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    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
    Agha Yashar;
    Dastat dard nakooneh. I don't have time to read Iranian papers, coming here, get updated about our beloved Blue. Tried to rep, but it said, have to spread the rep around before giving it to you.
    Sorry to see Sadeghi left. He truly loved SS. Guess teh god damn money eventually creates these kind of stuff. Why X got that much when I get so much. As much as I love Sadeghi for his love for SS, but our defense this year still can do well without him (and this doesn't mean him leaving isn't a loss for SS).
    However the big issue is if Jabbari comes back and sign with us and how our forward line will perform. I really don't see what GN sees in Alizadeh. They let Bayatinia go and kept Alizadeh?
    that is just stupid. Bayatina could have been like Khalili for us, he was better than khalili before they both moved to SS and PP
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      BTW GUYS!!! important question...

      its regarding AHMED KHAZIRAVI!?? who the **** is he. is this Khaziravi's brother...
      i remember he scored in our last game of the league, and it was a really nice goal. can i plz get info on this guy...????!??
      from wat i saw, he has potential to start next season!
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
        ... As much as I love Sadeghi for his love for SS, but our defense this year still can do well without him (and this doesn't mean him leaving isn't a loss for SS) ...

        and i think the above sums up the opinion of current esteghlal technical staff about sadeghi!
        sadeghi knew that he'll be benched most of the season and that is why he left.

        here is 2 related news piece. i wish they had came out and say the truth that
        Qalenoi prefered Shakoori to Sadeghi. Why didn't they tell him that straight?!

        پيراهن صادقى به شكورى رسيد
        اميرحسين صادقى مدافع سابق استقلال با عقد قراردادى يك ساله به مس كرمان پيوست. جالب است بدانيد كادر فنى استقلال نيز تصميم گرفت پيراهن شماره ۲ اين تيم را كه بر تن صادقى بود به شكورى بدهد. قرار است در نشست روزهاى آينده مسئولان اين تيم با امير قلعه نويى ، تكليف شماره پيراهن بازيكنان مشخص شود.

        در استقلال پير شدم
        اميرحسين صادقى: رفتم اما يك روز برمى گردم

        اميرحسين صادقى مدافع سابق استقلال به باشگاه مس كرمان پيوست تا بعد از سال ها با پيراهن استقلال خداحافظى كند. گفت وگوى او را با ابرار ورزشى بخوانيد:

        •پس از ۸ سال حضور در استقلال چطور شد كه با اين تيم به توافق نرسيديد؟
        - مشكل خاصى نبود. بالاخره روزى دوباره به اين تيم برمى گردم.

        •به نظر مى رسد خيلى ناراحت هستيد؟
        - نبايد ناراحت باشم؟ ۸ سال در اين تيم پير شدم. با خون و دل اين تيم را قهرمان كرديم اما يك زنگ به ما نزدند كه بيا قرارداد ببند.

        • اما مسئولان استقلال مدعى هستند با شما تماس گرفتند؟
        - اصلاً. من خودم سر تمرين رفتم تا با سرپرست تيم صحبت كنم تازه آنجا هم صحبتى از قرارداد نشد.

        • مشكل شما مالى بود؟
        - اين هم يك قسمتى از ماجرا بود اما داستان هاى ديگرى هم دخيل بودند.

        • چرا بين اين همه تيم رفتيد مس كرمان؟
        - شرايط مالى اين تيم از همه بهتر بود،همچنين يك فردى مربى اين تيم است كه من چند سال شاگردش بودم.

        • پس بايد منتظر انتقام شما از استقلال در ليگ باشيم؟
        - من هيچ مشكلى با استقلال ندارم. در بازى استقلال - مس هم مثل ساير بازى ها به ميدان مى روم.

        • سرپرست استقلال مدعى است شما به خاطر ۲۰ ميليون از استقلال رفتيد؟
        - جواب حرف هاى او را نمى دهم اما به موقع همه چيز را خواهم گفت. من تعصب خودم را به اين تيم نشان داده ام، با آنكه قرارداد نداشتم يك هفته هم با تيم تمرين كردم. تماشاگران استقلال هم من را مى شناسند هم سرپرست استقلال را اما يك زمان براى حفظ اعتبار و شخصيت بايد از يك چيزهايى گذشت مى كردم.


          farhad majidi renewed today.

          has talebloo renewed yet???

          about jabbari, jooybari said we are waiting for jabbari to see if he is moving to europe or not. if not, he has said he will stay in esteghlal.
          ghalenoi also said jabbari is staying in esteghlal this season.

          P.S. i really wish we had signed mirzapour as well. i really dont want to see another mediocre season by talebloo!
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            I hope he makes it to europe, it's about the time.


              i have mixed feelings about this man. if we dont have jabbari, and considering we got only akbari to fill his place, im not sure how good we will do in ACL.
              atleast if we had signed janvario as well, i would have more peace of mind.

              on the other hand, if he has the chance to move to europe, he must take it. its about time like u said.

              i dunno, inshalla harchi kheyr bashe pish miyad!
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Yashar jan, I understand your feeling, he's our best player indeed, but GN will surely fill his gap somehow, he's a clever coach.


                  yashar talebloo has already renewed 2 yrs..

                  We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                    ahan, thanx for the info hassan jan!
                    Originally posted by siavasharian

                    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                      the team is leaving for a 10 day camp to turkey tommorow.
                      majidi renewed today and most probably jabbari tommorow.
                      beighzadeh brought sweets to the camp.
                      kazemi is the only esteghlal missing because of TM camp in spain.
                      fatollahzadeh wont be going to turkey with the team.

