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Esteghlal Fan Thread...

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    fekri: we didnt play alizadeh because of outdasti. he has great fighting spirit and pressurizes the opponents defense.

    محمود فكرى: عليزاده را به خاطر اوت دستى بازى نداديم

    Aug 07,2008 ParsFootball News Agency
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    خبرگزاری فوتبال ایران پارس فوتبال دات کام

    مربى تيم استقلال تهران با ابراز رضايت از پيروزى تيمش مقابل ابومسلم گفت:در اين بازى تيم ما نيمى از توان خود را به نمايش گذاشت و مطمئنا در بازى هاى آينده بهتر از اين در ميادين حاضر خواهيم شد. محمود فكرى همچنين افزود:استقلال در اين ديدار ۲ نيمه متفاوت داشت كه در نيمه اول افت محسوسى در بين بچه ها وجود داشت اما در بين نيمه بعد از صحبت با آنها توانستيم بازى متفاوتى در نيمه دوم به نمايش بگذاريم و در نهايت به پيروزى دلچسبى برسيم.وى ادامه داد:البته دليل اين افت محسوس عدم بازى بازيكنان ما در كنار هم بود و مطمئن باشيد كه در بازى هاى آينده بسيار بهتر از اين كار خواهيم كرد.وى در خصوص تيم ابومسلم نيز گفت:ابومسلم در نيمه اول سعى داشت با بستن بازى روند حركتى تيم ما را مسدود كند كه موفق هم ظاهر شد اما در نيمه دوم با تعويض هايى كه انجام شد اين تيم را مجبور انجام بازى باز كرديم و موفق به گلزنى شديم.فكرى با اشاره به حضور عليزاده در تركيب اصلى گفت:به هيچ وجه عليزاده را به خاطر پرتاب هاى اوت دستى به بازى نگرفتيم و معتقدم كه اين بازيكن با روحيه جنگندگى كه دارد هر دفاعى را مورد اذيت قرار مى دهد.وى در خصوص مصدوميت روانخواه گفت:متاسفانه بد شانسى محضى در ابتداى فصل گريبان روانخواه را گرفت و هنوز اطلاعات كافى از وضعيت وى در اختيار ما قرار نگرفته است اما فكر نمى كنم مشكل به خصوصى داشته باشد.
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      reza hassanzadeh: we played very well and in response to the perspolis officials, we will beat them with 3 goals

      حسن زاده: استقلال با اختلاف ۳ گل پرسپوليس را مى برد

      Aug 07,2008 ParsFootball News Agency
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      خبرگزاری فوتبال ایران پارس فوتبال دات کام

      رضا حسن زاده گفت: با توجه به آمادگى بازيكنان شك نكنيد كه اين تيم امسال قهرمان ليگ برتر مى شود. ضمن اينكه در پاسخ به ادعاى مديران پرسپوليس نيز بايد بگويم استقلال امسال با تعداد اختلاف ۳ گل قرمزهاى پايتخت را شكت مى دهد.بازيكن اسبق استقلال گفت: بازى اول تيم استقلال مقابل ابومسلم بسيار خوب بود و در اين مسابقه بازى روان و رو به جلويى را از بازيكنان استقلال شاهد بوديم.وى ادامه داد: اين ديدار، نخستين بازى استقلال در ليگ برتر بود و طبيعى است كه بازيكنان بيشتر از خلاقيت خودشان استفاده كنند تا تاكتيك تيمى اما اطمينان دارم در بازى هاى بعدى هماهنگى بازيكنان بيشتر از اين خواهد شد.حسن زاده خاطرنشان كرد: نفراتى كه امسال در استقلال بازى مى كنند جزو بهترين هاى فوتبال ايران هستند بنابراين مى توان از حالا استقلال را مدعى نخست قهرمانى دانست.وى در خصوص قلعه نويى گفت: امير تاكنون امتحان خودش را پس داده چراكه تجربه نشان داده است كه وى مى تواند همزمان در چند رقابت شركت كند و البته در همه آنها با برنامه خاص به موفقيت برسد. مطمئن هستم با توانايى بالاى اين مربى، استقلال مى تواند موفق تر از سال هاى گذشته شود.بازيكن اسبق استقلال در پايان گفت:با توجه به آمادگى بازيكنان شك نكنيد كه اين تيم قهرمان است. ضمناً در پاسخ به ادعاى مديران پرسپوليس نيز بايد بگويم استقلال امسال با تعداد اختلاف ۳ گل قرمزهاى پايتخت را شكت مى دهد.

      سایر اخبار

      خبر مرتبط وجود ندارد

      امتیاز به این خبر
      1 2 3 4 5
      Rating: 5.00Rating: 5.00Rating: 5.00Rating: 5.00Rating: 5.00 (مجموع 2 رای)
      Originally posted by siavasharian

      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


        A Request From True Ss Fans

        Without sounding too wise and Pollyanna type, I sincerely request even beg from true SS fans to stop calling PP as Loungies. I know some of it being said half jokingly. But I hope, we as SS fans, behave a head and shoulders above average fans in Iran.

