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    Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post

    I dont think so:

    نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
    در گفت و گو با فارس
    منيعي:* رونالدو هم باشم قلعه نويي مرا بازي نمي*دهد

    خبرگزاري فارس: هافبك تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران گفت: منكر اختلافاتم با امير قلعه*نويي نيستم چرا كه اگر رونالدو هم باشم او مرا بازي نمي*دهد.

    ميثم منيعي در گفت و گو با خبرگزاري فارس در خصوص در*گيري**اش قبل از سفر به اهواز در فرودگاه مهر*آباد اظهار داشت: من نمي*توانم به شعور و عقل مردم توهين كنم و منكر اختلافاتم با امير قلعه*نويي شوم. هنگامي كه در فرودگاه مهرآباد حضور داشتم از اينكه مسئولان دير به من گفتند كه در ليست 18 نفره حضور ندارم ناراحت شدم. اعتقاد دارم مدير روابط عمومي، يك كار سازماني در باشگاه استقلال دارد و اصلا در حيطه وظايف او نيست كه موردي را به من تذكر دهد.
    وي افزود: فقط در اين بين نظري جويباري، سرپرست باشگاه به من گفت كه هر چه سريع*تر فرودگاه را ترك كن.
    منيعي در خصوص شايعه اختلاف با قلعه*نويي تصريح كرد: نمي*خواهم دروغ بگويم. اگر در استقلال كريستانو رونالدو هم باشم به من بازي نمي*دهند. همه كساني كه به تمرين استقلال مي*آيند پس از پايان تمرين مي*گويند تو جزء آماده*ترين*هايي ولي چرا بازي نمي*كني. اين براي من سئوال است كه چرا با اين همه آمادگي فني اينگونه بايد با من برخورد شود.
    منيعي ادامه داد: من بازيكن ملي*پوش بودم و زماني كه به استقلال آمدم بهترين شرايط را داشتم اما نمي*دانم چرا در باشگاه استقلال اينگونه با من برخورد مي *شود. در هر صورت من با تيم استقلال به اهواز نرفتم ولي براي تيمم آرزوي موفقيت مي*كنم.


      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
      for some reason, i believe zarinche.
      he has spent 14 years of his life in esteghlal and clearly wants the best for esteghlal. he has always been a role model in esteghlal and TM and has a very good character and shakhsiat and doesnt appear as one of those corrupt footballers of the country....
      No way. Zarincheh does not want the best for this club, especially while GN is at the helm. He talks of conspiracies at such an important time and will reveal "after the season ends". I've lost so much respect for this guy. Quiet when Esteghlal is winning, and then when it's not all rosy he comes to stir shit. A once-was legend.


        Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
        I dont think so:

        نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
        در گفت و گو با فارس
        منيعي:* رونالدو هم باشم قلعه نويي مرا بازي نمي*دهد

        خبرگزاري فارس: هافبك تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران گفت: منكر اختلافاتم با امير قلعه*نويي نيستم چرا كه اگر رونالدو هم باشم او مرا بازي نمي*دهد.

        ميثم منيعي در گفت و گو با خبرگزاري فارس در خصوص در*گيري**اش قبل از سفر به اهواز در فرودگاه مهر*آباد اظهار داشت: من نمي*توانم به شعور و عقل مردم توهين كنم و منكر اختلافاتم با امير قلعه*نويي شوم. هنگامي كه در فرودگاه مهرآباد حضور داشتم از اينكه مسئولان دير به من گفتند كه در ليست 18 نفره حضور ندارم ناراحت شدم. اعتقاد دارم مدير روابط عمومي، يك كار سازماني در باشگاه استقلال دارد و اصلا در حيطه وظايف او نيست كه موردي را به من تذكر دهد.
        وي افزود: فقط در اين بين نظري جويباري، سرپرست باشگاه به من گفت كه هر چه سريع*تر فرودگاه را ترك كن.
        منيعي در خصوص شايعه اختلاف با قلعه*نويي تصريح كرد: نمي*خواهم دروغ بگويم. اگر در استقلال كريستانو رونالدو هم باشم به من بازي نمي*دهند. همه كساني كه به تمرين استقلال مي*آيند پس از پايان تمرين مي*گويند تو جزء آماده*ترين*هايي ولي چرا بازي نمي*كني. اين براي من سئوال است كه چرا با اين همه آمادگي فني اينگونه بايد با من برخورد شود.
        منيعي ادامه داد: من بازيكن ملي*پوش بودم و زماني كه به استقلال آمدم بهترين شرايط را داشتم اما نمي*دانم چرا در باشگاه استقلال اينگونه با من برخورد مي *شود. در هر صورت من با تيم استقلال به اهواز نرفتم ولي براي تيمم آرزوي موفقيت مي*كنم.

        be gaah raftim ba in khabarhaye mokhtalef valla.


          I am done with Iranian football, screw it all!
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
            I am done with Iranian football, screw it all!
            Ok I cooled down a bit, unfortunately I can't stay away from it


            Even though we lost the top spot, at least now the pressure is on Zob Ahan as the leading team. They have 2 tough games; Malavan is never an easy team and of course I don't need to tell you how hard it is to win in Ahvaz against this Foolad.

            On the other hand, we have easier games on paper. Even though Saipa has performed much better under MK, still a win in Azadi is a must.

            Assuming ZZ will win against Malavan at home (even tho I'm hoping for a draw), it means it goes down to the last week.

            We play Payam and ZZ Foolad. Three points in Mashad is much easier to get than in Ahvaz and I'm hoping that ZZ will crumble under pressure and will drop points.

            I'm hoping that Malavan manages to get at least a draw in Esfahan, and a draw in Ahvaz is very well possible, and in that case only 1 win for Esteghlal will be sufficient.

