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WC groups Analysis !

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    WC groups Analysis !

    به گزارش ايرنا ازتارنمای فدراسيون بين المللی فوتبال(فيفا)، رقابت های انتخابی جام جهانی برزيل ديشب (چهارشنبه شب) به پايان رسيد و آمار اين رقابت ها به شرح زير مشخص شد:

    تعداد کل مسابقات : ۸۱۶
    تعداد گل : ۲۲۸۶ گل.
    ميانگين گل : ۳گل در هر بازی
    تعداد تيم های شرکت کننده : ۲۰۴ تيم
    تعداد تيم های صعود کرده : ۳۲ تيم
    تعداد تيم های حذف شده : ۱۷۲ بازی
    پيروزی در خانه : ۳۹۵ بازی معادل ۴۸درصد.
    تساوی در خانه :۱۸۴ بازی معادل ۲۳ درصد.
    پيروزی خارج از خانه :۲۴۸ بازی حدود ۳۰ درصد
    تاريخ شروع مسابقات : ۱۵ ژوئن ۲۰۱۱
    تاريخ پايان مسابقات : ۲۱ نوامبر ۲۰۱۳
    تيم های شرکت نکرده: بوتان ، بروئنی ، گوآم ، موريتانی ، سودان جنوبی
    تعداد کارت زرد : ۲۸۹۸
    تعداد کارت قرمز : ۱۰۱

    تعداد گل ها در قاره های مختلف:

    تبليغات خبرنامه گويا

    آسيا- ۴۲۹، اروپا- ۷۴۹، کونکاکاف - ۴۲۱، امريکای لاتين-۲۰۱، آفريقا- ۳۶۵، اقيانوسيه ۱۲۱.

    تعداد بازيکنان : آسيا ۱۰۷۷ - اروپا ۱۵۸۴ - کونکاکاف ۹۵۰- امريکای جنوبی۳۶۶-آفريقا ۱۴۶۹- اقيانوسيه ۲۷۰ .

    هيچ مسابقه ای لغو نشده است

    هجومی ترين تيم های مسابقات: آلمان و کالدونيای جديد با ۳۶ گل ، آرژانتين ۳۵

    اروپا: آلمان ۳۶ گل- هلند ۳۴ گل - انگليس ۳۱ گل.

    آمارهای آلمان:۱۰بازی (۹برد و يک تساوی)- ميانگن۶ /۳ گل در هر بازی

    آسيا: ايران، ژاپن و اردن با ۳۰ گل - هجومی ترين تيم ها.

    ايران- ۷گل خورده - هيچ پنالتی نخورده - ميانگين گل درهربازی۹ /۱گل در۱۶بازی.(۱۰ برد - ۴تساوی و ۲باخت).

    اندونزی در آسيا با ۳۰ گل خورده بيشترين گل خورده را دارد.

    کونکاکاف: مکزيک با۳۱ گل زده اول-ميانگين ۷ /۱گل در۱۸بازی(۱۰برد ۵مساوی سه شکست).

    آمريکای جنوبی: آرژانتين با ۳۵ گل - ميانگين ۲/۲گل در۱۶بازی(۹برد۵مساوی و دو شکست).

    افريقا :غنا با ۲۵ گل - ميانگين ۱ /۳ گل در ۸بازی (شش برد و دو شکست)

    اقيانوسيه:کالدونيای جديد با ۳۶ گل - ميانگين ۳ /۳ گل در۱۱ بازی( ۷برد- ۴باخت)

    تيم غنا باکمترين بازی يعنی ۸بازی ومکزيک با بيشترين يعنی ۱۸بازی راهی جام جهانی شده اند.

    بهترين گلزنان: ديون مک کولی از بليز، روبين فان پرسی از هلند و لوئيس سوآرس از اروگوئه با ۱۱ گل.

    ۱۰گل : ادين ژکو از بوسنی و هرزگوين ، ليونل مسی از آرژانتين ، پيتر بيرز از آنتيگوآ ، بلاس پرس از پاناما ، اوريبه پرالتا از مکزيک

    ۹ گل : گونسالو ايگوآين از آرژانتين ، رادامل فالکائو از کلمبيا ، خری بنگتسون از هندوراس

    ۸ گل : شين جی اوکازاکی از ژاپن ، ژرژس ژوپه از نيوکالدونيا ، کلينت دمپسی از آمريکا ، ويداد ايبيشويچ از بوسنی و هرزگوين ، مسوت اوزيل از آلمان ، آلوارو سابوريو از کاستاريکا ، کريس رونالدو از پرتغال ، زلاتان ابراهيموويچ از سوئد

    ۷ گل : ژاک هائکو از نيوکالدونيا ، کريس وود از نيوزيلند ، يونس محمود از عراق ، حسن عبدالفتاح و احمد هايل از اردن ، لی کنگ وينه از ويتنام ، وين رونی از انگليس ، فيليپه کايسدو از اکوادور ، کارلو کاستلی از هندوراس ، لوئيس تخادا از پاناما

    در تيم ايران جواد نکونام با زدن ۶ گل در رده بعدی قرار دارد.

