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Iran's squad in Waff; Affarin Doctor Doom, else.

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    Wow take a look at this:

    I wonder if the WAFF had something to do with us dropping to #59. Also note Colombia in the 5th spot and Brazil in the 18th...!

    Good read:


      huh? I didnt get what you were trying to say. use "my" key players? where? when?
      plz explain


      personally I wouldnt plcae too much emphasis on rankings. they are so fluid and unreliable when it comes to assessing the performance of TM, because they are dependent on too many other variables. if for a period we dont have any official or int'l games and say, africans have their continental championships, then you'd see a rise of their rankings. or if we have an asian comp'n and a few freidnlies while europe is asleep and is busy with their domestic leagues, we see a rise in asian team's.
      so I wouldnt put too much trust and use that as any foundation.

      personally I believe we are between 40-60th teams in the world, depending on our good days to bad days.



        From CQ 's comments after the WAFF games According to report :

        A: Aim was to test young, inexperienced players.
        B: among reasons they did not advanced was he did not have players he wanted.

        Do you see an irony here?

        Players he wanted but unable to get Pouladi ( injury replaced by Esmaeilbeigi), Rafghaei ( replaced by Oladi) . Mosalman ( visa issue)...
        In one hand aim is to give chance to young players , in another hand , he wanted to win but alas players he requested was not there...

        If i tell you i suspectd such excuses you may not believe and i don't expected you to believe but in this case i have something to show..
        If you recall our exchange before games began .

        My post on 11-23-2012, 12:08 PM

        I prefer Queiroz select without any pressure, influence players he think are the best. I pray he coach that team during WAFF game and not his assists.

        People have the right to see what they can get for what they pay. There won't be Korean , Uzbeks... hopefully no more excuse...


          St_Mark... great analysis. You have uncovered the flaw in CQ's argument and it shows how easily it falls apart. I hope people pay attention to this issue but unfortunately few members come in to read the Football+ forums.

          Doc, rankings are important for tournament seeding, and they do indeed reflect the true status of most national teams. I don't believe we could successfully argue that we are a great team but our rank is 59. Please once again look at the FAQ link I posted, they have relevant metrics incorporated in there. It is justifiable that when a team is dormant for a while, it will be less ready for the next competitive game. So in your example, Africa having a tournament points to the teams in that continent being more active and ready in that period of time... We cannot strip the issue of time from this analysis.

          It is also easier to request other high rank footballing countries for friendly matches when we ourselves have a decent rank. I think of it like social status in real life: Most people ultimately hang out with folks in their own social status. The saying is that who you keep in your company says a lot about you.


            ^ mate, what you say IS true ... only in normal cases.
            we both know IR Iran is NOT a normal case with the huge elephant in the middle of the room (politics).
            I'm not saying we shd be happy with the crappy madagascar, mozambique ... friendlies, coz I think we certainly can do better than them (and I blame fear of loss or fear of being exposed for many dodges and avoidance of more decent friendly opponents). But I also have to acknowledge we just cant get the top 10-15 teams unless we PAY them. and the rest of 15th to 30 ranked teams also are slightly out of running (mostly political reasons).

            However, I think with a little work and early preperations we CAN and SHOULD get teams on par or those that hover around our rank.
            sometimes it is IFF's incompetence and lazy attitude. sometimes it is direct coaching decisions that try to keep a lid of the TRUE FORM & CAPABILITIES of our team!

            Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

            From CQ 's comments after the WAFF games According to report :

            A: Aim was to test young, inexperienced players.
            B: among reasons they did not advanced was he did not have players he wanted.

            Do you see an irony here?

            Players he wanted but unable to get Pouladi ( injury replaced by Esmaeilbeigi), Rafghaei ( replaced by Oladi) . Mosalman ( visa issue)...
            In one hand aim is to give chance to young players , in another hand , he wanted to win but alas players he requested was not there...

            If i tell you i suspectd such excuses you may not believe and i don't expected you to believe but in this case i have something to show..
            If you recall our exchange before games began .

            very true.

            I think CQ's stay in Iran has changed him.
            well, to be honest, I didnt really know him and his attitude until he came to Iran to know what kind of personality he had. But at the moment I can confirm he has all the daghal-baazi & charlatan-baazi of Iranians that makes him pretty much like us. he's learned these things very well from us!!!
            all that's left is for him to change his name to ... say ... "Kasra Khorvash" or something to complete the picture.


              They lined up Brazil, South Korea, and Russia in 2010 and 2011 in a short span for friendlies. I don't see why the IFF can't continue finding decent teams to play Iran. By the way, Portuguese and Brazilian cultures are somewhat similar. I have contact with plenty of Brazilians here in San Diego and they are all very cut-throat, street sharp, va gholdor people by nature. I doubt CQ has any need to learn things from Iranians. In fact in comparison, Iranians may come across to him as angels.