        My expectations (true or false) from true SS fans is to respect (at least don't insult) other teams and just cheer our belove blue.

        The same way that we expect our football players change their culture and act professional, etc. etc., I think we as fans of football need to expect and demand higher from ourselves.

        I wish before the end of my natural life, I can go to a stadium in Iran and don't' hear (swear, insult,...), and all I hear is cheering your own team. I know this probably won't happen within the next 100 year, but hey, one can have a dream.

        I hope, my comments doesn't' cause any ill feelings, it was just a request.

        Ghrobane Hameghee Ali

        P.S. I only saw the first half of the game and didn't' come to the thread in order to not see the final result. But I couldn't' help myself.

        Even the first half, SS played well IMO. Spaces between the three lines were good. Second wave of attack was adding very well and winning the returned ball by Abomoslem back again and again. Very good Pressure to take the space and time away from Abomoslem players. Guys this was the very first game of the season and expecting a great team work from the team is unrealistic. Team conditioning and fighting spirit, hunger for victory seemed very good. I just don't' know we looked fairly good because Abo Moslem is weak or we really are good. Time will show. Very good observations by Yashar about using the whole field and spreading the AboMoslem's defense.

        Alizadeh in the first half was good I think. Again I haven't seen the second half yet.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Esteqlal midfielder Omid-Reza Ravankhah will be sidelined for at least 7 months after he suffered a severe knee injury.

          An MRI performed in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Wednesday showed that the ligament in Ravankhah's leg is damaged.

          Ravankhah ruptured his ligament in the early minutes of a match against Abumoslem on Tuesday.

          Esteqlal officials have decided to send the 20-year-old playmaker to a clinic belonging to FC Bayern Munich in Germany to undergo surgery.

          Esteqlal, coached by Amir Qalenoei, defeated Abumoslem 2-0 in the first week of the 8th Iranian Premier League matches to position themselves at the top of the league.

          The 8th Iranian Premier League kicked off on Monday.


            ^^^ Damn that's sad. Hope he recovers well.

            Seems like both goalscorers of last year's derbies are out this season.
            Persian Pride running through my veins!

            Esteghlal for life!!


              Originally posted by Ali Chicago
              Don't mean to cause conflict agha, just want the new generation of SS fans know the hisotry of their team.
              I agree, so I thought I post this in the official SS thread as well:

              Standing, from left to right:
              Alireza Haj Qasem, Hossein Farzami, Javad Chorab, Faramarz Zelli, Ali Danaei-Fard, ?, ?.

              Middle, from left to right:
              Mehdi Haj Mohammad, Ezaat Janmalaki, ?

              Sitting, from left to right:
              ?, Mansour Pourheydari, Caro Haqwerdian, Nasrollah Abdollahi, ?

              My uncle knew the other ones too, but he couldn't come to their names right away. I'll get back to it when he remembers.
              Persian Pride running through my veins!

              Esteghlal for life!!


                Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                I agree, so I thought I'd post this in the official SS thread as well:

                Standing, from left to right:
                Alireza Haj Qasem, Hossein Farzami, Javad Chorab, Faramarz Zelli, Ali Danaei-Fard, ?, ?.
                Middle, from left to right:
                Mehdi Haj Mohammad, Ezaat Janmalaki, ?
                Sitting, from left to right:
                ?, Mansour Pourheydari, Caro Haqwerdian, Nasrollah Abdollahi, ?
                My uncle knew the other ones too, but he couldn't come to their names right away. I'll get back to it when he remembers.

                Merci Amin Jaan;
                Most of these guys are even before my era. As far as I remember Zelli was a goalie and goalies usually wear a different jersy. Another thing, is Ali Danifard, if I am not mistaken was the father of Iraj Danifard, so he must have been older than this guy. After all Iraj Danifard was playing at the same time with both Ghorab and Karo, so Ali Danifard is a bit suspicious. But then again, maybe this Ali Danifard, isn't the one that was the father of Iraj.

                The one at the very corner first row sitting could be Ali Jabbari. One of these could be Akbar Karghar Jaam, he played center defense for SS at the time as well, with Nassrollah Abdullahi (Amoo Nasi as he was called then).
                Taj had a affiliate team Dayheem that was located in Nezam Abad. Mr. Azzadi and Mr. Shoraka at the time were the coaches of the youth program then and I remember at times when Mr. Abbdullahi was coming to coach the youth or just hang around, he was called Amoo Nasi.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Ghorbanet Ali jaan.

                  I'm sure the one in the middle standing is Zelli. I'm not sure about Ali and Iraj Danaei-Fard, I'll ask my uncle again, he could be mistaking.

                  He's no SS fan by all means, he's a big Sanat (Khuzestan in general) fan, he used to play for Sanat himself, and knew some of the big men of our football personally.
                  Show him any pic from Iranian football, no matter how old, he knows most of the names. He even told me which clubs some of the players used to play before they joined Taj

                  Thanx for your input btw.
                  Persian Pride running through my veins!

