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    I think his style fits the Spanish league. Maybe he should make a little stop in the dutch league, but definately not the English and Italian league...


      Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
      I think his style fits the Spanish league. Maybe he should make a little stop in the dutch league, but definately not the English and Italian league...
      in my opinion his style doesnt fit any of the big leagues! he could easily get injured in the first few matches specially in england! and he isnt in any good physical condition thats needed for those leagues


        Originally posted by soheil86 View Post
        in my opinion his style doesnt fit any of the big leagues! he could easily get injured in the first few matches specially in england! and he isnt in any good physical condition thats needed for those leagues
        definately not england, but he is working on his physical condition, definately. btw this new doctor Etemad Moghadam is doing a good job


          We are lucky, We just have to leave Tehran 5 times.
          Ahvaz, Kerman, Mashad, Hamedan and Abadan.
          We have played our Esfahan, Gilan and Shiraz matches.

          Esteghlal Ahvaz (away)
          Malavan (home)
          Mes (away)
          Shirin Faraz (home)
          Saipa (away*)
          Bargh (home)
          Saba (away*)
          Sepahan (home)
          Persepolis (away*)
          Pegah (home)
          Abumoslem (away)
          Peykan (home)
          Rah Ahan (away*)
          Moghavemat Sepasi (home)
          Pas (away)
          Zob Ahan (home)
          Sanat Naft (away)

          * The away matches with a star are played in the Azadi and can be seen as home matches.


            Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
            I think his style fits the Spanish league. Maybe he should make a little stop in the dutch league, but definately not the English and Italian league...
            Y not the English league??

            Man Utd =
            Current EPL Champions
            Current European Champions
            Current World Champions

            GLORY GLORY MAN UTD!!


              Originally posted by G0happy View Post
              Y not the English league??
              because the EPL is a league where you need a lot of body strength. You have to be strong. something like Ando, but Jabbari is not a ando type of football. the Spanish league suits him the best. definately!


                Alizadeh: "My throw ins are longer than before"
                عليزاده: بلند تر از قبل اوت پرتاب ميكنم

                درست است كه دستم تازه از گچ در آمده است اما اگر آقاي كريمي دستور بدهد بلند تر از قيل اوت پرتاب خواهم كرد.عليزاده با بيان اين مطلب در گفتگو با خبرنگار سايت رسمي باشگاه ادامه داد : اين بازي بازي درگيرانه ايست و ما با اين تمرينات م آمادگي ها شانس بردمان از استقلال اهواز بيشتر است .
                عليزاده در مورد وضعيت استقلال در نيم فصل دوم مسابقات ليگ برتر تاكيد كرد : با تمرينات بسيار خوبي كه پشت سر گذاشتيم مطمئن هستم هواداران استقلال شاهد فوتبال بسيار زيبايي توام با كسب 3 امتياز از استقلال خواهند بود.
                عيزاده تصريح كرد : از اينكه آقاي فيروز كريمي به من اعتماد كرده است بسيار خوشحالم و بي صبرانه منتظر شروع مسابقات هستم تا بتوانم جواب اعتماد ايشان را بدهم و با گلزني دل هواداران استقلال را نيز شاد كنم

                He says that his arm has just healed, but FK told him to throw his balls longer than before. He also mentions about the game, its a tough game. About the 2nd half of the league he mentions that Esteghlal is training harder and better and they are leaving to Ahvaz to ge the 3 points.
                "I'm glad that Firooz Karimi has given me his trust and I can't wait untill the games begin, so I can answer his trust with goals."

                Jabbari: "We go to Ahvaz for 3 points"
                جباري:براي كسب 3 امتياز مي رويم

                مجتبي جباري هافبك ارزشمند استقلال در گفتگو با خبرنگار سايت رسمي باشگاه ، در جواب سوال خبرنگار در مورد ميزان آمادگي وي گفت:من در دوبي خوب تمرين كردم و واقعاً از نظر جسمي و بخصوص از نظر روحي شرايط بسيار خوبي نسبت به نيم فصل اول دارم. و مي توان گفت از نظر روحي به خودباوري رسيده ام.
                در دوبي بسيار خوب تمرين كردم و چند جلسه بصورت اختصاصي با آقاي اعتماد مقدم كه يكي از بدنسازان بسيار خوب هستند،كاركردم. در بازيهاي تيم ملي در قطر نيز بازي خوبي داشتم. هر چه قدر آمادگي بيشتري داشته باشم بهتر براي تيم بازي مي كنم. حباري در مورد بازي با تيم فوتبال استقلال اهواز اظهار داشت : تيم استقلال اهواز يكي از تيم هاي خوب جنوبي است و تيم بسيار قوي ميباشد.آقاي مرفاوي هم كه سالهاي سال از مربيان خوب تيم ما بودند و حالا مربي تيم برادر ما هستند.و در كل هر دو تيم،تيم هاي تاكتيكي هستند.و ان شاءالله ما براي كسب 3 امتياز به اهواز ميرويم و به اميد خدا با دست پر بر مي گرديم.

