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Esteghlal Fan Thread...

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    Mid season?!?! That's too late! He should let go of the job right now!

    The players I would kick out based on this season's performances:

    Navazi (I can't stand him anymore)
    Amir Abadi

    All SS did was bying "names", without having tested them and without having thought about whether these players would match with eachother, and whether they'd match the tactics.

    The only purchase that has been payed off was Montazeri's. The rest of them suck!!!!
    Persian Pride running through my veins!

    Esteghlal for life!!


      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
      Mid season?!?! That's too late! He should let go of the job right now!

      The players I would kick out based on this season's performances:

      Navazi (I can't stand him anymore)
      Amir Abadi

      All SS did was bying "names", without having tested them and without having thought about whether these players would match with eachother, and whether they'd match the tactics.

      The only purchase that has been payed off was Montazeri's. The rest of them suck!!!!
      I was gonna start a new thread, but imo, esteghlal is suffering from two major problems:

      - coach's tactics: Hezaji has been messing around with the lineup and formations way too much. he would change his lineup every game; and use players in the wrong position. for instance, this season, manei and navazi were SBs. How many goals did we concede this season because of that? Sadeghi and Ghorbani are NOT CBs. everyone knows that. they've been playing in a 3back system for God knows how long, and fekri was always there as a sweeper, and then all of a sudden they play with 4backs. Our defense is horrible this season. If you don't have the tools to apply a system, you either don't apply it, or you acquire the necessary tools. but nasser khan chose to stick to his idea of forcing to make something that's impossible to work work. and this has been very costly for us, for esteghlal.

      - Players' morale: this in part has been caused in part by the above. In all honesty though; no matter how much a coach implements tactics, the players have to have it in them to win a match. Its a shame for a team like Esteghlal to concede 3 goals after a 2goal advantage. I remember stuff like this happening to perspolis last season, and it would hurt. Esteghlal and PP are the backbones of our football. Therefore, players of these two teams have to put an extra effort into ensuring their team wins...NOT conceding goals that are ridiculous and embarrassing. But the problem is, if the players themselves don't feel this way, then fateheye team khoondas. Hejazi can't teach taleblou the basics of goal tending, vahid already knows them all. He conceded the least goals among all goalies in the last 2 seasons. But was has happened to these players that all of a sudden, they play like this?

      I recall reading somewhere in the beginning of the season that some players in esteghlal are committing a conspiracy to remove nasser khan from esteghlal. much like what happened in 98-99 after that terrible saipa game. at first i thought its typical iranian sports tabloid BS. But now...

      I just hope these nightmares come to an end for our team asap; because if only these players knew just how much their game play and results mean to a large group of people.

      and btw, based on the results so far, i would give the following players one last chance, and if they dont pull their game together, then the hell with them. we dont need them, esteghlal does not need them:

      -lotfi (hes always been out of the picture anyways)

      I also wanna take this opportunity to thank the gheyrati players on our team:

      -majidi (hes always been my hero)
      -sadeghi (sometimes)
      -montazeri & ravankhah [welcome to the club boys ]

      The other sloppy players have to learn from these guys.

      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


        Hassanjaan, you want to kick out Vahid? Who do you wanna put in the goal? our Superstar Namdari?


          no, i think he wants your other superhero: Mahiar something in the goal!


            Originally posted by Agha_Kasra View Post
            Hassanjaan, you want to kick out Vahid? Who do you wanna put in the goal? our Superstar Namdari?
            my point was, that if a player, regardless of his position in the team, doesnt meet expectations, he shouldnt be on the team.
            i know it sounds harsh, but whether its vahid or anyone else in esteghlal's net, that goalie has a minimum standard to deliver. If that goalie, whoever it is, can't accept that, then he has no place in the team.
            unfortunately, its a choice between bad and worse for us. we have no good alternatives, and that just adds to all the problems we've got.

            and mak, in case you haven't noticed by now, you should save yourself the trouble of typing any post that relates to me .

            We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


              Originally posted by iran4eva View Post

              and mak, in case you haven't noticed by now, you should save yourself the trouble of typing any post that relates to me .
              why do you think i would waste my time on you???
              i was kidding with Kasra!


                Originally posted by mak6889 View Post
                why do you think i would waste my time on you???
                i was kidding with Kasra!

                no, i think he wants your other superhero: Mahiar something in the goal!
                oh. ok. woww L O L...

                We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


                  Originally posted by iran4eva View Post
                  oh. ok. woww L O L...
                  Kasra wrote: Hassanjaan, you want to kick out Vahid? Who do you wanna put in the goal? our Superstar Namdari?

                  and i said no the other superhero Mahiar goozoo will take his place!


