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    در حالي كه يك ساعت از پايان بازي ابومسلم و استقلال تهران گذشته است، بازيكنان اين تيم تهراني هنوز از ورزشگاه ثامن خارج نشده و تعدادي از تماشاگران استقلال در مقابل اتوبوس حامل بازيكنان اين تيم تجمع كرده*اند.

    به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا) - منطقه*ي خراسان، در حدود پنجاه هوادار استقلالي با سر دادن شعارهايي نسبت به نتايج اين تيم شديدا اعتراض كرده و شعارهايي درمورد مسوولان و بازيكنان استقلال سر مي*دهند.

    تماشاگران با شعارهايي چون "بازيكن بي*غيرت نمي*خواهيم، نمي*خواهيم"، "ستاره*ي كاغذي نمي*خواهيم، نمي*خواهيم"، "بي*غيرتا حيا كنيد استقلال رو رها كنيد"، "پيراهن استقلال حرمت دارد بي*غيرت*ها" و "واي به روزت اگر نگيري جام حذفي" نسبت به عملكرد اين تيم اعتراض كردن


      فيروز كريمي پس از شكست در برابر ابومسلم خراسان گفت: خيلي بچه*گانه يك پنالتي به ابومسلم تقديم كرديم.

      به گزارش ايسنا، سرمربي تيم فوتبال استقلال تهران بعد از شكست دو بر صفر تيمش در حضور بيش از 40 هزار تماشاگر ورزشگاه ثامن الائمه مشهد افزود: بازي از لحاظ فني قابل قبول بود و دو تيم بازي پاياپايي انجام دادند و حتي وضعيت ما بهتر بود. اما، ما خيلي بچه*گانه پنالتي داديم و باعث شد از ابومسلم عقب بيفتيم.

      وي ادامه داد: با آغاز نيمه*ي دوم توانستيم وضعيت خود را بهتر كنيم و بازي را در دست گرفتيم. اما، در اوج فشار ما ابومسلم دوباره گل زد و در آن گل اولروم فوق*العاده كار كرد.

      فيروز كريمي افزود: بعد از اينكه دو گل هم عقب افتاديم باز هم امكان تساوي بازي وجود داشت اما، دچار بدشانسي شديم و نتيجه*ي دو بر صفر نشان شرايط بازي نبود.

      وي با تبريك اين پيروزي به باشگاه ابومسلم گفت: سعي مي*كنيم با حضور پرقدرت در جام حذفي نتايج ليگ را جبران كنيم.

      سرمربي استقلال تهران تاكيد كرد: ما به اشتباهات خود و بدشانسي باختيم و معتقدم كه ابومسلمي*ها براي حفظ نتيجه خيلي از مسايل حرفه*اي را رعايت نكردند.

      سرمربي استقلال تهران در پاسخ به اين سوال كه اگر زمان به عقب برگردد، آيا به استقلال تهران خواهيد آمد، گفت: قطعا چنين كاري نخواهم كرد چرا كه من پيش از اين تجربه*ي حضور در تيم*هاي بزرگ را نداشتم.

      وي ادامه داد: من تلاش خود را در استقلال مي*كنم و در بعضي از موارد حتي از خودم هم مي*گذرم اما متاسفانه نتايج زياد به نفع ما نيست، هر چند كه بازي*هاي خوبي انجام مي*دهيم.

      وي خاطرنشان ساخت: استقلال در اين فصل با بدشانسي زيادي مواجه شده است. ما الان با مصدوميت بياتي*نيا دچار ضعف گلزني شده*ايم و معتقدم فوتبالي كه ارايه مي*دهيم با نتيجه همسويي ندارد.

      سرمربي استقلال تهران افزود: تيم استقلال هنوز در شوك باخت به پگاه است و الان تيم استرس دارد و فكر مي*كنم با موفقيت در جام حذفي اين استرس از بين برود.

      وي درخصوص بازيكنان تيم فوتبال استقلال گفت: استقلال بازيكنان خوبي دارد ولي متاسفانه تيم ما با هم جور نيست.

      فيروز كريمي در رابطه با خروج ناصر حجازي از تيم فوتبال استقلال گفت: ناصرخان تا زماني كه بود براي ما يار و ياور بود ولي از حاشيه*ها خسته شد و جدا حاشيه*ها تيم ما را آزرده است.

      فيروز كريمي در پايان فوت حاج مهدي نجمي پيشكسوت فوتبال خراسان را تسليت گفت و گفت: او يك شخصيت خادم بود كه از پيش ما رفت و اميدوارم خراسان قدر چنين آدم*هاي خود را بداند


        is it true Esteghlal hit the bar 6 times today?!?! man! if it's true i would like to nominate this team for the unluckiest team of the league... even last game they hit the bar a few times... i guess when luck's not on your side everything will just keep on going wrong...


          Originally posted by perspolisi View Post
          is it true Esteghlal hit the bar 6 times today?!?! man! if it's true i would like to nominate this team for the unluckiest team of the league... even last game they hit the bar a few times... i guess when luck's not on your side everything will just keep on going wrong...
          Naah I think we hit it 2-3 times. Previous match like 3 times as well and we missed some more chances as usual.