                  Esteghlal for life!!


                    merci amin jaan.. it's really nice to see some old pics of taj


                      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                      Ghorbanet Ali jaan.
                      I'm sure the one in the middle standing is Zelli. I'm not sure about Ali and Iraj Danaei-Fard, I'll ask my uncle again, he could be mistaking.
                      He's no SS fan by all means, he's a big Sanat (Khuzestan in general) fan, he used to play for Sanat himself, and knew some of the big men of our football personally.
                      Show him any pic from Iranian football, no matter how old, he knows most of the names. He even told me which clubs some of the players used to play before they joined Taj
                      Thanx for your input btw.
                      Khahesh Amin Jaan. You are so lucky to have an uncle (a treasure) like that. So he must be very familiar with Salia and Dehdari and the whole Abadani generation of our football.
                      Does he know the next generation like Majid Beshkar, Abdelreza Barzegari, Noori Khodayari, etc.??? I saw one of the old timers of Abadan football, in the friendship cup in LA four years ago and talked to him a lot about Abadan football on those days. It was a lot of fun.

                      Abadanis were always Sanat fans and after that they were kind of warmed up toward SS comapred to PP.

                      I remember around 1976, I watched Taj Sanat game in Abadan. Abadanis had a chant like this:

                      Santa nafte teeme Abadaneh
                      Ham jaay Iran, oon verde zabaneh

                      Defash teeran mesl seeme khardar

                      Hafbakah teezan ......

                      This was quite long, I don't remember the whole thing and the whole stadium knew the chant and chanting it. I had never seen something like this in Amjadeeyeh from Taj or PP fans. So It made an impact on me.
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                        hehe, armin jan, kheyli khiyalet rahateha. hamchin migi engar shoma 11 ta karim bagherio mohsen khalili tu teametun darin
                        un tarafe ghaziyaro shoma negah kardin or was it only esteghlals side u were looking at?
                        na vala, my point wasn't to low-rate ss but in Perspolis as much as there are also a few key players, but it seems like there are players that can step up and fill in for the bagher or khalili type guys (zareh, nikki, nouri] though, the way I see it, has these 3 guys as THE players and I can't see kazemi being able to do what jabari does for ss or any of the keepers being able to fill in for talebloo dastala...In Perspolis, and don't take that as coming from a Perspolis fan, [maybe due to the fact that I am not so familiar with ss's squat], seems to have a deeper squat than ss...but again, I am not very familiar with ss's bench this season either, so there might be a guy or two who can actually do the job of akbarpour or jabbari if they were to miss a few games in a row or something.
                        Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                          Originally posted by The-Red View Post
                          na vala, my point wasn't to low-rate ss but in Perspolis as much as there are also a few key players, but it seems like there are players that can step up and fill in for the bagher or khalili type guys (zareh, nikki, nouri] though, the way I see it, has these 3 guys as THE players and I can't see kazemi being able to do what jabari does for ss or any of the keepers being able to fill in for talebloo dastala...In Perspolis, and don't take that as coming from a Perspolis fan, [maybe due to the fact that I am not so familiar with ss's squat], seems to have a deeper squat than ss...but again, I am not very familiar with ss's bench this season either, so there might be a guy or two who can actually do the job of akbarpour or jabbari if they were to miss a few games in a row or something.
                          LOL@SS Squat!!!! Imagine SS doll la. Just teasing ya Armin. At times a simple spelling mistake make the content really funny. Remember there was this other guy who used trader instead of traitor. I imagined Ghotbi while trading!!!
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                            LOL@SS Squat!!!! Imagine SS doll la. Just teasing ya Armin. At times a simple spelling mistake make the content really funny. Remember there was this other guy who used trader instead of traitor. I imagined Ghotbi while trading!!!
                            ya Ali jan that's when the brain is of course working faster than the fingures and therefore it does create such funny stuff at times...I would go back and fix it, but since it's kind of funny, I'll let it be
                            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                              Originally posted by The-Red View Post
                              ya Ali jan that's when the brain is of course working faster than the fingures and therefore it does create such funny stuff at times...I would go back and fix it, but since it's kind of funny, I'll let it be
                              So happy to see you are such a great sport va ba Janbeh.
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                                Mansourian became the head of Esteghlal's Academy!

                                با حكم فتح ا..زاده : منصوريان رئيس آكادمي فوتبال استقلال تهران شد

                                مديرعامل باشگاه استقلال تهران در حكمي رسمي، كاپيتان فصل گذشته اين تيم را به عنوان رئيس آكادمي فوتبال اين باشگاه انتخاب كرد.

                                علي فتح ا...زاده پس از اتمام قرارداد حسن روشن با اين باشگاه و با توجه به بروز مشكلاتي با وي، عليرضا منصوريان را به عنوان رئيس جديد آكادمي فوتبال اين باشگاه انتخاب كرد.
                                مدير عامل استقلال حكم منصوريان را آماده كرده و منتظر بازگشت او از آلمان است تا اين حكم را به او دهد.
                                كاپيتان فصل گذشته استقلال تهران پس از خداحافظي از فوتبال براي شركت در كلاس هاي مربيگري به آلمان سفر كرد.

