Originally posted by shayan20
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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread
Persepolis is not a 1 man team, who ever thinks we are are extremely stupid.
I cannot believe out of all the people here Shayan says Persepolis is a 1 man team.
IF you are referring to the losses against Foolad & Aboomoslem we missed nearly 5 or 6 starting players.
Maybe Mr Pouya jan is easy to argue with or get your point proven, but against me its not that easy.
If anything yes, Sepahan is missing a couple of good players today such as Bengar, Hajsafi & Bahadorani.
But if Persepolis is a 1 man team like you say we are, then Sepahan is a 2 man team with Navidkia and Karimi running the show.
We have been missing 2 of our starting 11 players exactly like Sepahan has for a very long time now.
Elong Elong & Khalili.
As crucial as Karimi and Navidkia.
Forgetting those going into this match, we are also missing Ebrahim Tore who still is with his nannash...
But, we will have a full fit squad other then that, hopefully.
And a very big LOL at the fact that you make fun out of the Persepolis signing Tore and Di Carmo as replacements for Khalili.
Its coming from Sepahani who signed a useless Tahmasebi.
That guy has been a worse signing then Di Carmo....
Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View PostPersepolis is not a 1 man team, who ever thinks we are are extremely stupid.
I cannot believe out of all the people here Shayan says Persepolis is a 1 man team.
IF you are referring to the losses against Foolad & Aboomoslem we missed nearly 5 or 6 starting players.
Maybe Mr Pouya jan is easy to argue with or get your point proven, but against me its not that easy.
If anything yes, Sepahan is missing a couple of good players today such as Bengar, Hajsafi & Bahadorani.
But if Persepolis is a 1 man team like you say we are, then Sepahan is a 2 man team with Navidkia and Karimi running the show.
We have been missing 2 of our starting 11 players exactly like Sepahan has for a very long time now.
Elong Elong & Khalili.
As crucial as Karimi and Navidkia.
Forgetting those going into this match, we are also missing Ebrahim Tore who still is with his nannash...
But, we will have a full fit squad other then that, hopefully.
And a very big LOL at the fact that you make fun out of the Persepolis signing Tore and Di Carmo as replacements for Khalili.
Its coming from Sepahani who signed a useless Tahmasebi.
That guy has been a worse signing then Di Carmo....
Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Postor mayb i have better things to do rather then arguing on the internet!!
Shayan,need's to get his facts pointed out to him so he understands.
Whatever he points out towards Persepolis, right...
The stuff he says about Persepolis, sometimes exists even worse in his own club, these stuff need to be brought up so that he understands.
This is a forum, of course discussing is what we do here.
Thats why i said, when he called Persepolis a 1 man team, you kind of let it go..
Dont let him ditch our beloved Persepolis aziz...
I too have better things to do, but at the end of the day....
We dont take shit from Sepahanis, am i right
Arash vasat parid dobare
to boro man mikham ba Mr Pooya argue konam
since when Elong has been your key player????
dude If you knew how much navidkia and kairmi are worth to the team you wouldn't be talking now. It's not just their game, their present even on the bench of Sepahan gives our younger players motivation.
Originally posted by shayan20 View PostArash vasat parid dobare
to boro man mikham ba Mr Pooya argue konam
since when Elong has been your key player????
dude If you knew how much navidkia and kairmi are worth to the team you wouldn't be talking now. It's not just their game, their present even on the bench of Sepahan gives our younger players motivation.
Or did you forget a while ago, when i said my uncle said Sepahan is a 2 man team, and that i agreed with him...Remember that little conversation we had?
That i agreed that without Navidkia & Karimi Sepahan is a totally different team, now if you don't agree with this, then YOU shouldn't talk.
Elong Elong leaving out the injuries has always when fit been a starting 11 player, he is a key player, i don't know how you see it but when he was playing, Persepolis had a great solid midfield connected with a solid defense.
Arie Haan, Denizli & Ghotbi all rated him as their starting 11 player.
Dont look at his injuries, when fit he will stroll into a starting 11 spot in PP.
