شانسي باختيم اما هيچ كدام از اينها ملاك نيست. ما از بازي بد تيم ناراحتيم چون اين تيم ملي، تيمي نيست كه بخواهد در جام جهاني رقابت خوبي داشته باشد.

    Queiroz talked about Calm after the Storm, Hopefully he is right but short of victory is is Calm before the Storm

    كوله باري پر از هيچ
    كه بر شانه ماست
    گله از دست كسي نيست
    مقصر دل ديوانه ماست.

    with all this running away from test games, losing to shitty opponents, weak and poor performances, ultra defensive strategies, ..... it's re-living the branko-nightmare once again!!!!!

    if he's taking off and not watching the IPL for 2 weeks, how the f**k is he going to supposedly bring in new names?
    I'm afraid it's going to be either:
    1- he'll rveret to pretty much the same roster stating lack of time to test new players!
    2- bring in a couple of UN-TESTED and haphazardly picked new players, most probably used as an escape goat for a possible failure!

    International coach indeed!


      I have a feeling that Key players might save CQ's ass, (Dejagah, teymourian, KB) because after the 3rd round.. cq has stagnated and gone downhill, he will have to prove himself, I personally am being realistic here and think he will go for a tie against korea in azadi.
      AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        with all this running away from test games, losing to shitty opponents, weak and poor performances, ultra defensive strategies, ..... it's re-living the branko-nightmare once again!!!!!

        if he's taking off and not watching the IPL for 2 weeks, how the f**k is he going to supposedly bring in new names?
        I'm afraid it's going to be either:
        1- he'll rveret to pretty much the same roster stating lack of time to test new players!
        2- bring in a couple of UN-TESTED and haphazardly picked new players, most probably used as an escape goat for a possible failure!

        International coach indeed!
        He said he is away because of his "court case ".
        His assistants attend IPL games and report to him . Namazi & Markar are not the best choice but CQ trust them.

        CQ said he does not want to play NK because of fear of injury to players. Did he not consider that when he agreed to play them ?

        I think losing to Lebanon changed his mind and no longer can risk unexpected.
        If he play against NK and play bad or lose , things will get worse and team will be demoralized further with little time to recover.
        He may have no confidence about his team

        For now as he said he want calm


          I think IFF has done the right thing,by giving him the continued support.......


            The fans need to continue to hold CQ's feet to fire... Otherwise he will not deliver. I am totally sure of that.



              Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
              I have a feeling that Key players might save CQ's ass, (Dejagah, teymourian, KB) because after the 3rd round.. cq has stagnated and gone downhill, he will have to prove himself, I personally am being realistic here and think he will go for a tie against korea in azadi.
              He really doesn't believe in our chances for winning vs SK, even if @ home ..!& he is looking for a long haul, methodical approach to qualifying, taking 1 game @ a time ..! Even if that means having to need a tie or win in last game to avoid qualification ..!
              I'm not so sure he will be kept to see the last q. Game..!


                Still a storm if you ask me.



                  Not anymore .

                  Can anyone critisizing Nekounam and Rahmati retire from PFDC now?


                    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                    Not anymore .

                    Can anyone critisizing Nekounam and Rahmati retire from PFDC now?
                    I have always, supported Rahmati...and CQ.....but, not Nekonam recently.......he did good today by scoring...
                    But, our midfield did not play good at all.


                      I still wish to know why the reliance on more Persepolis players than any other team? I am afraid there is an undue influence from the club management itself or the sports ministry over CQ to choose these PP players. I would certainly think a midfielder such as Bakhtiar Rahmani from Foolad is a better choice for the Iran midfield.

                      Meanwhile Brazil destroys Japan:
                      I guess for Iraq to lose 6-0 was not such a bad thing after all. Oh and Holland is back under Luis van Gaal, they beat Romania 4-1.


