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Strategies For Wc !!!

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    Faraz jan, I totaly agree with your Very important post regarding strategies....
    If I could also add some less important,yet vital preparation....

    1- Damage control strategies !!!
    As we know, Branko does not understand FARSI, and knows very little about Iranian culture, and its antiques !!!, we should have a policy, regarding management of players during the world cup !!, in a sence that to monitor players who may want to go to Bars !!, drink alcohol, and looking for girls , or may be even , arguments and fights among players, and preserving chemistry and unity in TM.....

    2-Physical and stamina.
    We need to advance our stamina, getting used to German humidity, tempreture,and streangth, to play 120 minutes ( in case of extra time ).

    3- Practicing Kicks.....
    penalties, free kicks,

    4- Pysycology.
    It is absolutly very important for our players not to be intimidated, playing any opponent.Also, knowing again that Branko does not speak any Farsi, it would be nice, if we had some one in TM to offer motivating, and clarifying speeches,before any well as, after any losses.

    5- Iranian fans.
    it is also, very important for TM to facilitate Iranian fan leaders,and " today's mamad boogies" , to attend and orchestrate a fan base and cheering atmospher.

    6- I also hope, Mojahedin khalgh !! would not again use the game as thier poletical stage,and hence distract TM players.


      ZZ jan - those so-called "minor" points are the difference between the 2nd round and an early exit. Informative post - especially ensuring that our players go to Germany for one purpose and one purpose only.

      DD jan, what can I say, we can go on for hours at a limb, but we won't accomplish anything. I will agree to disagree, but let us put all of that behind us now, and look toward the future. We have THREE games, and EVERYONE, including Branko, IFF, the fans, the newspapers and whoever else that may directly or indirectly affect TM has to unite.

      I think that's the real strategy - uniting. Whenever our nation unites, we form a great power, in anything that we do. It is time to be supportive of Branko, TM, IFF, and everything else. Until they fail to deliver the goods (and yes DD, i know, you're probably thinking Branko has already failed to deliver the goods) from now on, they will have my full and undying support.

      Trust me Peyman Jan, Branko will change his ways. He must change his ways. Or else, we'll be the laughing stock of the WC, and he knows it better than you or I.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by zzgloo
        Faraz jan, I totaly agree with your Very important post regarding strategies....
        If I could also add some less important,yet vital preparation....
        1- Damage control strategies !!!
        As we know, Branko does not understand FARSI, and knows very little about Iranian culture, and its antiques !!!, we should have a policy, regarding management of players during the world cup !!, in a sence that to monitor players who may want to go to Bars !!, drink alcohol, and looking for girls , or may be even , arguments and fights among players, and preserving chemistry and unity in TM.....
        2-Physical and stamina.
        We need to advance our stamina, getting used to German humidity, tempreture,and streangth, to play 120 minutes ( in case of extra time ).
        3- Practicing Kicks.....
        penalties, free kicks,
        4- Pysycology.
        It is absolutly very important for our players not to be intimidated, playing any opponent.Also, knowing again that Branko does not speak any Farsi, it would be nice, if we had some one in TM to offer motivating, and clarifying speeches,before any well as, after any losses.
        5- Iranian fans.
        it is also, very important for TM to facilitate Iranian fan leaders,and " today's mamad boogies" , to attend and orchestrate a fan base and cheering atmospher.
        6- I also hope, Mojahedin khalgh !! would not again use the game as thier poletical stage,and hence distract TM players.

        zz jan, I dont these ar any less important than team strategies.
        they are CRUCIAL and I think any team shd keep all these in mind.

        very good points.


        faraz jan, "MUST" is one thing, actually "changing" is another !

        siigghh !


          one thing we absolutely must do, without fail:

          we must have plenty of tactics on two aspects of the game:

          1- Counter-attacks

          2- spot kicks

          I believe teams of our standing, compared to stringer teams such as mexico and portugal, MUST have these two aspets of the game down pat and rehearsed a billion times.

