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What good does it do to score 5 against Bosnia?

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    What good does it do to score 5 against Bosnia?

    I just wish Bosnia was a little more hungry and could put us under more pressure, the way Croatia did,,,I really think we need that kind of pressure and defending as a team is something we need to work on and will have to do a lot against MX and Portugal? I am glad we are going to Germany with some confidence and for the most part we did well as a team, I am just not satisfied with Bosnia's performance, they started great, the changes made the 2nd half though kind of took them out of the game...this was by no means the same team that almost qualified for the world cup and played great games against Serbia and Spain, I don't want to take anything away from our guys, but maybe Bosnia could have give us a more difficult game.
    well done to our boys though, I just hope we don't forget that WC is a whole different ball game.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    very true.

    I always said, TM needs to play AWAY from home againts motivated teams.

    The second half Bosnian side was weaker and less motivated than an IPL team.


      I just saw the game. Don't let the score board fools you. Bosnia was not inspired at all and they didn't care what will be the result. Instead, iranian players were all motivated to have a spot in first 14.

      Except Bakhtirai-Zadeh, Madanchi and Solimani, the rest were ordinary. We still have a big gap in the left defence, none of them (Zare and Nosrati) were conviencing. Zare was a bit better in attack though since he actually can handle the ball with the left foot.

      Daei, Daei, Daei, baba some one brings a wheel chair, he was the worst player, again don't let the two passes on un-motivated Bosinian defenders fool you.

      Teymourian was OK un defensive duties but too many mistakes.

      Nekonam is down, this worrys me.

      Kabi needs a push, some thing wrong with this little kid.

      Our forwards bench (Enayati and Khatibi) meant business, they were so motivated, but still Bosnians were not a good test as they didn't care.

      The MVP was madanchi, he was 80% good, however he was horrible in defensive duties.

      None of Rezaei nor Golmohamadi convienced me to be ready.

      Mirzapour, Mirzapour, again and again. Watch this guy, he is the stupidest TM player ever wear this jersey. Did you see his dribbling in both games? He never learn.

      This is our line up against Mexico:






      I wish Branko will bench Daei for Madanchi.


        Well i agree with u that Certainly Madanchi been impressive and Daei really is going to embaress himself in the world cup like this

        I mean common, He did a better job in the 2nd half and the pass to Rezaei was the highlights

        Still scoring 5 goals just shows we can SCORE goals but we need to defend better

        Also guys have in mind this is the same team that recently drew Japan 2-2 and only lost to korea 2-0

        So 5-2 is a pretty impressive result,
        Great for the morale of our strikers such as Khatibi,Borhani,Hashemain,Enayati all of them netted

        Do u really know how good this is for their confidence and good for team melli,

        Its fantastic, also the Rezaei goal will surely make his confidence go up and defend better,

        I still belive Rezaei STILL havent been top form lately but started to play better 2nd half agasint Boznia


          CONFIDENCE. It gives our players the confidence that they can score a lot of goals, that they can come back from early deficits. It lets the players know that they dont have to rely on one or two players in order to play well.


            Originally posted by Hajagha
            I just saw the game. Don't let the score board fools you. Bosnia was not inspired at all and they didn't care what will be the result. Instead, iranian players were all motivated to have a spot in first 14.

            Except Bakhtirai-Zadeh, Madanchi and Solimani, the rest were ordinary. We still have a big gap in the left defence, none of them (Zare and Nosrati) were conviencing. Zare was a bit better in attack though since he actually can handle the ball with the left foot.

            Daei, Daei, Daei, baba some one brings a wheel chair, he was the worst player, again don't let the two passes on un-motivated Bosinian defenders fool you.

            Teymourian was OK un defensive duties but too many mistakes.

            Nekonam is down, this worrys me.

            Kabi needs a push, some thing wrong with this little kid.

            Our forwards bench (Enayati and Khatibi) meant business, they were so motivated, but still Bosnians were not a good test as they didn't care.

            The MVP was madanchi, he was 80% good, however he was horrible in defensive duties.

            None of Rezaei nor Golmohamadi convienced me to be ready.

            Mirzapour, Mirzapour, again and again. Watch this guy, he is the stupidest TM player ever wear this jersey. Did you see his dribbling in both games? He never learn.

            This is our line up against Mexico:






            I wish Branko will bench Daei for Madanchi.
            that isnt going to be the lineup. At least i hope not.. not one left foot, karimi on the left, no zandi OR madanchi? Everyones trying to figure out a way to get both of them in and you dont think any of them will start?


              I tell you, we are the king of complains

              We score 5 goals against a "European" side, we complain, we lose to Macadonia we complain, we tie Croatia, a championship contender, we complain. Do we ever get a chance to enjoy the game? Do we stop for a second and cherrish these moments that would not come easy our way, knowing from what kind of football system this amazing team melli has come from. Do we ask ourself, what is it that we have to offer that suddenly manhandling a European side should not satisfy us? Do we have even 2 football fields in Iran? Do we know when our Hazfi final from last season gonna be played? How many "real" coaches do we have in our clubs to train our players? What was our IPL champions result against Al ghorazeh of Syria & Al hachal haf of Qatar? Are we worried about over confidence factor? How about if we had lost. Would we be worried about damaged morales? Then, when are we gonna enjoy this road? The WC is two weeks away and will take place in 3 days, or actually 6 hours for us. It will come and go like a thunder and we never got to enjoy the joy of gettin there. Today, we saw the heart of a champion in our players, being 2 down to thrash this, yes second rated, European team. Celebrate and be happy.
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
              Go IRAN!