                    Originally posted by mak6889 View Post
                    Kasra wrote: Hassanjaan, you want to kick out Vahid? Who do you wanna put in the goal? our Superstar Namdari?
                    and i said no the other superhero Mahiar goozoo will take his place!
                    how old r u?
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                        Ultimatum given to Hejazi to present his plans

                        جمعه پايان مهلت باشگاه به حجازي
                        عضو هيات *مديره*ي باشگاه استقلال تهران:
                        بحراني بودن شرايط تيم بركسي پوشيده نيست
                        هيات مديره مسئول كسب نتايج آينده استقلال است

                        ناصر حجازي سرمربي ناكام استقلال پس از كسب نتايج ضعيف در هفته*هاي اخير موفق شد، مجددا از هيات مديره باشگاه راي اعتماد بگيرد و بتوانند تا نيم فصل به فعاليت خود ادامه دهد.

                        مسعود نفريه عضو هيات مديره باشگاه استقلال درگفت و گو با خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، اظهار كرد: در بحران بودن استقلال با كسب نتايج اخير و عملكرد ناموفق كادر فني بر هيچ كس پوشيده نيست اما، هيات مديره تصميم گرفت تا نيم فصل به حجازي فرصت دهد تا وي بتواند تيم را از اين شرايط خارج كند.

                        نفريه تصريح كرد: شرط ما براي ادامه*ي فعاليت حجازي تا پايان نيم فصل ارائه برنامه*هاي وي جهت تغيير و تقويت كادر فني و پايان دادن به ناكامي*هاي تيم است.

                        وي با اشاره به اين كه هم اكنون هيچ مربي جز حجازي مد نظر باشگاه استقلال نيست، تاكيدكرد: فرصت حجازي براي اعلام برنامه*هايش تا پايان روز جمعه است.

                        عضو هيات مديره استقلال در پاسخ به اين سوال كه آيا همه*ي اعضا موافق ابقاي حجازي بودند يا خير؟ ياد آور شد: مسلما دراين جلسات تعدادي مخالف در كنار موافقان وجود دارد. هر چند كه تعدادي ازاعضا مخالف ابقاي سرمربي استقلال بودند اما، در نهايت و با در نظر گرفتن كليه مسائل كليه اعضا به حجازي راي اعتماد دادند.

                        وي در پايان هيات مديره را مسئول كسب نتايج آينده استقلال دانست و گفت: اميدواريم حجازي جواب اعتماد ما را بدهد اما، در صورت عدم موفقيت مجدد وي، هيات مديره مسئوليت ناكامي*ها را قبول خواهد كرد و جواب هواداران را نيز بايد اعضاي اين هيات بدهند.


                          اصغر حاجيلو:
                          استقلال در بدن*سازي مشكل دارد
                          نه* براي حجازي، براي مردم گريه كردم!
                          شرط*هاي هيات مديره براي حجازي مناسب نيست

                          سرپرست تيم فوتبال استقلال گفت: هرچند كه اعضاي هيات مديره حجازي را دوست دارند اما، شرايطي كه براي وي در نظر گرفته*اند مناسب نيست.

                          اصغر حاجيلو در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، اظهاركرد: گفته*اند حالا تا نيم فصل به حجازي فرصت مي*دهيم. اين يكي از شروطي است كه هيات مديره براي وي در نظر گرفته* اما، غافل از اين كه با اين نوع شرط گذاشتن هيچ انگيزه*اي براي ادامه فعاليت حجازي باقي نخواهد ماند.

                          وي تصريح كرد: استقلال تيمي است كه كليه*ي اعضا آن از بازيكن گرفته تا هيات مديره همگي تازه به اين باشگاه آمده*اند. كليه*ي اعضا براي اولين بار است كه در كنار هم قرار مي*گيرند و نمي*توان استقلال را با تيمي مثل سپاهان كه سه سال در كنار يكديگر هستند مقايسه كرد. نتيجه*گيري استقلال مستلزم زمان و برنامه*ريزي طولاني مدت مي*باشد.

                          سرپرست استقلال در مورد بازي با پيكان تاكيد كرد: هيچ زماني براي فوتبال گريه نكرده*ام اما، پس از پايان بازي مقابل پيكان نه براي حجازي بلكه براي مردم گريه كردم.

                          حاجيلو ادامه داد: خوشحالم براي مردمي اشك ريختم كه در آخرين لحظات نيز حجازي را تنها نگذاشتند. براي كساني كه فوتبال را درك مي*كنند و به دنبال حرمت گرايي هستند نه هتك حرمت.

                          وي درباره*ي شكست استقلال گفت: در دريافت گل*ها هيچ كدام از بازيكنان مقصر نبودند. بازيكنان پس از برتري در ميدان به مدت 15 دقيقه دچار يك افت بدني شدند و گويا عضله*هاي آنها توان دويدن نداشت. هر چند كه در بدنسازي تيم مشكلاتي وجود دارد.