          1- we KNOW for sure those teams will come at us .
          and if we dont like to surprise them with a sucker punch early in the game, and if we are to sit it out, then apart from solidifying our defense, it is IMPERETIVE that we have plenty of options and moves for counter-attack situations.

          remember how we scored against usa in 98?
          or australia in melbourne?
          or .... ?

          having pacy, skillful players like kia, borhani, .... ( cant think of anyone else !! )... and maybe kaabi ( drag him from defense?? ) , means we MUST rehearse and plan many moves and attacks with these guys in mind.

          2- on the subject of spot kicks, there is already a thread and I invite friends to discuss it there.


          محافظه كارانه ترين موضعگيرى ممكن به رد كردن هر پيشنهاد و ايده تازه اى مى پردازند و با تمام وجود به حفظ موقعيت فعلى خود و فوتبال مى انديشند كاملاً قابل پيش بينى است كه دادكان، همكارانش و كادر فنى تيم ملى فوتبال چه نقشه اى براى جام جهانى ترسيم كرده اند. حضورى محض حضور؛ تيمى كه براى كم گل خوردن به ميدان مى رود و همه چيز مهيا مى شود تا ايران به عنوان يكى از تيم هاى حاضر تنها پا به سه مسابقه مقدماتى بگذارد. خوشحال از اينكه نامش در كنار تيم هاى بزرگ دنيا آمده است و تلاش براى اينكه با نتايجى آبرومند جام را به پايان ببرد و سريع تر به ايران برگردد.
          تيم ملى و فدراسيون فوتبال ايران با روندى كه در پيش گرفته اند قله اى را نشان نرفته اند و از اقداماتشان آبى گرم نمى شود. قله هم نه به معناى قهرمانى در جام جهانى و نه به معناى پيروزيهاى پر گل بر بهترين تيم هاى دنياست. قله براى ايران مى تواند نمايش هاى دلپذير، رفتن به دور دوم و همان ۶/۱ ميليون يورويى باشد كه فوتبال ايران را به اوج افتخار خواهد رساند.
          براى رسيدن به اينها، پرداختن هر رقمى براى به كارگيرى يك مربى كارآمد، برگزارى هر ديدار و انجام هر تلاشى كاملاً موجه به نظر مى رسد. فقط مى ماند اينكه ما بخواهيم فوتبال ايران را گامى به پيش ببريم يا به پايكوبى در همين بن بستى كه هستيم دلخوش باشي



            DD jan, those two issues as you said are very essential,yet I would like add some points here as well,and hope they will be complementary to yours...

            1- I am not sure,if TM is very good at counter-attckes......other than the secound gole to USA in last WC we attended...I do not recall any true counter-attak we had.....which it requires a fast, uppertunist striker who has a killer-instinct.....

            2- The spot kicks are absolutly vital....In todays football, more and more of the goles team score is from out side of the box kicks, either directly, or in crosses,,which are prepared plans of actions.....Not only TM should be very ready for that, and not only they should come up with ingeniouse and never-seen shots, but also, our defence should work on not giving away any spot kicks to the opponants...

   my opinion is by far, our number one proyarity to improve question about it.

            4-Adjusting !!!! an issue that coaches should work very much at....that is to say, the pregame plan of our game,in case that is not working during the game, should be immidiatly adjusted to maintain poise.....the example of the game we did not do that...was our recent the game we lost to korea.


              The only realistic way for us to advance to the secound round is to beat either mexico, or Portugal,along with beating angola.....
              The best time, to win,and the best time to surprize,is in our first game,when they do not know much about us, and our opponents are careful and less aggresive,since they have not lost yet to be paniking.......
              We must beat simple as that.


                zz jan, somehow I think mexico may be slightly tougher of the two.

                and if angola manages to rattle the portugese in the opening game, considering the fragility of portugese in major competitions, who knows ........ .

                but then again, since we could ( if branko's mouse-like attitude allows it ) surprise the mexicans in the opening game.
                but for that, we KNOW for sure, that if we give them time, they will fugure out our moves and tactics ( which are quite simple. so simple that even the n korean coaches who have no exposure to top football whatsoever DID figure out our team !!! ).

                so we MUST hit them fast, and hard from the get go.

                that, to me , is the ONLY way we have a chance of srpinging a surprise.

                come the second half ( the coaches' half ) we dont want to be equal in the score-line.
                this much is for sure.


