Originally posted by shayan_esteghlali
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Esteghlal Fan Thread...
Originally posted by Payam_S View PostMikhay Messi ham biad zakhireye Akbarpour she, eh?
And BTW you dont approve Hiddink and Fergie?
http://www.persianfootball.com/forum...78#post1321278I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.
New rumor:
Zarinche, Marfavi, Mansourian, Karimi and Jalali are candidates.
Ruttemoler will be assistance:
Here you can read Jabbari's interview against GN ( and if you look at its right you'll see they've mentioned Zednek Zeman as SS HC candidate.
He's one of my favorite coach...i was hoping for him to become TM HC.
Former Real Madrid coach to become new Esteghlal coach
His name is John Toshack according to Iransports.
- جان توشاك مربى ولزى گزينه اصلى مربيگرى در استقلال است. به گفته مسئولان اين باشگاه جان توشاك كه تجربه مربيگرى در رئال مادريد، رئال سوسيدادو بشيك تاش را دارد كانديداى اصلى هدايت استقلال است و در صورت توافقات لازم فصل آينده بر روى نيمكت آبى پوشان تهرانى خواهد نشست مسئولان باشگاه استقلال با اين مربى وارد مذاكره شده اند تا در صورت پيش نيامدن مشكل با توشاك با استقلالى ها پاى امضاى قرارداد بنشيند. گفتنى است استقلالى ها فقط به دنبال جذب مربى خارجى هستند ونظرى هم در اين ارتباط به مربيان داخلى ندارند.
john toshack is welsh and not very successful....
im not very keen on this move.. his wikipedia page doesnt say anything positive about his coaching career either
but he is the coach of welsh national team, so why hsould he leave it and come to esteghlal.
that zednack guy seems more possbiel cos he is not coaching at the moment, but apparently, he was fired after just 5 games with red star belgrade for disasterous results and got knocked out CLqualifying by that sypriot team
Majidi, Beykzadeh and Ravankhah renewed their contract with SS:
نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
پس از مجيدي
بيك زاده و روانخواه با استقلال تمديد كردند
خبرگزاري فارس: دو بازيكن تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران امروز با حضور در محل باشگاه قرارداد خود را با اين تيم تمديد كردند.
به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از سايت باشگاه استقلال، علاوه بر فرهاد مجيدي؛ اميد روانخواه و هاشم بيك زاده بازيكناني بودند كه امروز پس از ملاقات با واعظ آشتياني قردادهاي خود را با اين تيم تمديد كردند.
*بيك زاده: ماندم تا جبران كنم
بيك زاده امروز با حضور در دفتر واعظ آشتياني قرارداد خود را به مدت يك سال با اين باشگاه تمديد كرد.
بيگ زاده در اين باره عنوان كرد: امسال نتوانستم آنطور كه بايد در خدمت هواداران استقلال باشم اما همين جا به همه استقلالي ها قول مي دهم كه بهترين بازي هايم را در فصل آينده براي استقلال انجام بدهم. خوشحالم كه دوباره مي توانم استقلالي باشم.
*روانخواه 2 ساله تمديد كرد
اميد رضا روانخواه پس از تمديد 2 ساله قراردادش اظهار داشت: لحظه اي براي تمديد قرارداد فكر نكردم و مطمئن بودم استقلالي هستم و خواهم ماند. من بايد به هواداران استقلال بگويم كه به دليل زحماتي كه اين باشگاه در طول مصدوميتم برايم كشيد و به دليل علاقه زياد من به هواداران استقلال دو سال ديگر قراردادم را با اين تيم تمديد كردم.sigpic
SS: Today is GN's last chance:
باشگاه استقلال با تاكيد بر مواضع قبلي*اش:
پايان وقت اداري امروز آخرين فرصت قلعه*نويي
سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
8802-12467: كد خبر
خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
باشگاه استقلال تهران اعلام كرد، هيچ نشستي بين مسئولان اين باشگاه و اميرقلعه نويي در روز پنجشنبه گذشته در هتل المپيك تهران برگزار نشده است.
به گزارش ايسنا، سايت باشگاه استقلال به دنبال انتشار خبري مبني براينكه برخي از مسئولان باشگاه استقلال پنجشنبه شب گذشته در هتل المپيك تهران سعي داشته اند با جلب نظر اميرقلعه نويي موافقت او را براي برگزاري جلسه يك ساعته با مديرعامل باشگاه بدست بياورند، اعلام كرد: موضع باشگاه استقلال طبق اظهارات واعظي آشتياني در هفته هاي گذشته، همان مواضع پيشين است و باشگاه استقلال تا پايان ساعت اداري روز شنبه 19 ارديبهشت ماه جاري آماده مذاكره با اميرقلعه نويي جهت تمديد قرارداد است و در صورتي كه وي در شرايط مذاكره قرار نگيرد، باشگاه استقلال به دليل شرايط زماني مذاكرات خود را جهت انتخاب سرمربي جديد اين باشگاه با ديگر گزينه ها آغاز خواهد كرد.sigpic
Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Postthat zednack guy seems more possbiel cos he is not coaching at the moment, but apparently, he was fired after just 5 games with red star belgrade for disasterous results and got knocked out CLqualifying by that sypriot team
That will mean that IF Zeman comes we need at least one fullback and at least one winger.
Kazemi, Jabbari, Januario as the CMFs. Borhani CF
Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Postthis Zeman guy is fond of the 4-3-3 system.
That will mean that IF Zeman comes we need at least one fullback and at least one winger.
Kazemi, Jabbari, Januario as the CMFs. Borhani CF
i personally like 4-3-3 because it can change to 4-5-1 in defense and 4-3-3 in attack. i always play this formation in winning eleven with england
but its difficult to implement because if the 2 wingers dont do their job well, our midfield will be outnumbered and we can concede goals easily.
in this sytem, the team should have a lot of good techniki midfielders and forwards which our team does.
most teams who play this play a ravun fluent game.
the midfield of janvario, kazemi and jabbari looks nice.
borhani center forward.
other 3 can be between akbarpour, majidi and ravankhah.
manei can also play on the left.
heydari will be our RB, our LB will now be either beygzadeh or amirabadi.
we will have to drop two of our CBs.
so 2 among montazeri, ghorbani, koushki and shakouri.
during firouz karimi's times, montazeri and AH Sadeghi were the CB pair and ghorbani was totally dropped(i dont know if it was for footballing reasons or non-footballing reasons). koushki played LB but maybe it was due to lack of available players.
so we can also try bijan koushki for LB and play 2 among the 3 of shakouri, ghorbani and montazeri. one will be on the bench which is good.
montazeri and shakouri have both played in a 4 back system in their previous teams, foolad and pas previously.
but ghorbani has played in a 3 back almost his entire career in esteghlal. only a few TM games and a few games under firooz karimi. maybe a little under koch as well.
so it could be possible that montazeri and shakouri can form a better pair and ghorbani be benched, but that remains to be proven.
anyways, all this depends if zeckman becomes our coach first.
also, talebloo's role will change now cos he wont have a sweeper to collect all the loose balls behind the defense line and he will have to play the role of sweeper himself.
so either he has to be very alert in coming out of the goal, clear the loose balls and in general improve his footwoork, or our defense line has to stay back to reduce the gap between the defense line and the GK, which means the midfield and forward line will have huge gaps between them which will be easily expolited by the opponent and we will get screwed!Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 05-09-2009, 04:07 PM.
guys, i just heard on IRIB news that ashtiani has said we are looking for a foreign coach and no internal coaches are candidates for leading esteghlal next season.
on top of that, the management has forbided any esteghlal player from making any negative comments about the previous coaching staff.
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