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Chalangar !!

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    Chalangar !!

    Here is my tribute to Reza Chalangar !!
    unless I am mistakin - someone with a name like that is the OFFICIAL translator to our TM football coach - Branco.

    As bad as it is, for our national coach to still need a translator to talk football to our footballers - who don't need any more than preliminary Farsi - what I saw today during the Iran/Croatia game was worse !!!

    Branco gets up and gestures the team to move up - and in his desperation to do a good job - Chalangar does the same - follows Branco like a monkey - and makes the exact same gestures !!! making all of us look like a nation of idiots - who we are ------- at times !!

    So what do you suggest? Should they fires those "monkeys" now that they finally achieved to get us to the World Cup? Iran isn't the only team with a foreign coach. Greece won the Euro 2004 finals with a Gernan coach.
    I't so typical that some can't learn to appreciate others' hard work and effort to do a good job.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



      well when Branko talks The Croatians, Serbians and Bosnians understand him, the best thing is then Chalangar translates, so our players also understand him.


        CHalengar is the most professinal translator of our football.

        He is fast, precise and is 100% accurate at translating every single word.

        Its his job to shout in Farsi even if Branko is shouting during the games.

        The only thing is, Branko should have learned Farsi in these 4 years. He even admitted this flaw himself.


          Chalangar's great, I don't know what problem you have with him. It's good that he doesn't only translate but also copies the gestures, so if players only look at him, they also understand what Branko means.


            He's a cool guy. He is not just a translator. He is a friend and an informal assistant to Branko.


              Originally posted by Behrooz
              He is a friend and an informal assistant to Branko.
              In the other words, we (all Iranians) are indirectly proven to know some thing about football and can work professionally, however our shortcoming is the Croat language.

              Don't you believe me? Read about Ahmadinejad meeting with the team, man the guy just saved the sub's list.


                Chalangar is one of TM's unsung heroes.

                you can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth


                  Originally posted by taha
                  Chalangar is one of TM's unsung heroes.
                  LOL aren't you not going a bit too far there. Afterall he is just a translator, if not him then someone else.


                    Chalangar is AWSOME
                    ABED1ZADEH -KAR8IMI -BAG6HERI Forever


                      baba chlangar is a neccessary element in our TM.
                      However - does he have to translate Branko BODY GESTURES ?? All Branko was doing was waving his arms, using the international sign language of getting players to move ahead - then Chalangar gets up from his sit goes to the sideline gets next to Branko and starts moving his arms - is that necessary ? Is he going to do the same thing in Germany ? do we not look like fools when he does that ?


                        For all they know.. he could be our assistant coach

