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What TM and Branko supporters should do now..

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    What TM and Branko supporters should do now..

    for those of us whose " fuse " is not too short !! is what we should do.
    1-lets Get ourseleves together.
    2-Mistakes happen,and we should be man about it.
    3-No blameing...we are in this together.
    4-Branko has done a great job,and wants our victory more than anything els.
    5-Lets keep healthy, and no more injureies.
    6-have zare and Zandi,mahdavikia and Karimi ready to go.
    7-Analyze portugal as much as possible.
    8-portugal will be deficult,but not impossible.
    9-lets pour our energy in a positive way,and do our best.
    10-Remember,we are still in this together, lets fight to the end.
    11-Lets support our coach and TM, as after all, they are not getting any attention or support,from any where.....just criticism.
    12-There were more GHANA fans in the stedium,for GHANA than Iranian fans for Iran....there is report on TV about all countries except Iran.....there is celebration,support,and encouragment all over, but not for TM.....but lets,forgive the naive and psycologicaly twisted fans who do not know the right time to do things, and fucus on our remaining two games,as there may be further embarssments.