He is defiantly 1 of Persepolis crucial players, knowing we lost Ashoobi, we haven't had a player like him or Elong in PP, which we truly need.
Originally posted by shayan20 View PostArash vasat parid dobare
to boro man mikham ba Mr Pouya argue konam
since when Elong has been your key player????
dude If you knew how much navidkia and kairmi are worth to the team you wouldn't be talking now. It's not just their game, their present even on the bench of Sepahan gives our younger players motivation.
Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View PostDid you read what i said...Again you didn't...
Or did you forget a while ago, when i said my uncle said Sepahan is a 2 man team, and that i agreed with him...Remember that little conversation we had?
That i agreed that without Navidkia & Karimi Sepahan is a totally different team, now if you don't agree with this, then YOU shouldn't talk.
Elong Elong leaving out the injuries has always when fit been a starting 11 player, he is a key player, i don't know how you see it but when he was playing, Persepolis had a great solid midfield connected with a solid defense.
Arie Haan, Denizli & Ghotbi all rated him as their starting 11 player.
Dont look at his injuries, when fit he will stroll into a starting 11 spot in PP.
He is defiantly 1 of Persepolis crucial players, knowing we lost Ashoobi, we haven't had a player like him or Elong in PP, which we truly need.
What these two are to Sepahan is like perspolis not having Karim and Khalili.
you are missing khalili and thats a - but everyone saw how reliant pp is on Karim
result in 2 big losses.
But sepahan is not bad they still play great and get result despite not having these two get it?
Originally posted by shayan20 View PostI've been saying that during this whole thread. Praying for Navidkia and karimi to come back sooner.
What these two are to Sepahan is like perspolis not having Karim and Khalili.
you are missing khalili and thats a - but everyone saw how reliant pp is on Karim
result in 2 big losses.
But sepahan is not bad they still play great and get result despite not having these two get it?
Thats, quite a lot of players gone..
So i wouldn't base the loss on purely Bagheri, because as you could see, 5 starting players were missing in those 2 losses.
But then, most of them returned against Bargh and we saw the difference
Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View PostYou are forgetting that the losses against Aboomoslem & Foolad came because we did not have Vaezi, Zareh, Niki, Bagheri & Tore.
Thats, quite a lot of players gone..
So i wouldn't base the loss on purely Bagheri, because as you could see, 5 starting players were missing in those 2 losses.
But then, most of them returned against Bargh and we saw the difference
Tht means If someone at the start of the game injured Karim for a couple of months, PP will be on a losing streak.but that's just a joke.
Sepahan players are pumped for for revenge.
هادي اصغري در گفت و گو با خبرنگار فارس، درباره شرايط اين تيم براي بازي مقابل پرسپوليس اظهار داشت: برخلاف اين كه تصور مي شود روحيه بازيكنان تيم پايين است، در شرايط خوبي بسر مي بريم چون بازي با پرسپوليس نمي تواند بازيكني را بي انگيزه كند.
اين مهاجم ادامه داد: بايد در بازي فردا به برتري برسيم تا از اين شرايط خارج شويم. شكست فصل گذشته سپاهان به پرسپوليس، بازيكنان را براي مصافي پر روحيه و انتقامي آماده كرده است.
اين بازيكن اضافه كرد: فردا بازي سختي را پيش رو داريم؛ اما اين دليل نمي شود تيم حريف را برتر از خود بدانيم. هر دو تيم از مهره هاي خوبي برخوردارند و البته بايد شانس هم به سراغمان بيايد.
اصغري با بيان اين كه داوري ها امسال باعث شده تا سپاهان به نتيجه لازم نرسدف گفت: اشتباهات داوري در روند نتيجه گيري تيم ما بي تاثير نبوده است. چندين بازي است كه به دليل قضاوت هاي اشتباه به حق خود نمي رسيم.
بازيكن تيم سپاهان در ارتباط با ناراحتي هواداران اين تيم از نتايج كسب شده و مقصر دانستن فيرات گفت: آنها حق دارند ناراحت باشند؛ اما فيرات تلاش خود را كرده است. بايد قبول كرد كه ما با بدشانسي نيز روبرو شديم.
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