                I was very happy with madanchi.
                especially in offensive duties.
                very impressive.
                after a long long time, our left side's attack was handled well. ( not excellent, but very promising ).
                mashalah mehrzad.

                alas, I know , comes the match day, we wont see him, and instead we'll have zandi who will not be able to do anything down the left for us !!
                and effectively, our left side will be impotent , as usual !


                just as I had said after the croatia game, playing nosrati and yahya is a HUGE mistake.
                and ... VOILA !!
                two goals through mistakes by these two.

                if you go back to the croatia game, it was quite apparent nosrati shd not try to dribble to do anything with the ball near our 18.
                you'd think that experience was enough for him and our incompetent fool of a coach to understand this simple fact.

                but what happens?
                nosrati starts and true to form, f**ks up immediately.
                just becoz he thinks he can control the ball !

                first goal is the direct result of nosrati's total inability and stupidity in not knowing when to do what.
                also branko's foolish incompetence in not recognizing the faults and deficiencies.


                second goal was even more tragic.

                apart from the fact that yahya's performance in croatia shd have been enough reason NOT to start with him, and shows how irrationally stubborn branko is, it also revealed another facet of yahya's game.

                many ppl talk about inclusion of yahya as "injection of experience" and ... !!
                what experience?
                we have seen despite his advanced age, he acts very prematurely.
                as if his penalty in china was not enough.
                as if his own goals ( some highly AVOIDABLE with a little thought ) were not enough,
                now this.

                lets say hewas fouled ( it really didnt look like it ).
                is he a kid of 18 , to continue sitting on the ground, while the opponent takes control of the ball right beside him and goes and does the damage?

                what was this immature kid of 18 doing all this time?
                sitting on the stupid retard arse and protesting !!

                this was even more pathetic than nosrati's screw up !


                daei showed he is not good for anything more than 20-25 minutes.
                he and branko shd admit, age does a lot of damage.
                and the sooner they accept reality, the better for them, and us.


                branko's wimpy nature and idiocy has no bounds.

                he effectively eliminated our right flank with his none-sensical selection.

                teymoorian as right mid?
                the guy ( just like zandi ) drifted to the center and left the whole of our right flank to one player : kaabi !
                the poor guys had to be bopth defender and midfielder/winger !

                where exactly in coaching classes they teach such bullsh*t ?
                where is the sanity in this?
                yesterday, TM had aboslutely NO right side !
                something branko is quite capable & consistent in doing !


                I am very impressed with Shoja'ee.

                especially since branko stupidly eliminated our midfield by playing 3 defensive mids.
                with his inclusion, our midfield got a lease of life.
                I feel bad he didnt get his just rewards of the goal.
                but I put it on his lack of experience, as he tried for the spectacular , rather than effective !
                it's ok by me.
                he got my vote.



                if branko wants to stick to this idiotic player selection, especially yahya and nosrati, we are going to be rail-roaded by all 3 teams, angola included.

                the idiotic fool shd stop being stubborn and start basing his duties on REALITY and form of the players.

                if these two players step in the field, we know we are going to go down !


                  mansoor jan is not really a complain but rather a discussion, we bring good points and bad points of teammelli after each game, now the positives are there for everyone to see and we are proud of the talent that exists, but we have got to try to see the gaps in the team, regardless of the results,,that's the point..
                  be omid piruzi bar mexik.
                  Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                    well, one thing I noticed during the holland-mexico game was that their defense is as suspect in crosses from the sides as ours.

                    so if we use the flanks properly, with guys like kia and madanchi , and send in crosses for vh or daei or enayati, I am sure we can hurt them.


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                      well, one thing I noticed during the holland-mexico game was that their defense is as suspect in crosses from the sides as ours.

                      probably not as mcuh as ours dr. doom jan but they do have weaknesses on crosses.
                      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                        Originally posted by The-Red
                        mansoor jan is not really a complain but rather a discussion, we bring good points and bad points of teammelli after each game, now the positives are there for everyone to see and we are proud of the talent that exists, but we have got to try to see the gaps in the team, regardless of the results,,that's the point..
                        be omid piruzi bar mexik.
                        Oh, I got it Red jaan. I was just reminding that we should not forget to enjoy these moments. Sometimes analyzing the hell out of a situation takes the fun out. I am having a hell of a fun right now, and I am enjoying it even if we lose. The joy & excitement of getting there is something we should not miss.

                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                        Go IRAN!


                          It was nice to come back and win the game by a large margin
                          but then again....we made the same stupid childish mistakes as always and nothing has improved really and Hashemian, zandi, and nekounam s form concerns me a lot.....
                          specially Hashemian
                          ABED1ZADEH -KAR8IMI -BAG6HERI Forever


                            Yes it's a nice win and very positive that we came back from 2 down after some horrible mistakes against this unmotivated Bosnian team, but what concerns me is the fact that we won't be able to come back from 2 goals down against WC teams so easily as we did against Bosnia.

                            Usually 1 goal is enough for world class teams to put the game on lock, especially at a WC where every team is at its srongest form and 100% motivated.
                            Persian Pride running through my veins!

                            Esteghlal for life!!


                              Originally posted by Amin_
                              Yes it's a nice win and very positive that we came back from 2 down after some horrible mistakes against this unmotivated Bosnian team, but what concerns me is the fact that we won't be able to come back from 2 goals down against WC teams so easily as we did against Bosnia.

                              amin jan, this is exactly what some of us mean by saying we better adopt a new attitude and thinking in the team selection.

                              if branko persists with yahya and nosrati in defense, and zandi on the left ( instead of madanchi ) , then our team will be defeated rather easily due to such carelessness.

                              mind you, we came back mostly becoz we had a fast, pacy left winger who ran and ran and ran.
                              now, when have we seen zandi do any such things?
                              he is a natural central mid.
                              and is not capable of doing what madanchi did , which enabled us to come back.

                              as for those 2 defenders, the less we see them, the better for the team.

