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They were one of my fav. teams actually, but now I dislike them. Can't believe I thought about dropping out of school, going back to Iran to play for them
^ I did not know that you are a serious player Amin khan. Are u playing for a club now and in what position. Don't tell me left back.
Well I used to be some time ago (now like 2-3 years). I was on trial at FC Den Bosch (used to be in the Dutch premier league, now 2nd league), but then I had a serious injury and stopped footballing after that.
Back then I had trials with Sanat and Bargh settled, but couldn't get to Iran because of some reasons.
I played at FC Haarlem and then SC Heerenveen youth (age of 15-16), but my mom didn't let me continue because of my study (lol typical Iranian mom). Then I started playing in the "Hoofdklasse" for years, which is a little lower than the Dutch 2nd league (semi-pro).
Back then I used to play midfield. Then at one moment, I had to play left back because of some injuries in our team, and that went so well that I got scouted at Den Bosch for that position So yeah, I'm a lefty and have played the left back position
But I'm afraid I'm too old now anyway to think about a professional career
I agree man. bargh is nothing. Alaki raftan on bala.
SS should have beaten them brutally, Sepahan must have beaten them and PP will probably beat them.
They are no title contenders.
Glwiz.com didn't put the game for SS or PP game on their archive. The other place that I am not supposed to bring thier name, PP and SS channel is down. Anywhere else I can watch or download the last SS and PP game?
"When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)
Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football. Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)
Well I used to be some time ago (now like 2-3 years). I was on trial at FC Den Bosch (used to be in the Dutch premier league, now 2nd league), but then I had a serious injury and stopped footballing after that.
Back then I had trials with Sanat and Bargh settled, but couldn't get to Iran because of some reasons.
I played at FC Haarlem and then SC Heerenveen youth (age of 15-16), but my mom didn't let me continue because of my study (lol typical Iranian mom). Then I started playing in the "Hoofdklasse" for years, which is a little lower than the Dutch 2nd league (semi-pro).
Back then I used to play midfield. Then at one moment, I had to play left back because of some injuries in our team, and that went so well that I got scouted at Den Bosch for that position So yeah, I'm a lefty and have played the left back position
But I'm afraid I'm too old now anyway to think about a professional career
I was right you played left back. Now Ale Nemeh has a new competition.
Well I used to be some time ago (now like 2-3 years). I was on trial at FC Den Bosch (used to be in the Dutch premier league, now 2nd league), but then I had a serious injury and stopped footballing after that.
Back then I had trials with Sanat and Bargh settled, but couldn't get to Iran because of some reasons.
I played at FC Haarlem and then SC Heerenveen youth (age of 15-16), but my mom didn't let me continue because of my study (lol typical Iranian mom). Then I started playing in the "Hoofdklasse" for years, which is a little lower than the Dutch 2nd league (semi-pro).
Back then I used to play midfield. Then at one moment, I had to play left back because of some injuries in our team, and that went so well that I got scouted at Den Bosch for that position So yeah, I'm a lefty and have played the left back position
But I'm afraid I'm too old now anyway to think about a professional career
oh come on amin jaan you are never too old for footy
Taleblou, Ghorbani and Vaez Ashtiani had a meeting together
جلسه سه نفره بين واعظ ، قرباني و طالب لو
دو تن از بازيكنان تيم فوتبال استقلال ظهر امروز با مديرعامل باشگاه براي رسيدگي به مشكلات بازيكنان جلسه داشتند.
به گزارش سایت رسمی باشگاه فارس، وحيد طالب لو و پيروز قرباني به نمايندگي از بازيكنان استقلال با امير واعظ آشتياني جلسه برگزار كردند.
در اين نشست، اين دو درباره وعده هاي مالي با مديرعامل به صحبت پرداختند و از او خواسته اند كه اين وعده ها را هرچه زودتر عملي كند.
آنها از واعظ خواستند به وضعيت مالي بازيكنان مصدوم هم رسيدگي شود.
قرار بود حسين كاظمي هم براي مشكل پولي خود با مديرعامل استقلال جلسه اي برگزار كند.
They spoke about money and their unpayed salaries and the players requested the pay, how sooner how better
Amirabadi: "It is an honor to sit on Esteghlal's bench"
اميرآبادي: نيمكت نشيني در استقلال افتخار است
هافبك تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران گفت: اعتراضي به نيمكت نشيني ندارم و اين مسئله برايم افتخار است.