            However, we must win both games and hope for a slip up from the Esfahani's. It just saddens me that we don't have it in our own hands anymore and that we have to be dependent from other teams.

            I wish Janvario will be back for the next 2 games, we can't afford to miss him!

            I seriously will be traumatized if we don't win the title this year
            Persian Pride running through my veins!

            Esteghlal for life!!


              Well fellas. I'm still in a 'shock'.

              The whole season's hard work slipped right out of our hands today, and we can only hope that Zobahan also commits a fluke like we did.

              It's terrible that all those goals scored, the whole team's collective performance, Borhani's miraculous turnaround, Juanario's beautiful game, etc. etc. all mean nothing now that we didn't win this game.

              About the game:

              - I felt that the team was in a bad state of mind. There were too many arguments between players and their faces didn't show that of a champion's face that's determined to win the game of their life.

              - Amirabadi should have started the game from the beginning. I don't understand why having seen his terrible games in the last 4,5 games, GN still insisted on starting Beygzadeh? Not only did Foulad capitalize on this mistake and easily passed him from their right side more than a few times, he also screwed an excellent goal-scoring opportunity. He can't really be blamed, he played to his capacity (at least what we've seen up to now), but GN should've just trusted Amirabadi and not waste a sub when it's too late.

              - Nothing from Heydari again. Like the Um Salal game, Foulad effectively was able to stop him with at least 2 man-to-man defenders every time he wanted to start an offensive move.

              - And with Juanario injured and a Jabbari that's not been training with the team for a few weeks, we were not quite dangerous on the few attacks we managed to pull off while not defending!

              - GN's insistence on playing Akbarpour is a classic example of a coach's "favorite". From the 60th minute and on, all I saw from him was turnovers and bad passes. (Even in the 1st half, all he needed to do was pass the ball a few metres for Arash to put him into a 1-on-1 spot, but he failed to do even that. No need to mention the header, as it still wouldn't justify his terrible performance today. Even Alizadeh was surprisingly much better than him in the few minutes that he played..

              - Having said all this, I have to give it to Majid Jalali and Foulad. Their team played some great football today, and Jalali completely schooled our head coach and showed that experience is not obtained easily. We could've even lost the game if Foulad used it's scoring opportunities to the max.

              - The only slightly positive aspect of the game was Hadi Shakouri. I'm feeling for Montazeri and the look on his face showed that his injury seems serious, but I (being a defender myself) so enjoyed watching Shakouri guarding the net like that. Great defender, but too bad that we have to look upon Zobahan fumbling for our championship now .

              We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.



                Jabbari is suspended for the next game because of the 3rd yellow card he received today.

                We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                  Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                  Ok I cooled down a bit, unfortunately I can't stay away from it ===========================
                  Even though we lost the top spot, at least now the pressure is on Zob Ahan as the leading team. They have 2 tough games; Malavan is never an easy team and of course I don't need to tell you how hard it is to win in Ahvaz against this Foolad.
                  On the other hand, we have easier games on paper. Even though Saipa has performed much better under MK, still a win in Azadi is a must.
                  Assuming ZZ will win against Malavan at home (even tho I'm hoping for a draw), it means it goes down to the last week.
                  We play Payam and ZZ Foolad. Three points in Mashad is much easier to get than in Ahvaz and I'm hoping that ZZ will crumble under pressure and will drop points.
                  I'm hoping that Malavan manages to get at least a draw in Esfahan, and a draw in Ahvaz is very well possible, and in that case only 1 win for Esteghlal will be sufficient.
                  However, we must win both games and hope for a slip up from the Esfahani's. It just saddens me that we don't have it in our own hands anymore and that we have to be dependent from other teams.
                  I wish Janvario will be back for the next 2 games, we can't afford to miss him!
                  I seriously will be traumatized if we don't win the title this year
                  I feel the same way Amin jaan. It seems like these days I keep repeating the same thing to myself. There is still hope. The only thing is, now, it is not in our own hands.


                    Dont worry!

                    zob-ahan got 2 points from Foulad and Malavan in the first half of the season, and we got 6 points from saipa and payam so if history repeats itself we will win this league with 68 points 3 points ahead of the 65 points zob-ahan!
                    Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                    [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                    Villa + Messi =


                      we should hope that next week BOTH sepahan and perspolis lose their games and foulad wins there game!

                      since if that happens foulad will have a chance of making the ACL and will be determined to beat zob-ahan!
                      Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                      [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                      Villa + Messi =


                        Originally posted by shayan_esteghlali View Post
                        we should hope that next week BOTH sepahan and perspolis lose their games and foulad wins there game!

                        since if that happens foulad will have a chance of making the ACL and will be determined to beat zob-ahan!
                        Well Dadash I don't know about you but I am Worried


                          Originally posted by IranJavidan View Post

                          Jabbari is suspended for the next game because of the 3rd yellow card he received today.
                          dadash are you sure? If I'm not mistaking he has already had 3 cards and he got his 4th card today


                            I just found this guys
                            Mahmoude Fekri Freekick Vs Perspolis (35metre)


                              Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                              dadash are you sure? If I'm not mistaking he has already had 3 cards and he got his 4th card today
                              It's on khabars' front page, and a small note on it on page 12.

                              I still can't believe this.... Only Malavan or Foulad can save us now

                              We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                                Originally posted by IranJavidan View Post
                                It's on khabars' front page, and a small note on it on page 12.

                                I still can't believe this.... Only Malavan or Foulad can save us now
                                I did some research on the IPLSTATS site and I saw he got booked against Moghavemat twice and perspolis. And he got his 4th booking yesterday

