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We need a solution to our left side,and we need it fast !

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    We need a solution to our left side,and we need it fast !

    All the Mexican coach did in our game on the secound half, was to shot down our right side...thats all....but it worked for them,,,,,
    it woorked for North Korea in Tehran game too....we all knew it, just the mexican coach did not....
    But, Portugal is tough as it is, and they saw our game with mexico too..and they defenetly are going to block mahdavikia and our right side,right off the what is there to do ??
    Now, we miss the good days of nikbakht we had been talking about....but, now, with currant situation,....will adding Zandi solve our problems ?

    OMG, Our left side has soo much talent its not funny, But the problem lies in Branko who does not know how to use all these talents, I mean i dont see us having a problem with left defence or left midfield in players

    Its just Branko who does not know how to capitilize all these talents. our left could be DEADLY if we had a real coach i mean look at these names

    Ferydoon Zandi

    Even Pejman Nouri is a good left footer

    I mean if we had a decent coach he would capitilize on all these great depht and talents

    But unfourtunetly Branko does not want to open his eyes and see we actually have a huge depht of actually good wingers on left

    Dont say the problem lies in that we dont have no left footers to choose from cause thats not the problem


      oh .. wait a second.

      why do we need a solution for the left side?
      is there a problem?

      didnt our esteemed , intelligent coach say we dont have any problems?

      never tie the head that doesnt hurt.

      wasnt this very coach, and his assistant, human agha, say our left side needs no correction ?
      (I still have the picture of that poll where he voted for this option.)


      but seriously, we DID have good options for the left, such as Mani'ee ... but due to branko's immature and childish laj baazi, he refused to call him.

      his idiotic laj baaz nature comes even more to the fore, as after zareh's injury, instead of calling in a defender or a left sided player, he stupidly calls in a central mid !!!

      can anyone tell me what is the sense in that?
      didnt he choose shoja'ee ?
      didnt he have zandi?
      and most of all, karimi?

      where in the sane world anyone would choose yet another central mid, when he is short in defenders and his left sided player is taken out?

      this is the question put to all his supporters, and I hope they would answer this, and not with rhetorics and generalizations.

      sense and logic would dictate, instead of zareh one shd call either a defender , prefferably a left sided defender.
      or at least a left sided player.
      he had both choices in his none-sensical and immature "reserves list" : shakouri and mani'ee.

      but the croatian reject calls in a player a few weeks back he ruled out as "injured and not ready" !!!!!!!

      where's his brain?
      in his left butt cheek, so when he sits on it for 90 long minutes during games, is denied of any blood supply ?
      pathetic !!


        I believe,the way to solve this issue,and not be figured out so easyly ,like we were by mexico,and north do what Portugal did with Christian Ronaldo......Portugal had him run all over the place, during thier game with angola ,no one knew where his realn position was.......
        We could also have zandi, karimi and mahdavikia,to exchange positions during the game.......


          doctor doom jan, before the worldcup, u were busy complaining of lack of attacking midfielders who can played behind our 2 strikers and the excess defenders! u werent happy with zandi and shojaei as backups for ali karimi (although shojaei did silence u in the friendlies )

          now that he is trading a defender with a midfielder, ur complaining for bring an AM and not a defender?? :no::no:

          make up ur mind plz
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            yashar jan, maybe if you read my post once again, and THINK , you'd get the "why".

            we are short of one defender.
            why bring in a central mid?

            yes, I didnt think those are our best choices for karimi's sub. but what can be done now?
            shd we bring in an injured and out of form player ?

            plz read the post and ponder on it for a few seconds before questioning it


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
              yashar jan, maybe if you read my post once again, and THINK , you'd get the "why".

              we are short of one defender.
              why bring in a central mid?

              yes, I didnt think those are our best choices for karimi's sub. but what can be done now?
              shd we bring in an injured and out of form player ?

              plz read the post and ponder on it for a few seconds before questioning it

              just reading this line of urs is enough, because as i may recall, earlier u were complaining branko has invited too many defensive players (this was one reason why u concluded branko is a "wimp") so having one defender less in a squad with excess defenders wouldnt be a huge loss, would it?

              now that he has traded a defender for a midfielder, u of all people should atleast be happy because:
              1)u were never satisfied with sattar zare's performance
              2)u said he invited too many defenders, so now atleast we have 1 midfielder instead of a defender
              3)u never considered zandi & shojaei as real subs for karimi, so there u go, navidkia is in the squad as well.

              but ur still complaining?
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