به گزارش سایت رسمی باشگاه مهدي اميرآبادي در گفت و گو با خبرنگار فارس درباره اينكه گفته مي*شود بعد از بازي مقابل تيم برق شيراز به حالت قهر رختكن را ترك كرده است، اظهار داشت: اين خبر صحت ندارد. اعتراضي نكردم؛ حتي در زماني كه تيم ما در حالت حمله بود، دوست داشتم تيمم به گل هاي بيشتر برسد.
وي ادامه داد: سال هاست كه در استقلال بازي مي كنم و در اين مدت با هيچ مربي مشكلي نداشته ام. اينكه هر روز مي نويسند ناراحت هستم، دروغ است.
اميرآبادي با بيان اينكه با مربيان احساس راحتي مي كند، عنوان كرد: به اندازه كافي با مربيان رابطه دوستانه دارم كه اگر بخواهم كاري انجام دهم به آنها مي گويم.
وي تاكيد كرد: بايد تلاش خود را بيشتر كنم تا حقم را بگيرم
هافبك تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران گفت: تبديل به همان بازيكني شده ام كه مي خواستم.
به گزارش سایت رسمی باشگاه ميثم منيعي در گفت و گو با خبرنگار فارس درباره بازي اين تيم مقابل برق شيراز اظهار داشت: موقعيت هاي زيادي را از دست داديم و اگر پنالتي نيمه دوم گل مي شد مي توانستيم به برتري برسيم.
وي در حمايت از يدا... اكبري افزود: براي هر بازيكني پيش مي آيد كه پنالتي را خراب كند. ما در بازي مقابل برق تنها چيزي كه نداشتيم شانس بود. آن ها هم تيم خوبي بودند.
اين هافبك در ارتباط با عملكرد خود گفت: رفته رفته هماني مي شوم كه مي خواهم. البته از بازي خودم به دليل عدم پيروزي تيم راضي نيستم. با اين وجود در حالي كه در هفته گذشته مريض بودم عملكرد بدي نداشتم.
منيعي در اپيان خاطر نشان ساخت: مي خواهيم اين روند رو به رشد را ادامه دهيم. از اين به بعد بازي ها شش امتيازي است و مطمئن باشيد كه هدف ما فقط صدرنشيني خواهد بود.
OMG What is he saying He should stay away from set pieces and JUST concentrate on his own position. Harchi in FK va CK zad kharab kard, mige khoob bazi kardam
Koushki suspended for 3 matches and fined 15 million rial
كوشكي سه جلسه محروم و 15 ميليون ريال جريمه شد
مدافع تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران پس از برگزاري نشست كميته انضباطي فدراسيون به سه جلسه محروميت و پرداخت 15 ميليون ريال جريمه نقدي محكوم شد.
به گزارش سایت رسمی باشگاه فارس، جلسه كميته انضباطي فدراسيون فوتبال در خصوص تخلف بيژن كوشكي برگزار شد.
وي در اين جلسه گفت: متاسفانه خبرنگاران در شرايط نامناسبي مرا تحت فشار قرار داده و باعث شدند تا با خستگي جسمي و روحي كه داشتم حركت نادرستي را انجام دهم.
كوشكي در ادامه بيان كرد: صحبت هاي مسئولان كميته انضباطي باعث شد تا پي به اشتباهم ببرم. از خبرنگاران عذر خواهي مي كنم و ز كميته انضباطي نيز درخواست دارم تا شرايطي را فراهم كنند كه بلافاصله پس از خروج از بازي با خبرنگاران مواجه نشويم كه درنهايت چنين اتفاقاتي رخ ندهد.
پس از توقف يك ساعته و شور اعضاي كميته انضباطي، مقرر شد كوشكي با سه جلسه محروميت و مبلغ 15 ميليون ريال جريمه مواجه شود.
وي 2 جلسه محروميت خود را پشت سر گذاشته است و به اين ترتيب مقابل پاس همدان نيز محروم است.
He will be allowed to play against Peykan. Furthermore he apologizes but he want the Disciplinary Committee to stop allowing the reporters to interview them, straight after the match and stuff like that, because players are under mental pressure after the game and say/do things they might regret.
Amir Abadi is great. He always does his job when he's playing and never complains when he's put on the bench. A true Esteghlali patriot! It's an honor to have him on the bench.
Manei: Good that he realizes that the criticism he wa receiving wasn't misplaced. He indeed has been poor ever seince he joined us and I hope it's true what he's claiming (about getting in form). Still, how in formhe may be, he needs to let the set pieces to someone else!
Koushki needs to realize that it's part of being a professional player. However, I must add that Iranian reporters can be a pain in the ass and don't know their limit. Also, what happened after the derby was just an incident, considering what happened with Qn and how upset Koushki was.