    گلزنان قاره ها:
    اروپا: فان پرسی از هلند با ۱۱ گل.

    کونکاکاف: دئون مک کالای از بليز با ۱۱ گل.

    آمريکای جنوبی: سوارس از اروگوئه با ۱۱ گل.

    آفريقا : اساموا از غنا با ۶ گل

    اقيانوسيه: جورجس گوب فليج از کالدونيای جديد با ۸ گل.

    ۱- شين جی اوکازاکی از ژاپن با ۸ گل
    ۲- کانگ وين لی از ويتنام با ۷ گل
    ۳- حسن محمود از اردن با ۷ گل
    ۷- جواد نکونام از ايران با ۶ گل
    - رضا قوچان نژاد ۳ گل
    - کريم انصاری فرد با ۳گل
    مجتبی جباری با ۳گل
    - اشکان دژاگه با ۲گل
    - غلامرضا رضايی با ۲گل
    - هادی عقيلی ۲گل
    - ميلاد ميداودی يک گل
    - علی کريمی ۱ گل
    - سيد جلال حسينی ۱ گل

    ارسال به بالاترین | ارسال به فیس بوک | نسخه قابل چاپ | بازگشت به بالای صفحه | بازگشت به صفحه اول
    Copyright: 2013


      FIFA has this nice article on Algeria: -- Some of what they said also has relevance to Iran. For instance a coach who brought in new players and Algeria qualifying for their 4th World Cup, intending to go farther than previous three times. In another news today, Iran's U-20 lost 0-5 in a friendly to Italy U-20, which again tells us why it is important to be tested against big sides before heading into international tournaments. Obviously U-20 has much work to do.


        Most likely pots...

        Pot 1 (seeds)

        Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Belgium, Uruguay*, Switzerland,

        Pot 2 (CONCACAF, Asia)

        Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, USA, Australia, Iran, Japan, South Korea.

        Pot 3 (South America, Africa + lowest-ranked European team)

        Chile, Ecuador, Algeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, France (21)

        Pot 4 (Europe)

        Bosnia-Herzegovinia, England, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Portugal, Croatia, Greece.
        Last edited by zzgloo; 11-21-2013, 12:00 PM.


          loosely speaking, from seed A, teams I'd like to avoid are ... well everyone except Belgium and Switzerland.
          everyone else is pretty tough, while brazil and germany are downright frightening.

          of the 8 teams in seed C, Bosnia and Greece are what we shd hope for. followed by croatia and russia perhaps. The others are just as frightening as seed A teams.

          from the 8 teams in seed D, while some are really tough ones like france, Ivory coast, nigeria, ..., but among the more acceptable ones are Algeria, Cameroon and maybe ecuador

          so depending on the draw we may get a group that may cause trembles and cold sweat among Iranians (something like brazil, iran, france, netherlands. if this happens, I say lets just not go to brazil and claim we have a headache )

          or lady luck may sit right on our heads with something like Switzerland, iran, algeria, bosnia, which give us hope for our dream of advancing from the group stage.

          there are only a handful of teams we may have a chance to beat and get the 3 points (on our better day, of course). and to have a hope for advancing, we HAVE TO win at least one game and hope to hold off another team to a draw. But the seeding is so jumbled this time around that we may see us getting 3 points from seed A table topper, while losing terribly to a seed D or C team.


            I think it would be a important to have two beatable teams. From pot 1 a strong team would be good so we can be sure our competitors won't get a point from them.


              ^ well, I think we got what you wanted, which is a very strong team (argentina), a 3rd rate european team which is beatable (and we have beaten them 2-3 times before, although that goes back to the beginning of their footballing start) and a Nigeria which is not as strong as it was years back.

              if argentina thrashes bosnia and defeats nigeria with good differential goals, and somehow we escape, then maybe ....

              so if we manage to get a good result (a draw if not a lucky win) in our first game against nigeria and somehow survive our second game against argentina (meaning not lose badly), we have a pretty good chance to get a win against bosnia and have a shot at advancing.

