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    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
    Excuse me but wasnt' you that first said my claim was based on Fox Soccer Channel? Short memory!!!! . It is just two posts down. Then have the audacity to tell me I brought up the TV issue. My mentioning of the TV was in direct response of your post. Screw the TV thing, did you ever see Ando on the right flank doing anything? Still insisting on 4-4-2 diamond!!!! You saw when Khatibi came as a forward then Iran changed to 4-4-2 and Hashemian wasnt' alone as much.
    Anyway, let's agree to disagree. We both at least share the desire that all SS players do well in order for SS to do well. Time will tell.
    wat short memory?? baba jan, i said, we played 4-4-2, u said "no, we played 4-2-3-1 and even fox tel showed the same formation!" this is exactly wat u said!
    and now im saying, u refused to accept that we played 4-4-2 when i told u 3 different tv channels and critics said the same. u even used fox tel as ur supporting argument!! MAGE GHEYR AZ IN BUD???

    i totally thought iran played 4-4-2 and i even told u 3 different tv stations said the same thing, even purple_hazi told u that in F+ forum, but u didnt wanna accept that.
    ando never played as a DM next to nekounam. u can compare ando this game and the games ando played DM under branko or daei in the first few games!
    if ando wasnt very active on the right side, that doesnt mean ando must have been a DM! it just means ando was shit that game as RM and had to be substituted which he was.
    why dont u ask urself this question, did u ever see ANDO doing anything in the middle of the field next to nekounam?? i hardly did..

    i dunno how much we can see in highlights but in the scene where shojaei did a 1-2 with gholamnejad and dribbled apast 3-4 players and screw up, ando was on the right, way ahead of gholamnejad. watch the clip again and if possible, the whole game again if u still have doubts and are interested. i said, nemikham esteghlal fan threado kufte baghiye konam som in not gonna discuss alizadeh vs abbasfard anymore.
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
      dariush jan, he is referring to me. dare taneh mizane, he doenst quote me directly. he is referring to the fact that i said alizadeh is crap but abbasfard isnt any better and in my opinion, alizaeh can even contribute more to the team than abbasfard. so far, abbasfard has been crap in every team he has played(bargh and saba), has had really poor stats in every team he played, but if he miraculously turns out to solve esteghlals striker problems, then thats great!
      i hope im wrong, because if im wrong, then that truly benefits my team which is the only reason i actually bother discussing about alizadeh vs abbasfard and i will come and accept my mistake. and if im right, then good for me again.

      its funny when some people come out to be wrong about iran KSA game formation inspite of trying to prove their points using foxtel as his backup, he didnt admit he was wrong or he was mistaken. but one poor game by esteghlal ahvaz which made every esteghlal player look good and he is already making quotes like "I TOLD MANY OF U GUYS " now thats wat is really funny

      and yes, esteghlal ahvaz showed a completely lethargic and uninspired game that day which everyone admitted. even if they are the best team in IPL, it still that doest mean, they cant have a bad game or a bad day... ofcourse, our team played very well and we shouldnt take credit away from our team but at the same time, esteghlal ahvaz played a game of maybe even lower than azadegan level!
      oh i see but yes you are right alizadeh has had bunch of assists for perspolis and esteghlal siavash's only goal this season came from alizadeh's out so he is a better team player than abbasfare but as far as technique i guess abbasfar is a little bit better.... or less shittier


        NEW SS CEO talks about discipline, controlling cost and schedules, I hope he means 50% of what he is talking about.

        See for yourself:

        واعظى آشتيانى: اگر رازدار باشيم، درِ بعضى از روزنامه ها بايد تخته شود!