                Mojtaba Jabbari says the team has improved, both physically and mentally compared to the first half of the season. He has gained his self esteem again. In dubai he practised very well, he also had a few private sessions with Etemad Moghadam, who is a very good Fitness coach. With TM in Qatar he had a good game.
                About SS Ahvaz he says that they are a good team. but we go for the three points!

                Taleblou: "We still have a chance to become league champions"
                وحيد طالبلو: در ليگ شانس قهرماني داريم

                وحيد طالبلو به خبرنگار سايت رسمي باشگاه گفت:روحيه ي خيلي خوبي دارم.بازي كه در مقابل تيم ذوب آهن داشتيم كمك زيادي به من كرد.من با كادر فني نيز هيچ مشكلي ندارم. خبرنگار سايت راجع به مربي تيم ملي از وحيد طالبلو پرسيد ، طالب لو اظهار داشت :راجع به مربي و اين كه مربي ايراني باشد يا خارجي مي بايست كارشناسان تيم نظر بدهند و من فقط سعي مي كنم كار خودم را انجام بدهم.
                طالب لو ادامه داد :استقلال تيم بزرگي است و مردم انتظارات زيادي از آن دارند.مردم در هر شرايطي استقلال را تشويق كردند و هيچ وقت ودر هيج شرايطي تيم استقلال را تنها نگذاشتند.در ضمن با آمدن آقاي كريمي سر مربي و آقاي حجازي مدير فني تيم،شرايط باشگاه تغييرات مفيدي پيدا كرده است.تمام فكر و ذكر ما انجام بازي هاي قابل قبول است . وحيد طالبلو افزود ::ما در ليگ هم شانس قهرماني داريم ولي نگاه عميق ما به جام حذفي است.
                طالب لو در مورد بازي با استقلال اهواز تصريح كرد : استقلال اهواز يك تيم خوب شهرستاني است . بازي ما بازي سختي است. خوزستان و بخصوص اهواز خانه اول استقلال است.ولي ما نياز يه 3 امتياز بازي داريم.و ان شاءالله بتوانيم برنده بازي شويم.

                Taleblou said that he have a good mental condition. The match vs. Zob Ahan charged him up again. He doesn't have any problems with the Staff. About TM he says that its not up to him but up to the Experts to decide wether a Iranian or Foreign coach is better.
                He also talks about the "pressure", cuz SS is a big club, with a lot of fans, but the fans will never let SS alone. "In the IPL we still have a chance of becoming Champions but our main goal is the Hazfi Cup."
                Last edited by Kasra.; 01-20-2008, 07:39 AM.


                  Alizadeh: "My throw ins are longer than before"

                  Persian Pride running through my veins!

                  Esteghlal for life!!


                    Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                    Alizadeh: "My throw ins are longer than before"


                    I couldnt translate it better


                      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                      Alizadeh: "My throw ins are longer than before"
                      in practice sessions he practices his throwins!

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                        because the EPL is a league where you need a lot of body strength. You have to be strong. something like Ando, but Jabbari is not a ando type of football. the Spanish league suits him the best. definately!
                        i dunno man, for some reason im thinking Italian league is where he would be most successful but maybe im wrong


                          Originally posted by persian boy View Post
                          i dunno man, for some reason im thinking Italian league is where he would be most successful but maybe im wrong
                          Italian league is shit and dangerous. No1 should ever join Italy lol. Spain and Germany would best suit him

                          Man Utd =
                          Current EPL Champions
                          Current European Champions
                          Current World Champions

                          GLORY GLORY MAN UTD!!


                            Let Go Blue Boys. After all the Sky is Blue. Too bad the game is against another SS team. But We need a win for the team to build confidence. Any news on Hamid Shafie? He is one the most talented players who never acheived his full potential.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                              Let Go Blue Boys. After all the Sky is Blue. Too bad the game is against another SS team. But We need a win for the team to build confidence. Any news on Hamid Shafie? He is one the most talented players who never acheived his full potential.
                              afterall, "sky is the limit"
                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                                Esteghlal beat Esteghlal Ahvaz in a boring match which none of the teams really deserved to win. I have two questions:
                                Should I come here and say Esteghlal was lucky? A big NO
                                Should I congratulate them? Hell Yeah
                                شهریور سال 52

                                پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                                لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                                پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0