                          سرپرست استقلال با اشاره به صحبت حجازي مبني بر بوسيدن دست مجيدي افزود: اگر همه بازيكنان به مانند مجيدي و از جان و دل بازي مي*كردند، استقلال ديگر به چيزي نياز نداشت. همانطور كه همه مي*دانند مجيدي با وجود ثروت فراوان فقط به دليل عرق و عشق به استقلال بازي مي*كند.

                          حاجيلو تصريح كرد: بازيكنان پرسپوليس و استقلال نبايد خواب و خوراك داشته باشند آنها بايد درك كنند كه در مقابل تيم*هايي بازي مي*كنند كه به دليل انگيزه بالا 22 نفره مي*شوند.

                          وي در پايان گفت: حاشيه*هايي تيم به اندازه*اي است كه وقتي هر روز صبح از خواب بيدار مي*شويم، گويا چندين و چند مربي و سرمربي جديد انتخاب شده است. همين استرس و فشار روحي يك از عواملي است كه كليه*ي معادلات و برنامه*هاي تيمي و شرايط بازيكنان را به هم مي*ريزد.


                            نفريه در گفت و گو با فارس خبر داد:

                            Potential candidates for SS after mid season: GN/FK/Unknown
                            قلعه*نويي، كريمي و يك ناشناس؛ نامزدهاي سرمربيگري استقلال

                            خبرگزاري فارس: عضو هيئت مديره باشگاه استقلال گفت: سه گزينه براي جايگزيني ناصر حجازي داريم كه در جلسه امروز، آنها را مورد بررسي قرار مي*دهيم.

                            عليرضا نفريه در گفت و گو با فارس در خصوص شرايط فعلي استقلال و تصميمات گرفته شده، اظهار داشت: در جلسه*اي كه چهارشنبه شب برگزار كرديم، طبق نظر بيشتر اعضا تصميم بر ماندن ناصر حجازي تا نيم فصل گرفتيم. ايشان بايد دستياران خود را تغيير دهند. احتمال اينكه عصر امروز هم جلسه*اي داشته باشيم، وجود دارد.
                            وي توضيح داد: اگر ناصر حجازي قبول نكند كه تا نيم فصل اول ضمانتي به هيئت مديره بدهد كه اين تيم را به جايگاه مطلوبي برساند، او را بركنار مي*كنيم. ما از خير حضور در جمع سه تيم اولي هم گذشتيم.
                            نفريه كه به نظر مي*رسد از طرفداران حضور امير قلعه*نويي در اين تيم است، اظهار داشت: نظرم به تنهايي مهم نيست. فقط يك نظر در هيئت مديره دارم. اميد دارم بتوانيم با ناصر حجازي ادامه دهيم. خودم از او حمايت كردم و ايشان را هم دوست دارم.
                            اين عضو هيئت مديره عنوان كرد: اينكه تقصير اين ناكامي را به بر گردن كادر فني انداخته*ايم، بي*انصافي نيست. اين بازيكنان را كادر فني انتخاب كرده و نمي*توانيم به آنها خرده بگيريم.
                            وي در خصوص گزينه*هاي سرمربيگري استقلال در صورت به توافق نرسيدن با حجازي، اظهار داشت: امير قلعه*نويي، فيروز كريمي و يك گزينه ناشناس ديگر مد نظر هستند. دنبال مربي هستيم كه مثل استقلال بزرگ باشد.
                            نفريه درباره اينكه شمار زيادي از بازيكنان استقلال با حضور امير قلعه*نويي موافق نيستند، گفت: ما كه نمي*توانيم از بازيكنان براي انتخاب سرمربي نظرخواهي كنيم. آنها پول مي*گيرند تا فوتبال بازي كنند و هر بازيكني كه نمي*تواند با شرايط تيم كنار بيايد، بايد برود. ما با كسي تعارف نداريم.
                            وي اضافه كرد: استقلال در ديدارهاي اخير خود، 14 موقعيت مسلم گلزني را از دست داده است. نصف اين موقعيت*ها گل مي*شد، شرايط متفاوت بود. بازيكن بايد بدانند كه در قبال مردم مسئوليت دارند و اين مربي است كه بايد پاسخگوي اين ناكامي*ها باشد


                              i haven't read the posts above,,,but paykan's 3rd goal Was NOT a goal and ss was unlucky the onc controversial call went against them...when things don't go right, it seems everything goes wrong for a remined me of Perspolis-Abo and Perspolis-paykan games of last season!

                              Again, a weak ss or a weak perspolis weakens our football as a whole.
                              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                                I agree with Armin. I must admit as a PP fan, surprisingly enough I really don't enjoy seeing EsEs struggle this much and even if Hejazi has made some really ignorant comments, but I feel sorry for the guy and the fact that another iconic figure of our football is on the verge of being destroyed.
                                HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                                you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.

