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Karimi openly criticizes branko

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    I see many people caliming such an interview (true or lie) would hurt team's moral as it's not the time to talk about and I agree with that. Specially knowing Karimi's personaliy, I have no doubt that it's a lie and BS.

    mmmmm, have you read branko's interview himself about leaving the team? I am sure you all agree with me "it doesn't boost the team's moral much either" in this critical time (48 hours before the first WC game).

    It's good to see people without double standards, either DD with only seeing the faults of Branko, or Branko's lovers who are only waiting to hear what Branko says to cheer for.
    Last edited by Hajagha; 06-08-2006, 09:36 AM.


      Affarin Karimi! Good job! Khoob kari mikone!


        Originally posted by Hajagha
        I see many people caliming such an interview (true or lie) would hurt team's moral as it's not the time to talk about and I agree with that. Specially knowing Karimi's personaliy, I have no doubt that it's a lie and BS.

        mmmmm, have you read branko's interview himself about leaving the team? I am sure you all agree with me "it doesn't boost the team's moral much either" in this critical time (48 hours before the first WC game).

        It's good to see people without double standards, either DD with only seeing the faults of Branko, or Branko's lovers who are only waiting to hear what Branko says to cheer for.

        I doubt that such story (true or not) will destroy the morale of the players a few days before the start of the world cup , I am just shocked to notice that people actually buy such stories........

        AND....I very much doubt that Branko's announcment that he is leaving TeamMelli after the Worl Cup will shatter the morale either !!!!!!

        It interesting how people read a news and then interpret it in the way they believe , the way they like. A figment of imagination.



          Per Mansoor from TM Camp( 06-08-06):

          On the news about his quiting, Branko said "I won't be able to quit right after WC because my contract ends after WC". So, there is no resignation in order.


            Originally posted by kasai
            DD jan, I guarentee you that Branko will leave as coach of TM following this world cup. At this time, we should be supporting him and having fun analyzing potential lineups and trends. Let's unite behind the man that led us all the way through qualifying and we can work on his replacement at a future time.
            What did I tell you DD jan... He is quitting... I am smarter than I thought

            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


              Ali Karimi denies this news:

              در برابر مکزیک بازی می کنم / مقابل مکزیک نتیجه خوبی می گیریم / درباره برانکو حرفی نزده ام
              علی کریمی هافبک ملی پوش تیم ملی ایران شایعات روزنامه های خارجی را در خصوص مصاحبه وی علیه برانکو تکذیب کرد.
              علی کریمی هافبک تیم ملی ایران درگفت و گوی اختصاصی با خبرنگار اعزامی "مهر" به مسابقات جام جهانی 2006گفت: بازیکنان ما شرایط خوبی دارند و از نظر بدنی هم مشکل خاصی وجود ندارد و شرایط جسمانی و روحی همه خوب است وامیدورایم با این وضعیت نتیجه خوبی را مقابل مکزیک رقم بزنیم .

              وی در پاسخ به سوال خبرنگار "مهر" در خصوص مصاحبه علیه برانکو گفت : من صحبتی در این باره نکرده ام و نمی دانم این شایعات از کجا منتشر شده است و تمامی آنها را تکذیب می کنم.

              علی کریمی ادامه داد: خودم می دانم که درچنین شرایطی علیه تیم ملی نباید صحبت کرد و تمام هدفم این است تا برای تیم بازیکن مفید وموثرباشم.

              وی با بیان اینکه به طورکامل در تمرینات جدی نبوده ام اظهار داشت : هرچند در تمرینات فشار زیادی به روی خودم نیارودم اما در بازی این فشار را می آورم تا بتوانم با تمام وجود بازی کرده و مهره موثری برای تیم ملی باشم.
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
              Go IRAN!


                TM is in relatively good form and some hands are trying to cause trouble!
                DD is falling in that trap!

                Let's fully support razmandeh sarbaazaane teaame melee raa!
                We'd have plenty of time to curse and criticize after the WC!
                It is time for Iran to be strong again and no time is better than now.

