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Unprofessional move by Branko

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    In an addition to my earlier comment that what he did was very proffesional..and we still should thank him for his efforts....
    Come to think of it ,it is also good for iran's immage as well !!
    Immagine when the announcer ,during the game says he has been critized a lot,and his player selections !!!....
    It will read,that we in iran,have lot more talented players,and have high expectations........
    and what is wrong with that ??!!!


      Originally posted by zzgloo
      There is nothing unproffesional about it.., in fact it is as proffesional as it can be !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      It is the nature of the business, as you also have heard him say often....
      IFF used him,and he did his job, and he maid a great resume for himself...
      he realized with the expectations he will not be kept for after the WC...
      so, he needed to keep his resume intact !, and quit before getting fired...
      ....Result, he will be in good standing for the next job....
      and the reason, he had say it before, is because, if Iran fails,it will not be his fault....
      The posetives are, that it shows he is a very smart man, and can anticipate, and work for himself...,
      also, there is nothing negative for us,TM,or Iran....players are already highly motivated,and he was not a motivator to begin with,as he does not speak the language,....more over, he like us, wants TM to succeed..which will be very good for him too.....
      In fact, he can tell his players, let prove all critics wrong,and win the games.....
      All in all, there is nothing negative I I wish him the best after the WC, and hope he can get a good job....He deserves it.
      So ,After the world Cup..we all can say, good luck....good by.....and thak you !
      I agree %100.
      Plus he is trying to ease the pressure the media has been putting on him in regards to his TM selections and other decisions.
      Nothing unprfessional about that.


        When Branko is our coach, we criticise him so much left & right.

        When he says now that he is leaving after WC, we say it's not the right time to say so because our players are going to be hurt emotionally. No kidding!!.

        If he leaves after the world cup w/ bad TM results in WC, we say he messed up the team and left. See, "he was not a good coach. I told you so.!!!!"

        If he leaves after the world cup w/ good TM results in WC, we say "Iran made him famous in WC, but he got arrogant and left" for money!!!!!.

        Poor Branko, he does not know which way to turn.

        All I can say to him is thanks & good luck for all these years.


          I also thought so, but considering this now is the masterpiece he was waiting for his whole life, I doubt he would risk that so easily.

          Assuming he knows the players' characters better than we do, maybe he expects a certain positive reaction from the team, may it be because they are happy he goes or may it be because they'll still give a little bit more for their coach - or maybe because knowing their fixed spot is in danger and only a great WC can guarantee it for the future.

          Anyway, I think Branko knows very well what he's doing.


            Originally posted by Martin-Reza
            I also thought so, but considering this now is the masterpiece he was waiting for his whole life, I doubt he would risk that so easily.
            Assuming he knows the players' characters better than we do, maybe he expects a certain positive reaction from the team, may it be because they are happy he goes or may it be because they'll still give a little bit more for their coach - or maybe because knowing their fixed spot is in danger and only a great WC can guarantee it for the future.
            Anyway, I think Branko knows very well what he's doing.
            That's a very good point.

            Just watch out after world cup. If we do well, then the whole nation will be talking about
            what a great loss it was for Iran to let him go. But hey, if we did not value Amir Kabir or Mossadegh or Dehkoda , would we value a football coach regardless of
            how good he may be?


              It seems you guys didn't read what he said and how he announced. The way he promoted himself was the cheap shot. Why the heck you say in front of the world "enough is enough"? what is enough? You stayed one year at home till we bring you back to the job, no one gave any job to you. You deserved it or not, it's another story. Your resume was not rich enough to lead Iran national team, and now "enough is enough?" You were one the luckiest coaches in the world that such a country trusted you. We gave you a job for 4 years and you just remembered that we critisize? How the heck you could stand us for four years? Oh, you didn't see "BBC" in front of you before. Cheap shot.
              Last edited by Hajagha; 06-09-2006, 05:39 PM.


