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    Esteghlal is without any suspended or injured players
    استقلال بدون محروم و مصدوم

    تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران روز دوشنبه و از هفته دوازدهم ليگ برتر ميزبان پيكان قزوين خواهد بود.

    به گزارش گروه خبرگزاري ورزش ايران (ايپنا) امير قلعه نوعي در اين بازي تمامي نفراتش را در اختيار دارد. تنها مصدوم آنها هادي شكوري بود كه با چند جلسه فيزيوتراپي بعد از بازي با پاس همدان به شرايط بازي رسيده است.

    نتيجه اين بازي با توجه به جايگاه دو تيم براي ساير تيم هاي بالاي جدول هم از اهميت بسيار زيادي برخوردار است.


      Taghipour: "We should not underrate any team"

      ابراهيم تقي پور گفت: "سعي مي*كنيم با ادامه اين روند استقلال را قهرمان نيم فصل كنيم."

      بازيكن تيم فوتبال استقلال در گفت و گو با خبرگزاري ورزش ايران (ايپنا) اظهار داشت: "تيم فوتبال استقلال تيم بسيار پرقدرتي بوده و در حال حاضر نيز از شرايط بسيار ايده آلي برخوردار است."

      وي ادامه داد:* "بازيكنان استقلال خوب تمرين و در اين چند روز خود را آماده كرده*اند تا در ديدار مقابل پيكان نيز 3 امتياز بازي را به دست بياورند. در حال حاضر سعي مي كنيم روند رو به رشد استقلال را حفظ كنيم تا در پايان نيم فصل قهرمان شويم."

      وي خاطرنشان كرد: "استقلال هنوز جا دارد كه بهتر شود، ولي به نظرم براي اينكه موفق شويم هيچ تيمي را نبايد دست كم گرفت."

      تقي پور در پايان گفت:* "متاسفانه طي هفته هاي گذشته عده اي شيطنت*هايي كرده بودند كه ظاهراً از نتيجه*گيري استقلال خوشحال نمي*شوند. من به عنوان بازيكن تيم به هواداران قول مي دهم كه همه تلاش را براي قهرماني تيم به كار بگيريم."


        Vaez Ashtiani is allowed to go to the AFC seminar

        واعظ آشتياني در سمينار اي اف سي شركت مي*كند

        خبرگزاري فارس: با پيگيري كميته روابط بين*الملل فدراسيون فوتبال، مديرعامل باشگاه استقلال در سمينار مديران در مقر كنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا شركت مي*كند.

        به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، امير واعظ آشتياني بامداد دوشنبه هفته جاري براي شركت در سمينار مديران تيم*هاي آسيايي در اي اف سي به مالزي سفر مي*كند.
        پس از اينكه كنفدراسيون آسيا به دليل دير ارسال شدن اسامي مديران باشگاه* استقلال به كنفدارسيون فوتبال آسيا نام آنها را از حضور در سمينار مديران تيم*هاي آسيايي حذف كرده بود، روابط بين*الملل فدراسيون فوتبال ايران با ارسال نامه*اي به اي اف سي به دليل تغيير مديريت در اين باشگاه خواستار قبول مدارك جديد اين باشگاه شد و كنفدراسيون فوتبال آسيا نيز پس از بررسي نامه با درخواست فدراسيون فوتبال ايران مبني بر حضور واعظ آشتياني در اين جلسه موافقت كرد.
        مدير عامل باشگاه استقلال كه صبح امروز از فراهم شدن شرايط حضور خود در اين سمينار مطلع شد، دوشنبه صبح براي شركت در اين سمينار به مالزي مي*رود.


          now its alivve thanx 2 me
          Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games

          [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
          Villa + Messi =


            We must win the match tomorrow. We've been on quite a good run and 3 points against Peykan would be great. Our defense really needs to be alert of Peykan's offense as they seem to be in great form.
            Persian Pride running through my veins!

            Esteghlal for life!!


              ^if the recent form of these two teams is any indication, we will see an open-ended game tomorrow with SS probably with more possession and Paykan thinking more to counter-attacks...I would watch for Iman Heydar and Seyed Salehi if I was ss and Paykan must find a way to closely mark Jabbari and Juan Vario. SS will have the edge in Azadi.

              For the sake of Perspolis, I hope the game ends in a draw but regardless of the result, should be a good game to watch.
              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                dont worry red jan esteghlal will win and take the 3rd place from perspolis!!
                Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                Villa + Messi =


                  Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post

                  I think its good this way.
                  Our league is improving, other teams are improving.
                  The fact that Peykan moved to Qazvin and have 5000 etc or full stadiums watching their games goes to show what a great move it was.
                  I mean what would be exiting seeing PP and Es Es back to back every year.
                  We have some strong teams in Iran now, with the fact that 4spots is given to us.
                  Our league has really spiced up with top 3 will now qualify for the AFC CL.

                  Hopefully it will only get stronger and stronger.
                  But, Persepolis should still win a back to back championship
                  Arash jan I didn't mean to say that it's good for our football if Perspolis and ss are always on the top, but if they are involved with the championship race along side 2-3 or even 4 other teams each year, that only adds to the excitment of the league and gets the fans into the league.....every season where both Perspolis and ss go into the last few weeks with hope of winning the title, the league turns out to have an amazing finish.
                  Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                    repped, every season when ss and pp r fighting 4 the title it becomes the most exiting league in the world
                    Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                    [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                    Villa + Messi =


                      Originally posted by amir-abadi View Post
                      dont worry red jan esteghlal will win and take the 3rd place from perspolis!!
                      that's totally fine with us amir-abadi jan,,,you see, we are not playing for the 3rd place spot, we're playing for the very top, so ss can have the 3rd now if that is so important tp you guys at this stage of the season...

                      n'ways, good luck to your team tomorrow, but only enough to get a point and stop Paykan from getting all 3 lol
                      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                        Hey i just saw that today Majidi's gonna play and Borhani'd be benched.
                        Also Akbari will play for Kazemi who is suspended.
                        WE NEVER FORGET


                          Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
                          Hey i just saw that today Majidi's gonna play and Borhani'd be benched.
                          Also Akbari will play for Kazemi who is suspended.
                          yeah that's what I saw too


                            I've heard MAjidi is really pissed off these and even had a few meeting with some IPL's club managers.
                            Maybe this is why GN is starting with Majidi otherwise in such a crucial game there's no logical reason to not playing Borhani who is really fit and ready these days.
                            WE NEVER FORGET


                              If Kazemi is suspended then you guys are doomed. jk

                              I hope it turns out to be another exciting SS-Peykan match like always has been.
                              SS need to really be careful of Heydari, Salehi and their captain Tahsamebi whose freekicks are killers, am sure you guys know what i mean

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Come on bacheha, I skipped uni for this match, don't let us down
                                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                                Esteghlal for life!!

