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Day first: Germany needs to change their right back

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    Day first: Germany needs to change their right back

    Look at the goals and high lights, the guy is always filling the offside. This team won't go much high even they scored four goals.

    Costa Rica showed the level of WC has not improved at all since four years ago. They were lucky they didn't break Saudi's record today.

    Costa Rica's forward is so calm and he is a deadly finisher, I haven't seen many player with this character.

    Polasky desperately needs to prove himself, this may hurt their team. Some one should slap in his face and remind him, WC is not for you, you are in WC.

    Klose is one of the most dangerous forwards in this world cup, watch the guy.

    Two of Germans goals were so beautiful, however both were gone to the goal bcz of the new material of the ball which change its direction into the air. (moji mireh).

    Poland desperately need a Karimi to bring back the team, they have every thing but a play maker. They won't go to the second round.

    Group B winner won't have much difficulty with runner up of group A, If England wins the group B, they will find themselves between the last 8 teams easily.

    Poland and Germany goals showed football desperately needs to use new technology for the offsides call. Germany's second goal was offside.

    Ecuador showed they have a good squad, however they were so lucky today, they are still play old fashion with too many touches of the ball, they won't go too far.

    enjoy football festival.


    Regarding the articles and news going around the WC......and regarding is said, there has been a major criticism about

    hireing ' klinsmann' as a coach..while others,including ballak, believe he has introduced a new system which is

    great...apparantly,Klinsmann ,by living in USA and haveing American useing some systems learned from American football, NFL, and

    thier way of devizing is said, klinsmann has introduced a system which emphasizes offense more than defense.therefore, as ballak

    said, we are going to see lots of gols from germany while recieveing some as well ....I personaly think,Germany has the best long distance kicks with power, even better than Brazil..........

    And regarding Ecuador...I think they are great....beside,from the score..they won all the one to one battles,and actually,contrary to Costa

    rica,were more physical than thier opponant, poland....which is a rear thing for a latin team .

    Ecuador could even be more physical than Argentina or even brazil.....and they certainly have a good defense to go with it.....They will play

    even more fluent next time,after basketing 3 points and more confidense.