                  DD jan, I am watching the live game while posting this, the game between mexico and far, it is 2-0 for mexico!!!!!!
                  They are tough,as you metioned, but please consider this....
                  if our gole is to go to the secound round,and I belive ,angola can not help us by beating either of other two..( angola,in last two years,lost twice to portugal,6-0 and 5-1 ), and since,in my opinion, TM plays better with mexico and an european disiplined portugal team , and since, the first game is a better timing to surprize somebody,and knowing without a win against either mexico or portugal we can not go to the secound round.....I realy belive, we need to put all our eggs in the bascket of the first game !!, and if that some how happends....we are set free, in the next two games.


                    oh , by "rattling" I didnt mean beating them.
                    I meant if angola gets a dogged performance in the opener and draws with the portugese.
                    I know angola getting 3 points makes it extreemly difficult for us.


                    I didnt watch the mexico game.

                    but I am interested to know how they STARTED their game.
                    how their wings played.
                    and in their attacks, where did they concentrate on: their wings, or thru' the center, aerial balls or more ground play...
                    stuff like that.


                      Ok ,,,,,
                      What are japaneas and south Koreans are thinking now ???they are thinking the same about, australia and togo, as we do about angola......( nevermind,angola is weaker than both of them )
                      Japaneas have Brazil, Koreans have France, we have Mexico....guess who is luckier !!!!
                      and between Swizerland,and croatia,and portugal......may be switzerland is easier, but croatia is stronger than potugal.....
                      So, how come, japaneas and koreans are talking about advancing ? and we shouldn't?


                        Originally posted by zzgloo
                        Ok ,,,,,
                        What are japaneas and south Koreans are thinking now ???they are thinking the same about, australia and togo, as we do about angola......( nevermind,angola is weaker than both of them )
                        Japaneas have Brazil, Koreans have France, we have Mexico....guess who is luckier !!!!
                        and between Swizerland,and croatia,and portugal......may be switzerland is easier, but croatia is stronger than potugal.....
                        So, how come, japaneas and koreans are talking about advancing ? and we shouldn't?

                        becoz they aim for higher places.

                        becoz they are NOT satiosfied with mediocrity, hence the change of coaches they believe under whom, they may stagnate or NOT reach their goals.

                        their coaches also are always looking to improve on their form.
                        no matter if they beat their rivals,
                        no matter if they topped the group ( japan ) ,
                        no matter if they played well against TOP teams like mexico, brazil, germany, ... , they still want more,
                        no matter ....
                        .... still , their coaches look for ways to overcome their deficiencies, and dont act so inexperienced and novince-like to suddenly get inflated with qualification for the WC !
                        and their coahces, even after doing well against huge teams, acknowledge and admit they got a lot of things to do before their team is ready to face the teams at WC, and ... ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT their deficiencies.

                        and they certainyl dont keep teams like bahrain and n korea as their measuring stick to prove their methods and teams' superiority !!

                        that, my good friend, is the difference between them and us.

                        and this, is the reason they will go far, while we will continue to stagnate .... and tragically, be content with this stagnation !!!


                          DD jan, I am proud of you and admire your spirit....
                          The Irony is that the same people who had the audacity to present thier stagnating , uninspired phylosophy,as maturity and reality, now are telling us, we should expect to be at the most third in our group.
                          They are atleast consistant, I give them that .


                            zz jan, the feeling is mutual, my friend.

                            I also would like to say the word "reality" is used rather carelessly at times.

                            afterall, wasnt cameroon beating defending champs argentina reality?
                            what about senegal beating another defending champs france?
                            try telling turkey reaching semifinals of a the WC they hallucinated it and it wasnt real.
                            or south koreans, or nigerians, or north koreans, or .....

                            didnt all these events happen in reality?

                            why shd we discount such admirable feats as "un-real", and stay meek and an underling ?
                            just becoz we choose ppl who do NOT have such visions , ambitions or daring?

                            why shd we be held back becoz of ppl's lack of ambition and courage?

