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Esteghlal Fan Thread...

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    my ass ss played better! U guys must be in la la land.. we had all the possesion in the first half while go guys were defending deep in ur half.

    second half u scored a lucky counter attack goal while we created many chances and should have won.

    PERSPOLIS savare estefraqe!


      Originally posted by futbol>>>IRAN View Post
      my ass ss played better! U guys must be in la la land.. we had all the possesion in the first half while go guys were defending deep in ur half.

      second half u scored a lucky counter attack goal while we created many chances and should have won.

      PERSPOLIS savare estefraqe!
      ok, your ass, but we still played better. did you not check the match facts?? you had all the possession in the 1st half? it was 51% for the longis, and 49% for us. the only thing you guys had more than us in the game was fouls; otherwise, it was a close game. and what about borhani's one-on-one? majidi had one as well. you dont call those chances??
      having pride about your team is one thing my friend, but BS statements to back up your team like that is called being in la la land.

      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by iran4eva View Post
        ok, your ass, but we still played better. did you not check the match facts?? you had all the possession in the 1st half? it was 51% for the longis, and 49% for us. the only thing you guys had more than us in the game was fouls; otherwise, it was a close game. and what about borhani's one-on-one? majidi had one as well. you dont call those chances??
        having pride about your team is one thing my friend, but BS statements to back up your team like that is called being in la la land.
        borhanis one-on-ones dont count as he cant score any!


          I just watched the highlights again, and PP didn't have one good chance up to the 61th minute or so, which was Bagheri's shot from the box.

          All other PP "chances" weren't even 10% goal scoring opportunities. Shots from very tough angles aren't even considered by me as chances, neither are shots from 30-40 meters.

          So this is the team that is going to win the league with 75 points right, and weren't you supposed to win by a score of 3 or 4-0 against this sh!tty SS side?

          hahaha even when we're not doing well and are standing 9th, and even when you're topping the standings, we still tought you some football and showed you who the real sarvars are.

          PP should be glad with that 1 point they got, and that's mainly because of Hejazi's dumb move to get all defensive and his stupid subs, otherwise we would've killed PP yesterday
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            Pirouzi bi-fuseiii.

            Even PP fans admit that SS played much better.

            AUTHENTIC BROS- For You

            This song is so0o0o my Summer '08 song


              ميثم منيعي:
              فكر مي*كرديم با "رئال مادريد" بازي داريم!
              ثابت كرديم كه پرسپوليس بين*المللي بازي نمي*كن

              ازيكن تيم فوتبال استقلال پس از مساوي مقابل پرسپوليس گفت: قبل از داربي تمامي رسانه*ها اعم از صدا وسيما و مطبوعات سعي در بهتر نشان دادن پرسپوليس نسبت به استقلال داشتند.

              ميثم منيعي درگفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، اظهاركرد: علي رغم اين*گونه تبليغات، ديروز ثابت شد كه سطح بازي تيم ما از پرسپوليس بالاتر بوده و اين تيم حرفي براي گفتن نداشت.

              وي تصريح كرد: ما چند موقعيت صد درصد گل داشتيم كه اگر از آنها استفاده مي*كرديم،* هم اكنون برنده*ي بازي بوديم. هرچند كه با اين تساوي نيز چيزي از ارزش*هاي استقلال كم نمي*شود.

              منيعي با اشاره به اين*كه عقب نشيني تيم استقلال پس از برتري به دستور كادرفني نبود، افزود: استقلال يك تيم جوان و پرانگيزه است كه همين عامل يكي از علل تدافعي شدن تيم و استفاده از ضد حملات بود.

              وي درمورد پرسپوليس تاكيد كرد: اين تيم برنامه*ي خاصي مقابل ما نداشت. كار عمده*ي آنها ارسال توپ*هاي بلند و استفاده از توپ*هاي برگشتي از محوطه*ي جريمه بود.

              منيعي در پايان گفت: دو شب قبل از بازي و پس از پايان يكي از برنامه*هاي ورزشي مربوط به داربي، همگي فكر كرديم با "رئال مادريد" بازي داريم اما، با ارائه يك بازي زيبا ثابت كرديم كه مربي پرسپوليس در بين*المللي داشتن اين تيم سخت در اشتباه است

              this guy just owned afshin ghodi, oops i mean ghotbi.

              We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.



                  Bohrani sucks...over and out


                    /\ he is the best we have...


                      Majidi is great.....
                      No kidding, He seriously still has some amazing skill and work rate in him...


                        judging by the comments of the perspolisis after the game, u can easily make out with which members, its worth having a discussion regarding football and with which members, its not.

                        so dont boil ur blood guys, if u guys think someone is not worth all the trouble, dont talk to him. i reach to this conclusion myself, specially after this game which we all watched together
                        Originally posted by siavasharian

                        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                          aaahhh yes i called it a draw 2-2 but the outcome was 1-1, still i got it right!! and i WON lots of gold


                            Nice article about Talebloo

                            Taleblou should always play like this
                            طالب*لو بايد هميشه اين طور باشد

                            از ابتداي ليگ مرتب فرياد زدهايم و نوشته;يم كه وحيد طالب لو بايد به همان دروازه بان ششدانگ فصل قبل بدل شود. همان سنگرباني كه يك تنه مقابل تهاجمات هر تيمي ايستادگي كرده و امتيازات گرانبهايي را براي استقلال به ارمغان ميآورد اما متاسفانه نمايشي كه از وحيد در ليگ;هفتم مي;ديديم كاملا متوسط و در برخي از اوقات ضعيف بود به همين خاطر قبل از دربي نگران بوديم مبادا به خاطر ضعف طالب لو، استقلال بازي را واگذار كند آنچه كه عصر يكشنبه از طالب لو ديديم نمايشي اميدواركننده و حركتي در خور تحسين بود البته وحيد هنوز هم تا رسيدن به آن حد ايدهآلي كه از وي انتظار داريم فاصله دارد اما در جدال با پرسپوليس نشان داد اوجگيري خودش را آغاز كرده است و ميتوان نسبت به ارائه نمايش مطلوب از سوي وي در ديدار;هاي آتي اميدوار بود.طالبلو بايد هميشه تا اين حد سرحال و آماده نشان دهد و بازي به بازي بهتر شود زيرا استقلال دروازهباني احتياج دارد كه همچون نام اين تيم بزرگ،;پرقدرت و پرافتخار باشد باور كنيد اگر ذره;اي در حمايت از حجازي و درستي راهي كه در پيش گرفتهايم، ترديد داشتيم. پس از دربي و تماشاي عملكرد استقلال از بين رفت و از امروز قاطعانهتر بر طبل حمايت از سرمربي فهيم اين تيم ميكوبيم زيرا با چشمان; خود ديديم كه استقلال مقابل حريف پرمهره خود چقدر خوب بازي كرد و مهمتر از آن حجازي چگونه نيمه دوم را به طور تمام و كمال مال خود نمود اگر چه مسابقه با تساوي خاتمه يافت اما حجازي نيمه مربيان را از قطبي برد تا هنر خود را به رخ او بكشد


                              i think talebloo said it nice in navad,
                              he has been playing so well for esteghlal and saving their @$$ so much the past 2-3 seasons that he has raised the expectations of everyone really high.

                              just like every other footballer or rather human being, talebloo also has his ups and downs, and whether we like it or not, vahid has been in his downs lately.
                              i hope this game was his turning point
                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                                i'm upset that mansorian didn't play against PP!! why isn't he getting any playing time anyway??

