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    Jabari injury will not only hurt SS but TM too.
    I hope he recovers soon.



      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
      Hassan Agha, do you mean PCL (posterior Cruciate legimant) or (MCL) Medial cruciate legimant? I torn all of these, and as far as I know (which is limited granted there is no exterior Cruciate legimant).

      If it is PCL or MCL torn, that is atleast a 6 month deal (at least). If Jabbari suffered this, that is a huge impact, but Koushki's absence won't be felt and easily filled by other defenders.

      Yaddolah Akbari plays DM (beside Kazemi) as well.
      Wow I can't imagine the pain you've been through.

      And for your question.. I really don't know. Apparently it's not serious, and hopefully it's not like his previous injury.

      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
        no idea hassan jan. but since we have are in week 14, im guessing we have around 1 month - 6 weeks left before the end of first half of IPL.
        so its gonna be after that probably.

        i know bayern munich flies down to dubai every decemeber - jan for winter break.

        the dubai tourney which TM under ghalenoi participated in was in jan last year. and most of the top european teams who visit dubai visit in jan....

        so my advice to u is that if u wanna come down to dubai, come down in jan and let me know. we can hang out and go to esteghlal trainings or friendly matches together and maybe if possible arrange some interviews or atleast take some pics with the boys
        Sure man . I really hope that I can arrange everything

        We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


          I know we scored in the last minute, but still I'm disappointed. ZWe didn't play all that bad, considering the pitch, but it's a shame we have to whitness the likes of Alizadeh and Manei mess up all the time and still remain on the pitch.

          Manei only had 1 good match all season, and that in a team that played well overall, so it's not that hard to not do good in such a team.

          Alizadeh doesn't know sh!t about positioning. He can't head, he can't run, he can't hold on to the ball, he can't pass, he can't finish, he can't...all he can do is stand in offside position (which is funny considering his physic and style).
          I've said from the beginning that I'd prefer Abbasfard above him. At least Abbasfard is a constant threath in the air, Alizadeh only fauls in the air.

          Jan Vario was great, nothing more to add.
          Akbarpoor was good, worked hard and did well overall. Kazemi should focus on his defensive duties more and should stop acting as if he's Zidane. He tries to involve himself way too much in playmaking, which causes him to lose position.

          Heydari played well, he was all over the place.

          Our defenders pannick too much and there's no communication between them! Qn has some work to do there.

          Too bad we conceded 2 goals on 2 individual defensive errors; the 2nd one by Montazeri, and specially Manei was just disgraceful! Also a shame that we rely so much on Jabbari's presence in midfield; despite the fact that Majidi and Jan Vario were not bad, we still missed some quick thinking and passing in midfield.
          I hope Jabbari returns next week.

          All in all we were the better team and conceded two tokhmi goals. We should not lose focus in these last couple of matches!!!!
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            we should really be grateful to janvario and appreciate his complete dedication to the team.

            if only he can work on his shooting skills, he will be god among IPL midfielders!

            majidi played pretty well in midfield, much better than akbarpour whose slow decisoin making and passing slowed down our midfield. he should have stayed upfront and threaten the malavan defense with his skills and ball controlling ability to allow time for esteghlal midfielders to join in attack.

            kazemi once again had problems in making accurate passes.

            im not so pissed at montazeri for that goal cos he had a good game overall and has been doing well for us all these games and mistakes are bound to happen but the idiot manei has been boiling my blood all these games. hope ghalenoi starts amirabadi from now on.

            and hope to see more of akbarim cant believe he stayed out, borhani was only a sub, majidi was subbed out but alizadeh played 90 minutes and that too, when the team played on the ground the whole time and malavan hardly gave away any throw ins!!

            2 of ghalenoi's subs however worked well, borhani assisted and abbasfard scored. barikala be 2 tashoon and barikala be ghalenoi. and ofcourse, janvario who was the architect behind both our goals!
            Originally posted by siavasharian

            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


              Wow, you'd think we'd be happy with a last minute equalizer but no. Wasted way too many chances and gifted Malavan two goals. Liverpool v Tottenham all over again.

              And khak to sare Abbasfard. Dumbass, you scored and there isn't much time left yet instead of taking the ball out of the net you just scored you went and wasted 1 minute showboating your goal.


                i guess he was really frustrated for not making it even to the 18 players list and he scored in the single chance he got after such a long time...

                but yea, our boys were not professional today. too many sill yellow cards and stupid mistakes in defense specially.
                Originally posted by siavasharian

                بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                  پس از تساوي مقابل ملوان/

                  قلعه*نويي: مرادي به دليل دوري از فوتبال اين پنالتي را گرفت

                  خبرگزاري فارس: سرمربي تيم فوتبال استقلال گفت: من فكر مي*كنم تصميم مرادي براي اعلام پنالتي به سود ملوان به دليل دوري چند هفته*اي او از فوتبال بود.