                Originally posted by Hajagha
                It seems you guys didn't read what he said and how he announced. The way he promoted himself was the cheap shot. Why the heck you say in front of the world "enough is enough"? what is enough? You stayed one year at home till we bring you back to the job, no one gave any job to you. You deserved it or not, it's another story. Your resume was not rich enough to lead Iran national team, and now "enough is enough?" You were one the luckiest coaches in the world that such a country trusted you. We gave you a job for 4 years and you just remembered that we critisize? How the heck you could stand us for four years? Oh, you didn't see "BBC" in front of you before. Cheap shot.
                HajAgha Shoma Kotah Bya,

                Talebi was a coach of a community college in California. Mayele Kodan, what was
                his credential? Why did Iran give the job to Branko if he is so unqualified? Your post
                does not make sense. People always get to a point where they say enough is
                enough. Do you know what the pressures behind the scenes are like?

                May be this was an ultimatum that if you push me too far I say more? May be he
                wants to control his team in this last few days without having to use a player he
                does not want to but someone is pushing him to?

                Being the coach of Iran, is not the easiset job in the world. Sure all the national level
                coaches have to put up with a lot of criticism and the like, but how many other coaches
                had to make excuses for not getting a friendly match due to sheer brilicance of their

                Just wait and see what quality coach will accept the job after Branko. Can you list
                all the quality coaches we have had so far?


                  I am puzzled now after the IRIB interview just an hour ago...
                  he denied he was going to leave.....he said," he has two more mounths on his contract, and if he is not offered the job for TM,he may coach in Iran at the club leve "l.............I do not know what to think now !!!
                  If he said , as hajagha says " Enough is enough " come he does not have the courage to say that to the Iranian media ??
                  there is nothing wrong with wanting to leave Iran,or getting tired of being he truely was,....but why is he denying it ? .....
                  As I said, I am puzzeled !!


                    Originally posted by gol_kuchik
                    Just wait and see what quality coach will accept the job after Branko.
                    Show the green, you will see how many will line up. Example? Look at our southern arab sheikh's who hire and fire within 24 hours, still world cup winners are in line.

                    I am not arrogant, I see your point, I was supporting Branko for most of his career, I see we have benefited from him, but I am not blind either, I don't approve his cheap shot at us in front of the world.



                      I support Hajaghas views.

                      What right does Branko have to disrespect Iran infront of the world media. He should have been fired years ago, and instead of showing some gratitude to the nation he spits on us in front of the world.

                      I hope Branko supporters remember this day well and learn from it.
                      The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                        1- good riddance to bad rubbish

                        2- shd have done it much earlier, as his usefulness was over a long time ago ( 2 years )

                        3- this is a slap in the face of those little fools and kids who "thought" branko shd be given an honorary iranian citizenship and what not !!

                        in a way, z is right. this is a business for him, and he looks after HIS OWN END .
                        and that is the way it is (and it borders on "mercenary").

                        but it is us ( well, not all of us ) who are the idiots who think he will put us and TM BEFORE his own benefit.
                        ( anyone recall anything? )

                        why shd he care if it would demoralize or at least cause a bit of negativity among the players, mere days before the most important game of their career?
                        why shd he care for us?
                        he is there to look after his own arse.

                        we cannot blame him for behaving this way.

                        instead, we shd blame ppl like dadkan who didnt have the brains or spine to remove him when they shd have.
                        also those naive, immature fools who thought the world of this idiot ( some, "khareji-parast" with no justification ).


                          all i can say is we shouldnt forget other external factors and we shouldnt compare ourselves with other countries specially the gulf.

                          the coaches who come to iran face a lot of hardship, in every possible way.
                          not any coach will be ready to come to iran under such extreme harsh conditions, and then on top of that constantly be questioned, mocked at and interfered by the media, fans and sometimes even colleagues and higher authorities.

                          the only reason they would consider iran is just like branko said, "iran has potential". thats it.

                          vagarna hich morabiye maroofi aghlesho az dast nadade biyad iran unam bad az jame jahani morabigari kone vaghti forsathaye kheyli behtario dare!

                          and just like our own TM players :enayati, majidi, mobali, kazemian, etc who were ready to voice their complains against the coach for their own rights and life, (nobody said this will cause comotion in TM and is bad for TM!), branko too has his own rights and life, he isnt a servant of iran. he is here to help iran, but also expects iran to help him! its a mutual agreement and both sides should AND ARE INFACT benefitting from this.

                          besides, didnt someone post an article where branko denied this news?
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

