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Esteghlal Fan Thread...

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    Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
    Armin jaan, if a team pulls out, shouldnt ALL the points of all the teams who have won from them be removed?
    that would be stupid.



      Agha Kasra, that's what I would think, but even in that case SS would be hurt the most they are saying tho that they will only consider the 2nd half of the season games? anyways, as i said, I doubt shirinfaraz will pull out, but I've been wrong before lol we'll see.
      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


        Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
        Armin jaan, if a team pulls out, shouldnt ALL the points of all the teams who have won from them be removed?
        no.. First half of the season Shirin faraz played every game.. so there is no need to deduct points from those games..

        but second half the season, all wins and ties will be deducted from Shirin Faraz opponents and the teams that haven't played against shirin faraz play one less game, obviously..

        so in essence it doesn't affect any team..


          It has become a habit to take hard eaned points by however in IPL.


            we keep missing so many chances to tack away at the leading points:bs:


              /\ your beloved Borhani head responsible for that...


                Ferdowsipour should invite Borhani again at 90 at the end of the season and make a new "missed chances"-video, like they did before, but now from the whole season.

                I think we'd have a new world record there lol
                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                Esteghlal for life!!


                  Great three points

                  I hope nothing serious for Koushki, the way he plays, he definately should be tried for TM Leftback, maybe he is the solution??

                  BTW Guys, I want your opinion on this!
                  What do you guys think as our most gheyrati player AmirHossein Sadeghi as our Captain



                    esteghlal ghahreman mishe,
                    khoda midoone ke hagheshe,
                    be lotfe yazdano bacheha,
                    esteghlal ghahreman mishe,
                    esteghlal ghahreman mishe.


                      Originally posted by GiveitupDaii View Post
                      esteghlal ghahreman mishe,
                      khoda midoone ke hagheshe,
                      be lotfe yazdano bacheha,
                      esteghlal ghahreman mishe,
                      esteghlal ghahreman mishe.
                      it's not far from reality, SS is now threatening both Seapahan and PP


                        ey baba yekitoon javabe soale mano bede

                        PS: giveitupdaii nice lyrics



                          Agha Kasra BTW Guys, I want your opinion on this!
                          What do you guys think as our most gheyrati player AmirHossein Sadeghi as our Captain

                          I think is definitely a possiblity but right now with Jabbari and old school players there it might hard... but I bet you that he soon will be...;o)
                          Thanks for the Rep btw bro....;o)


                            Originally posted by GiveitupDaii View Post
                            Agha Kasra BTW Guys, I want your opinion on this!
                            What do you guys think as our most gheyrati player AmirHossein Sadeghi as our Captain

                            I think is definitely a possiblity but right now with Jabbari and old school players there it might hard... but I bet you that he soon will be...;o)
                            Thanks for the Rep btw bro....;o)


                              Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                              Great three points

                              I hope nothing serious for Koushki, the way he plays, he definately should be tried for TM Leftback, maybe he is the solution??

                              BTW Guys, I want your opinion on this!
                              What do you guys think as our most gheyrati player AmirHossein Sadeghi as our Captain

                              I think Peerooz Ghorbani and Mansoorian are the most Ghayrati players, after that is Mamad Beckam (Navazi). These last two guys are at the end of their career and don't get playing time but keep their mouth shout (which isn't easy if you are player at their caliber). To me they only do it because of the love of the club.

                              As for GiveitDaie rhyme, fans always did that in the stadium. Guess you haven't been to a live game in Iran (SS game at least or at least you would have heard it before).
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                                /\ Ey baba dige ma enghadr ham aghaboftade nistim, midoonim chi too estadiom mikhoonan ali Jaan.

                                IMO Sadeghi and Mansoorian are the most gheyrati players, they way these boys play for Esteghlal, they play with their blue hearts. Same for Ghorbani, but not on the same way Sadeghi does. but IMO Sadeghi plays more calmly when having the captainband