                  به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، امير قلعه*نويي پس از تساوي مقابل ملوان در جمع خبرنگاران درباره قضاوت مسعود مرادي در اين ديدار اظهار داشت: به مسعود مرادي تبريك مي*گوييم كه پس از هفته*ها دوري به فوتبال برگشت اما از او گله**اي هم دارم.
                  وي افزود: او خطايي كه نمي*توان اسم آن را خطا بگذارند و خطاي كف پا بود را پنالتي اعلام كرد. ناظر بازي هم بين دو نيمه به من گفت خطاي پنالتي صورت نگرفته است.
                  قلعه*نويي تصريح كرد: من فكر مي*كنم دوري چند هفته*اي او از داوري روي قضاوت مرادي تأثير گذاشته بود.
                  سرمربي استقلال درباره بازي عنوان كرد:* از مردم انزلي تشكر مي*كنم كه جو سالمي را در ورزشگاه ايجاد كردند و در يك فضاي ورزشي بدون مشكلي دو تيم توانستند بازي فوتبال را انجام دهند.
                  وي افزود: من مخالف نظر دوستاني هستم كه مي*گويند استقلال دو نيمه متفاوت داشته است ما در هر دو نيمه با برنامه ظاهر شديم و موقعيت*هاي زيادي خلق كرديم.
                  قلعه*نويي اضافه كرد: اگر از موقعيت*هاي خود استفاده مي*كرديم مسلماً اين نتيجه را به دست نمي*آورديم ملوان مربي فهيمي دارد و من به احمدزاده تبريك مي*گويم با امكانات كم و مشكلات مالي تيم خوب و جواني را ساخته است.
                  سرمربي استقلال ادامه داد: اين تيم در بازي امروز حرفهاي زيادي براي گرفتن داشت و مطمئنم اين تيم در ادامه براي تيم*هاي ديگر در انزلي مشكل ايجاد مي*كند.
                  قلعه*نويي در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه چرا فرهاد مجيدي را تعويض كرده است گفت: در آن لحظه دو تيم مساوي بودند و من آرش برهاني را به زمين فرستادم تا از عمق خط دفاع ملوان فرار كرده و به گل دست پيدا كند.
                  ديدار تيم هاي ملوان و استقلال دو بر دو به پايان رسيد.

                  This is what i said, it was a kafe pa foul and had to be taken a indirect ( 2 zarb)free kick.
                  WE NEVER FORGET


                    Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
                    This is what i said, it was a kafe pa foul and had to be taken a indirect ( 2 zarb)free kick.
                    Penalty or not, we should've won the game.

                    That being said, a draw in Bandar Anzali is not that bad either. They always play well against SS and PP, specially against SS and have won the last encounters against us.
                    Persian Pride running through my veins!

                    Esteghlal for life!!


                      i didnt see the first half, but after watching the highlights:

                      - Maneyi should join tore in ghotbi's doghouse . there, he should be told to center the ball with HIS LEFT FOOT .

                      - If i remember correctly, on malavan's second goal, it was firstly ghorbani who conceded a "layi", then montazeri and maneyi screwed up. lol, if GN had another sub left, he just might've subbed pirouz out too!

                      -it was a bold move by GN to sub them (maneyi and montazeri) out immediately and replace one of them with a striker.

                      - I knew that there was no way that malavan would win this game, but man... if we miss goal scoring opportunities like this in the end of season, we might get in trouble.

                      - last but not least: Salute to Juanario. I wish he was an Iranian player. he should be an example for every single young iranian midfielder who wishes to succeed as a footballer. can't wait to see more of him in the future.

                      PS. I noticed how well khosro heydari was involved in defensive duties today. what do you guys think for our LB problem in TM? Sattar Zare... or khosrow heydari?

                      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                        Originally posted by iran4eva View Post
                        PS. I noticed how well khosro heydari was involved in defensive duties today. what do you guys think for our LB problem in TM? Sattar Zare... or khosrow heydari?
                        I say Manei
                        Persian Pride running through my veins!

                        Esteghlal for life!!


                          Juan Vario is GOLD. SS should keep him and don't let him go no matter how much they offer him from other IPL teams or UAE in the future. He will be key in the ACL.
                          Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                            Kheyli heyf sare sob asaabam khoord shod bekhoda...

                            vali longia am ridan roohiaym kolli bargasht...kaashti bayatinia goal mizad vali...

                            longia 4 om, SS 2vom


                              Originally posted by MetaLRasaM View Post
                              Kheyli heyf sare sob asaabam khoord shod bekhoda...

                              vali longia am ridan roohiaym kolli bargasht...kaashti bayatinia goal mizad vali...

                              longia 4 om, SS 2vom

                              Motasefam barat ke sare hal miai tu zendegit age PP ke sarvare kole heykalete bad bazi mikone.

                              Darzemn age 2-2 ba Saba Batry Ridane pas shoma che kar kardin ke lule shodin ba saba? Emruzam ke dagheye 93e zadin enghad javgir shode bud abbasfard ke lebas mebasesham dar aword.
                              Behtare kami fekr koni bad biai wiz wiz koni.


                                Originally posted by SP1006 View Post
                                Motasefam barat ke sare hal miai tu zendegit age PP ke sarvare kole heykalete bad bazi mikone.
                                Darzemn age 2-2 ba Saba Batry Ridane pas shoma che kar kardin ke lule shodin ba saba? Emruzam ke dagheye 93e zadin enghad javgir shode bud abbasfard ke lebas mebasesham dar aword.
                                Behtare kami fekr koni bad biai wiz wiz koni.
                                hahaha...dadaash to baraye man moteasefi?

                                boro afshine kherse ghotbito jam kon ke felan milliard milliard karde too baashgaatoon...boro baraye dicarmo moteasef sho ke gharare aghaaye gola e leauge beshe! boro baraaye marco moteasef baash ke 2 hafte am kaar nakarde...rafte brazil safaa! lol

                                jadoogaretoon emrooz chi kar kard? khoobe baazam esteghlaalia baratoon goal mizanan taa ye mosaavi begirin!

                                boro baaraaye teame ke abu muslim mikhore moteasef sho..meysam chetore? maa ke be moghaavemat 5 ta 5 ta mizanim o shoma mizabin chi? ta asof nadare?

                                foolad chi mige azizam? salam beresoon!

                       Asia raftin? shoma ghabl az eenke biay thread e esteghlalia, boro ye negaa be jadval bendaaz...didi joze 3 ta team e bartaram nisty felan dige bikhial e harf zadan baash.

                                hatman afshin jaan gofte teami ke ghahram bayad beshe mosaavi e too azaadi am ehtiaj daare are?