                Originally posted by Mansoor View Post
                To me Martin jaan, it was his vision and long range passing as well as his RUNNING rate.

                I don't think we have had anybody since Bagheri that can pass a perfect pinpoint long range pass over the defenders for near scoring opportunity like he does.

                Why is this so important for TM right now? We have a problem in TM and that is lack of scoring and enough offense. I believe our main problem is in midfield that does not create enough "strong" scoring chances for offense and when they get one or two, they are so nervous and "unfamiliar", they blew it too.

                So, having a player in "defensive" side of the team that can contribute as such that can immediately put a player in scoring opportunity is a huge advantage for TM.

                While his defensive duties were strong but nothing above other first-team options we have (such as Haghighi), his long diagonal or "thru" defenders passing in few occasions got me off my seat. It may not have been a highlight for this team because of youth and being the second team. Give those passes to players like Dejagah, Gucci, even Khalatbari and Ansarifard (yeah, I know), and seat back and watch a highlight score.

                I hope Carlos took a notice at this critical point. For TM, it is not once in a while blunder Rahmati or defenders have had that has put us in this situation. It is the lack of scoring and "stuck-in-the-mud" midfield.

                The second great point about Ebrahimi is his running rate. Take a second look at the game and only zoom in Ebrahimi. He is RUNNING and RUNNING no matter who has the ball to open space and positioning himself for moving the offense forward. Look how smart and effective he is in constantly running around the "pressing opponent", getting the ball, and quickly "simply" passing and moving forward....

                I think it is time for new blood. We have the same midfield from WC2006 for god sake. We need to move on. They have proven to be "in-effective" despite their great experience and here and there sparks. I think Haghighi-Ebrahimi combo is the future "for the moment" .....
                fantastic post, couldnt agree more..!!
                MR does have a point about him being a bit vanilla defensively and generally undersized for a Holding DM role, that spot belongs to reza haghighi for years to come..!! I absolutely love his workrate on the pitch and how well Omid moves without the ball, providing precious easy outlet for our players all over the MF..! his accuracy on Long passes and through balls are first class and his poise on the ball is quite commendable for a young lad..!!
                i liked to adapt this kid to a more OCM role, cause his quality shines best in moving forward and ball distribution in the MF onwards..! we are really thin on that position in current TM and there is so much that can be expected from the old Karimi and fragile and unreliable Jabbari...!! Mohamad Nouri and Dehnavi, both simply Lack international class and are a waste of time and space in TM...! id rather take a chance on the Rahmani kid that St.Mark is raving about,& Milad Nouri than wasting anymore chances on proven hopeless cases ..!

                for us to have any realistic chance of still advancing to WC, Carlos really needs to address our MF offensive distributions and possession controlling problem, whether via a different formation or squad manipulation or preferably both ..! we cant expect any Striker to perform admirably in this hapless offensive scheme..! currently we hardly give any useful service to anybody we line up uptop and we further isolate them by playing only one striker and expect the guy to regularly retrieve back to defend in our own half too..!! when a hot of the press lethal finisher like Gucci is brought into this offensive scheme and he hardly manages to even get a touch on the ball as in Uzbek game, then there is something really effed up about our whole offensive system..!!


                  At the end, Syria won the WAFF '12 tournament beating Iraq 1-0 in the final, and Oman finished third:




                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    I think CQ's stay in Iran has changed him.
                    well, to be honest, I didnt really know him and his attitude until he came to Iran to know what kind of personality he had. But at the moment I can confirm he has all the daghal-baazi & charlatan-baazi of Iranians that makes him pretty much like us. he's learned these things very well from us!!!
                    all that's left is for him to change his name to ... say ... "Kasra Khorvash" or something to complete the picture.

                    I found that to be quite funny and timely as well. Timely in the sense that only recently , I was engaged in a discussing with a group of people on how foreigners change when they live in this part of the world for some time. The concept of "When in Rome , do what the Romans do."

                    Of course , apart form the funny side, you are quite right & spot on , Doc.



                      In the pother forum , I briefly went through a post regarding future defenders for Team Melli.

                      It struck me that some people think that it is the fault of Iranian coaches that better defenders and, for that matter, forwards are not developed in Iran !!!!

                      That is quite nonsense, of course. A skilled football player MUST HAVE the natural ability to start with and without such ability he will never develop into a high or international standard footballer. People seem to have the wrong concept about coaches too. They think that a coach needs to go to university, study for years in Europe or Brazil before he is qualified. I wish that was true, I would have spent a good part of my own fortune and stayed in Europe for as much as a decade if that would have turned me into a Mourinho or Wenger , or a famous football coach, at least .

                      You know how much money these people make , right ? It would have been a fantastic investment



                        Merci BL jaan. Let's hope Carlos sees it the same way we do, and uses Omid more often. Every coach has his own approach to the game and not sure if he fits in his approach ....
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                        Go IRAN!