                      در تمرين امروز استقلال تهران عنوان شد/ جباري پيش از سفر به تركيه قرارداد خود را ثبت مي*كند/گزارشی از آخرین تمرین پیش از سفر

                      Jul 13,2008 ParsFootball News Agency
                      small font medium font large font
                      خبرگزاری فوتبال ایران پارس فوتبال دات کام

                      هافبك ملي پوش تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران پيش از سفر به تركيه قرارداد خود را تمديد خواهد كرد.
                      تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران از ساعت 18 امروز در زمين شماره دو ورزشگاه آزادي تمرين كرد.
                      پيش از آغاز تمرين امير قلعه نويي چند دقيقه اي براي بازيكنان صحبت كرد.
                      حسين كاظمي به دليل همراهي تيم ملي در اسپانيا تنها غايب تمرين امروز بود.
                      هاشم بيك زاده به دليل آنكه به جمع متاهلين پيوسته است، امروز با چند جعبه شيريني در محل تمرين حاضر شد.
                      يكي از مسئولان باشگاه در تمرين استقلال در خصوص وضعيت مجتبي جباري گفت: اين بازيكن تا روز آينده قرارداد خود را تمديد مي كند.
                      حدود 300 هوادار در تمرين امروز استقلال حضور داشتند.
                      اين آخرين تمرين تيم پيش از سفر به تركيه بود.
                      استقلال بعد از ظهر فردا اردوي 10 روزه اي را در تركيه برپا خواهد كرد.
                      Originally posted by siavasharian

                      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                        lol, it's me who should thank you for all the info!

                        We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                          Guys, anyone knows where is the Esteghlal's camp in Turkey? The news says it is about 100 kms of Istanbul, but doesn't list the city's name. I will be in Istanbul for few days. Would love to go to the Blue's camp and watch the boys's practice.

                          If I find the place and info, I will try to get an interview from GN as well. I don't have any news credential, so I doubt if he pays any attention to me (Tahveel Begheereh) which is understandable, but see how it goes.

                          First thing, first, what city is SS in Turkey (which is 100 kms from Istanbul) will camp in?

                          Yashar, when you went to TM camp when GN was the head coach in Duabi, was he approachable person? I realize he must get 100s of request for intreview and questions. Hope to get some time to be able to ask him a few questions.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)




                              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                              Guys, anyone knows where is the Esteghlal's camp in Turkey. The news says about 100 kms of Istanbul, but doesn't list the city's name. I will be in Istanbul for few days. Would love to go to the Blue's camp and watch the boys's practice.
                              If I find the place and info, I will try to get an interview from GN as well. I don't have any news credential, so I doubt if he pay any attention to me (Tahveel Begheereh), but see how it goes.
                              First thing, first, what city is SS in Turkey (which is 100 kms from Istanbul) will camp in?
                              Yashar, when you went to TM camp when GN was the head coach in Duabi, was he approachable person? I realize he must get 100s of request for intreview and questions. Hope to get some time to be able to ask him a few questions.
                              ali, first, the city they are talking about I THINK IS "IZMIR"
                              i have seen a few articles saying "izmit" which could be somewhere near istanbul. i dont know about it, it could be a misprint by the newspaper, or it could be a place it exists.

                              but i know IZMIR is a nice touristy place in turkey. i dont think its very far from turkey either.

                              u might wanna check wikipedia for more info on IZMIR and see if it matches the info the newspapers mention. and see if u can find IZMIT anywhere on the internet and see if it exists.

                              i think u can email esteghlal officials to see where they are staying, or call the club??


                              about ghaleno being approachable, well i had a reporters badge and i approached him and he said who are u and who do u work for? i told him and he said who owns it, i told him some guy called kamran delan. i didnt say wat kamrans profession is otherwise he might have refused or watever.

                              my cousin had a handycam and i just asked him questions and he recorded it.
                              so yea, it was alright. it was after a press conference however.

                              i dunno, i have never approached him during a camp or after a match on the field but im guessing u can meet up with him, if not on ground, atleast somewhere in their hotel lobby or something if u can find some info from the club officials?


                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                                ali, first, the city they are talking about I THINK IS "IZMIR"
                                i have seen a few articles saying "izmit" which could be somewhere near istanbul. i dont know about it, it could be a misprint by the newspaper, or it could be a place it exists.
                                but i know IZMIR is a nice touristy place in turkey. i dont think its very far from turkey either.
                                u might wanna check wikipedia for more info on IZMIR and see if it matches the info the newspapers mention. and see if u can find IZMIT anywhere on the internet and see if it exists.
                                i think u can email esteghlal officials to see where they are staying, or call the club??
                                about ghaleno being approachable, well i had a reporters badge and i approached him and he said who are u and who do u work for? i told him and he said who owns it, i told him some guy called kamran delan. i didnt say wat kamrans profession is otherwise he might have refused or watever.
                                my cousin had a handycam and i just asked him questions and he recorded it.
                                so yea, it was alright. it was after a press conference however.
                                i dunno, i have never approached him during a camp or after a match on the field but im guessing u can meet up with him, if not on ground, atleast somewhere in their hotel lobby or something if u can find some info from the club officials?
                                That is a good hint. I foucs on Izmir then. I kept serachign for hotel Izmit in Turkey all over the internet and even called a few places but couldnt' find hotel Izmit. Izmir actually is about the same disatance from Istanbul.

                                I should call the club, that is the best option I think Thanks for the hint. See how it works out.
                                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