              All this depends on how we prepare, what kind of squad we form, how our lads' conditioning is at that time, what CQ's strategy is and most importantly, how our opponents play on that particular day.

              If we get it correctly and with a bit of luck we may find ourselves finally advancing

              at the same time, lets not forget miracles happen too and smaller teams CAN surprise big shots. So it doesnt mean we shd take the second game as a loss before we actually play the game

              but god damn it I was hoping we'd get the group E.
              that is one easy as shit group for any and all the teams!


                I'm listening to Mahdavikia, hajrezaei, nekounam , ... and the one thing they all agree is that we NEED to play big teams so our lads get accustomed to big names and big teams.
                without that, we will not be able to do jack.
                and frankly as happy as we are right now, I think all the other 3 teams are ecstatic they are grouped with us.

                so we have our work cut out for us, especially CQ who has to stop running away from facing big teams.
                now, there is no excuse anymore. now, you know whom you'll face and you know what you have to do.
                teams like mauritania, mozambique, madagascar, .. are NOT going to help us.


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  I'm listening to Mahdavikia, hajrezaei, nekounam , ... and the one thing they all agree is that we NEED to play big teams so our lads get accustomed to big names and big teams.
                  without that, we will not be able to do jack.
                  and frankly as happy as we are right now, I think all the other 3 teams are ecstatic they are grouped with us.

                  so we have our work cut out for us, especially CQ who has to stop running away from facing big teams.
                  now, there is no excuse anymore
                  . now, you know whom you'll face and you know what you have to do.
                  teams like mauritania, mozambique, madagascar, .. are NOT going to help us.
                  Be prepared to be very dissapoined then. CQ doesn't give a damn about friendlies with big teams.


                    ESPN just predicted it will be a Germany-Spain final (with Germany-Brazil and Argentina-Spain semifinals). They also predicted Argentina and Bosnia will move up from Iran's group. What is remarkable is that ESPN predicted neither USA nor England will make it out of their respective groups. So do they have the Octopus this year too?



                      We should invite Mexico, Ecuador, Angola, Croatia, Serbia, Cameroon, Venezuela etc. to Tehran.

                      It'd be ideal to play against a broad array of styles (South American technique, Slavic discipline and African physicality) so that we don't encounter something new in the world cup for the first time!
                      Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                        Queiroz's view on the draw:

                        I will translate for you shortly.
                        Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                            I think our best chances are if we draw against Nigeria and win against Bosnia ...

                            Even then, I think that's the only outcome we could possibly hope for, everything else seems out of the picture. As long as we don't get horribly thrashed by Argentina, I'll be happy.

                            The worst part is that CQ will probably play the same style we did against SK in SK for all 3 games, maybe except the very last game if we are going to be out by then. I think we should be going for showing our players' potential, hoping that we'd qualify for the next WC we'll have more legionnaires and professional players.

                            Unfortunately, long term planning is lost on us.
                            Ma Bishomarim

                            "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
                            محمد مختاری -

                            "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
                            - Mohammad Mokhtari


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                              I'm listening to Mahdavikia, hajrezaei, nekounam , ... and the one thing they all agree is that we NEED to play big teams so our lads get accustomed to big names and big teams.
                              without that, we will not be able to do jack.
                              and frankly as happy as we are right now, I think all the other 3 teams are ecstatic they are grouped with us.

                              so we have our work cut out for us, especially CQ who has to stop running away from facing big teams.
                              now, there is no excuse anymore. now, you know whom you'll face and you know what you have to do.
                              teams like mauritania, mozambique, madagascar, .. are NOT going to help us.
                              like Nokhodi mentioned it doesn't sound like CQ is very fond of friendly vs obvious superior top tier teams..!! unless they travel to face us in Azadi, kinda sensed from his interview that he would be more open to the idea, if they were willing to come to us..!!
                              he knows hisTM simply isn't ready to face any star-studded, high quality team which play well organized and play with complete command of their tactics..!! he doesn't want to find his TM with the same crisis which they faced heading into our final 3 WCQs, low on self-esteem and not believing they stand much of a chance of progress. Also he knows that IFF is simply incapable of affording him adequate preparation time and opportunity to try and rectify the tactical issue after such sound possible defeats.
                              i personally would love to see us facing high caliber opponents, cause then some of you would realize why the still far superior calm and class of AK8 is much needed in our team so we don't loose complete form and get undone in early minutes of the match.