          We were kinda unlucky, but we also played really bad and since we don't have any chance of winning the title anyhow I don't really mind at this moment. What I'm concerned about is Hazfi though, but like I said, I'm hoping for some kinda miracle to happen...
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
            Naah I think we hit it 2-3 times. Previous match like 3 times as well and we missed some more chances as usual.
            We were kinda unlucky, but we also played really bad and since we don't have any chance of winning the title anyhow I don't really mind at this moment. What I'm concerned about is Hazfi though, but like I said, I'm hoping for some kinda miracle to happen...
            hehe I have not been active so much this season..
            but u said the same last year.. i guess supporting esteghlal is BIHADAF hahaha


              ^ ta vaghti junevarhayei mesle aliabadi va fatholazadeh masule SS bashan bishtar az in nemishe entezar dasht.

              Bazikon ha ham ke nesfeshun az radeh kharej shodan.

              Esteghlal needs to rebuild a young team, preserving some of the current players(young, motivated and gheyrati ones)


                Originally posted by behtash8 View Post
                hehe I have not been active so much this season..
                but u said the same last year.. i guess supporting esteghlal is BIHADAF hahaha

                First of all I just answered "perspolisi's" question.

                2nd of all, that reply really showed you're talking bs because ironically enough, last year was the opposite of what's been happening this year. Last year we were playing bad football but managed to collect the points (like PP til the first half of the season ended) and actually til the very last playing round we were in the race for the championship.

                This season it's been the opposite: We've played some good football most of the time and created a lot of chances every game, but we failed to convert and to collect the points (like Denzili's PP last year).

                So really I don't know what you're talking about, but it's all good, you concentrate on your team cause last time I checked you were still trailing Sepahan by 5 points and you were already out of Hazfi
                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                Esteghlal for life!!


                  Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                  First of all I just answered "perspolisi's" question.
                  2nd of all, that reply really showed you're talking bs because ironically enough, last year was the opposite of what's been happening this year. Last year we were playing bad football but managed to collect the points (like PP til the first half of the season ended) and actually til the very last playing round we were in the race for the championship.
                  This season it's been the opposite: We've played some good football most of the time and created a lot of chances every game, but we failed to convert and to collect the points (like Denzili's PP last year).
                  So really I don't know what you're talking about, but it's all good, you concentrate on your team cause last time I checked you were still trailing Sepahan by 5 points and you were already out of Hazfi
                  ofcourse I am concentrating on perspolis.. isnt sad to always have HOPES for HAZFI... and then u will get knocked out by a 3rd division club.. haha..

                  hala eibi nadare.. golkhordan gerye nadare.... chera, golkhordan gerye dare, 6ta gol tu dota bazi...


                    Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                    Naah I think we hit it 2-3 times. Previous match like 3 times as well and we missed some more chances as usual.
                    We were kinda unlucky, but we also played really bad and since we don't have any chance of winning the title anyhow I don't really mind at this moment. What I'm concerned about is Hazfi though, but like I said, I'm hoping for some kinda miracle to happen...
                    damn... still dude... hit the bar 6 times in two games?! i don't know what else to call that except bad luck... that really destroys the morale of the players...

                    fans apparently circled esteghlal's bus and accused the players of being bi gheirat...

                    i think ss players are not bi gheirat they way their supporters accuse them of... pp players on the other hand (not today's squad) were really a bunch of bi gheirat players...


                      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                      This season it's been the opposite: We've played some good football most of the time and created a lot of chances every game, but we failed to convert and to collect the points (like Denzili's PP last year).
                      that's very true... even during hejazi's time i think ss was playing very good football... good passing and creating chances... but you have borhani and we had madanchi last year so that explains a lot!


                        i have two word for you guys,,,

                        Firooz Karimi

                        he is the problem,,,ss won't succeed with him. nor will ss succeed with hejazi.

                        just my opinion...and of course some players as well, but I think karimi has only brough hashiey to this team and nothing much.
                        Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                          SS has just been so unlucky this season for having a striker like Borhani.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Originally posted by The-Red View Post
                            i have two word for you guys,,,
                            Firooz Karimi
                            he is the problem,,,ss won't succeed with him. nor will ss succeed with hejazi.
                            just my opinion...and of course some players as well, but I think karimi has only brough hashiey to this team and nothing much.
                            arash borhani
                            Originally posted by siavasharian

                            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                              Originally posted by The-Red View Post
                              i have two word for you guys,,,

                              Firooz Karimi

                              he is the problem,,,ss won't succeed with him. nor will ss succeed with hejazi.

                              just my opinion...and of course some players as well, but I think karimi has only brough hashiey to this team and nothing much.
                              YEP..... Get some classy coach and few young players in the class of Ameraei and Mossalman..... Let the old farts retire in grace and start from scratch......It is no harm to forget about the championship for a few years , but build a solid team......



                                Originally posted by maij View Post
                                YEP..... Get some classy coach and few young players in the class of Ameraei and Mossalman..... Let the old farts retire in grace and start from scratch......It is no harm to forget about the championship for a few years , but build a solid team......
                                The even bigger problem for EsEs (I've said this many times) is haji fattoli. As long as he's there, there will be stiff like this. He is a fame lover and wants to be in the spotlight. He will rather take the turns that would give him 5 more minutes infront of the cameras than those requiring planning and patience. He has already made 2 bad choises this season and none of them have worked, despite all the fuss he made, all the media exposure and all the big talks. So he won't let go of Karimi easily even if Karimi wanted out himself, just to prove that he can produce some sort of result in the end.
                                I said in regards to both Fatolli and Kashani in the silly season, the pre-season buying frenzy and who can get x or y first, that while these 2, in the usual manner of old fashioned red and blue managers, concentrate on each other, the other teams prepare and pass them by in the end.
                                Any modern manager of red or blue should know and acknowledge the reality, that the old times are gone and they should see the bigger picture.
                                HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                                you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.