        اميررضا واعظى آشتيانى مديرعامل باشگاه استقلال هم اكنون در ايتاليا به سر مى برد و قصد دارد دوشنبه هفته آينده و پس از بازگشت به ايران در دفتر اين باشگاه مستقر شود. آشتيانى پيش از سفر به ايتاليا، در گفت و گويى اختصاصى با ابرار ورزشى حرف هاى جالبى به زبان آورد كه در ادامه با هم مى خوانيم. آشتيانى در ابتدا گفت: من هيچ وقت براى مسئوليت گرفتن و رسيدن به پست و مقام دست و پا نزده ام و پشت در اتاق كسى ننشسته ام و بگويم تو را به خدا بيا و اين مسئوليت را به من بده. اعضاى هيأت مديره استقلال به اين نتيجه رسيدند كه من مديرعامل باشم و بيايم كار كنم كه قبول كردم تا هر زمانى كه بخواهند در خدمتشان هستم و با تمام وجود كارم را انجام مى دهم هر وقت هم كه گفتند برو خيلى راحت مى روم و به بقيه كارهايى كه دارم مى رسم. وى افزود: نه تنها در باشگاه استقلال بلكه در پرسپوليس، سازمان تربيت بدنى فدراسيون فوتبال و هر جاى ديگر رفت و آمد انجام مى شود و قرار نيست ميز يك مدير تا هميشه براى او بماند زيرا اگر مديريت جاودانى بود به من نمى رسيد. باشگاه استقلال باشگاه بسيار بزرگى است و هواداران بى شمارى دارد. مردم به خاطر استقلال به ورزشگاه مى آيند و من هم افتخار مى كنم در اين باشگاه پرطرفدار و پرافتخار خدمت مى كنم. اتفاقاً هميشه عادت دارم لباس هاى آبى رنگ بپوشم زيرا رنگ آبى باعث ايجاد آرامش و نشاط مى شود و دوستان من از علاقه ام به رنگ آبى اطلاع دارند.آشتيانى اظهار داشت: به نظر من نظم و انضباط كليد حل مشكلات است و همه مسائل ما را سر وسامان مى دهد. اگر حالا مى بينيد كه برخى كشورها توسعه يافته اند و پيشرفت كرده اند به دليل داشتن نظم و برنامه است وگرنه هيچ چيز بيشتر از ما ندارند. آنها به درستى برنامه هاى مورد نيازشان را نوشتند و مجريان كاربلدى را هم براى اجراى اين برنامه ها انتخاب كردند و نتيجه آن هم شد پيشرفته و رسيدن به موفقيت. انضباط رمز رسيدن به موفقيت است و من مى خواهم در استقلال هم همين كار را انجام دهم. برنامه بدون نظم هيچ فايده اى ندارد و اگر دور ريخته شود بهتر است. مديرعامل جديد باشگاه استقلال با اشاره به مسائل مالى اين باشگاه گفت: هزينه و درآمدها بايد مشخص وشفاف باشد . نبايد لقمه را بزرگتر از دهانمان برداريم زيرا در اين صورت برايمان مشكل درست مى شود. وقتى مقدار مشخصى پول داريم بايد به همان اندازه خرج كنيم نه بيشتر. اگر مى خواهيم بيشتر خرج كنيم بايد ابتدا درآمد مضاعف داشته باشيم و پول به دست بياوريم تا دستمان براى كارهاى بيشتر باز باشد. خيلى ها مى گويند سفره اى در فوتبال پهن شده و بايد از اين سفره استفاده كرد اما من مى گويم اگر همين روند را ادامه دهيم، سفره سوراخ مى شود. اول بايد غذا داشته باشيم و سر سفره بگذاريم، بعد بنشينيم و غذا صرف كنيم. وى اظهار داشت: من ديدم باشگاه فقط ۵ ميليارد تومان به كادرفنى و بازيكنان بدهى دارد كه فقط يك ميليارد و دويست و پنجاه ميليون تومانى آن پرداخت شده است. با اين وضعيت من چه كار بايد بكنم؟ منابع درآمدى ما چيست؟ تازه اين مقدار فقط مربوط به بازيكنان و مربيان است و حالا ساير خرج ها را در نظر نمى گيريم. واعظى آشتيانى گفت: من ترسى از مشكلات ندارم و با توكل بر خدا كار مى كنم اگر به خدا توكل كنيم و وحدت داشته باشيم و با نظم پيش برويم هر كارى شدنى است و من به آينده بسيار اميدوارم. مدير عامل جديد باشگاه استقلال در پاسخ به سوالى مبنى بر قهر مجتبى جبارى به دليل نقد نشدن چك خود گفت: شأن جبارى بسيار بالاتر از اين حرفهاست. من ۳سال پياپى او را به عنوان ورزشكار برتر سال از نظر اخلاق معرفى كردم و بعيد مى دانم چنين مسأله اى درست باشد.رئيس فدراسيون دوچرخه سوارى اظهار داشت: اگر ما مسائل و اتفاقات درون باشگاهى را به بيرون انتقال ندهيم و رازدار باشيم در بعضى از روزنامه ها بايد تخته شود زيرا ديگر نمى توانند بنويسند لنگه كفش آشتيانى گم شد يا ساك ورزشى فلان بازيكن چرا اين طورى بود! بايد تا جايى كه مى توانيم از حاشيه ها دور باشيم و فقط در حيطه اختيارات خودمان صحبت كنيم. يكى از دلايل موفقيت فدراسيون دوچرخه سوارى همين جمع و جور كردن حاشيه ها بود.وى به مسابقه مقابل پرسپوليس اشاره كرد و گفت: ادب حكم مى كند هيچ حريفى را دست كم نگيريم اما بازى با پرسپوليس هم يك بازى معمولى مثل ساير مسابقات ليگ است. البته هواداران ۲ تيم سالهاست كه با هم كرى دارند اما هر تيمى برنده شود فقط ۳ امتياز مى گيرد نه بيشتر.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          I'm very curious to see how we'll do tomorrow against Rah Ahan, after last week's great result.

          We really need a win, being so close to the derby. Hopefully Qn won't bring any changes to the formation, last week's team is the closest we can get to the ideal team WITH THE AVAILABLE PLAYERS.
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            My prediction for todays game line up






            And i didn't put Jabbari on the line up because i think QN want to punnish him or something for not coming to trainings


              Originally posted by LI23 View Post
              My prediction for todays game line up






              And i didn't put Jabbari on the line up because i think QN want to punnish him or something for not coming to trainings
              Akbarpour is suspended. I would play the same team that played vs. SS Ahvaz. no changes!


                no bro akbarpour is good to go, and there's a high chance that he'll replace abbasfard in the same lineup that we played against esteghlal ahvaz .

                We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                  I am so curious to see if GN changed the team that demolished SS Ahwaz or not. I hope not, specially would be interesting to see if he plays Akbarpoor instead of either Borhani or maybe even Abasfard. Akbarpoor and Borhani play a similar style, but Divar Abbasfard is kootahtar as hameh, let see what happens. Usually good coaches don't touch the winning team's line up.
                  "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                  Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                  Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                  Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                    so what is going on in the blue camp before the match against your sarvars?
                    rahahan is next, so I guess you guys should focus on them for now.
                    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                      let's see if SS will do another fluke.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by iran4eva View Post
                        no bro akbarpour is good to go, and there's a high chance that he'll replace abbasfard in the same lineup that we played against esteghlal ahvaz .
                        No bro, Akbarpour (even when not suspended) should take place on the bench. He does NOT deserve to play. He didn't show jack in the first 4 games, plus he did that NA JAVANMARDANE thing. He has to learn that the team comes first.

                        I had hoped that disciplinary commitee didn't suspend his suspension, but they did. He has to learn it, if not by rules, then by punishments. How many games this guy is gonna cost us?
                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        I am so curious to see if GN changed the team that demolished SS Ahwaz or not. I hope not, specially would be interesting to see if he plays Akbarpoor instead of either Borhani or maybe even Abasfard. Akbarpoor and Borhani play a similar style, but Divar Abbasfard is kootahtar as hameh, let see what happens. Usually good coaches don't touch the winning team's line up.
                        I agree with you. I hope Akbarpour stays on the bench


                          Originally posted by The-Red View Post
                          so what is going on in the blue camp before the match against your sarvars?
                          rahahan is next, so I guess you guys should focus on them for now.
                          Armin, so you sneak in and do a "Shabikhoon" with that Sarvar comment!!! huh! . Next time we need to install an intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS Oops, I showed my geekiness I guess) system in SS fans thread. We Khedmat teemhayee ke moghabel ma bazi meekonnad meereseem yeki be yeki " service the competitors one at a time" (PP gotta wait his turn for the major spanking this time ). No more Mr. nice guy and rahm to PP (sharing the points) only a tie.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Big decision time for GN whether to bench Jabbari or not. If he want credibility among professionals he needs to bench Jabbari. While I can totally understand and empatize with Jabbari's anger in regards to his check issue, missing three practice session specially two weeks before Derbi is utterly unacceptable. Many other SS players haven't got paid yet as well. A few players haven't been paid their dues from the last season yet. But they don't use that excuse to miss practice. Specially allegedly he went to the team meeting with the psychologist but didn't go to the practices.

                            No one can deny Jabbari's positive impact but a team needs discipline. I wouldn't mind is SS looses to both Rah Ahan and even PP but once and for all this issue of not going to practice by the players being addressed once and for all.

                            GN benched Kazemi and hell didn't freeze, Yadi Akbari (like a lion) roared. I am sure SS's bench is do deep, that no Jabbari won't impact us as drastically as many think.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                              Armin, so you sneak in and do a "Shabikhoon" with that Sarvar comment!!! huh! . Next time we need to install an intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS Oops, I showed my geekiness I guess) system in SS fans thread. We Khedmat teemhayee ke moghabel ma bazi meekonnad meereseem yeki be yeki " service the competitors one at a time" (PP gotta wait his turn for the major spanking this time ). No more Mr. nice guy and rahm to PP (sharing the points) only a tie.
                              lol Ali jan, I am sure will come up with a way to break that detection software of yours

                              it seems like neither perspolis nor esteghlal are playing to their potential as of late and both won their games this week but far from convincingly...
                              ss too should just be happy to get the 3 points, but more good news for ss is that the team seems to have recovered from that lack of confidence and bad performances of the past month...
                              these results actually means neither of the two will be pushing hard to win since losing points won't be too costly next week, even tho they have never tied 4 times in a row
                              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                                Armin jan, yadet nare, GN has never lost a derby

