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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
    احمدی،کریمیان،جعفری،اکبری،عزیززاده،پاپی،جمشیدیان،ج عفرپور،ابولهیل،عمادرضا و اصغری
    Armando for Jafarpour
    Tahmasebi for Emad reza
    Loveinian for Armando
    one very weird move by by Charkhabi was to take Armando out at 88th minute while he brought him on at half time despite the fact that he was having a good game.
    and then in an interview charkhabi said if I was the Sepahan coach i would have punished Armando.
    I really dont know what happended that he took him off.



      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
      one very weird move by by Charkhabi was to take Armando out at 88th minute while he brought him on at half time despite the fact that he was having a good game.
      and then in an interview charkhabi said if I was the Sepahan coach i would have punished Armando.
      I really dont know what happended that he took him off.

      he needs some attention.that's all.


        but thats not the way to do it by ruining a player's confidence.

        The refs joke with us in these recent weeks(he thinks the ref didn't call 1 Penalty for them).
        I have never seen Sepahan play so motivated.

        داوران با مس لجبازي مي*كنند
        سپاهان را تا اين حد باانگيزه نديده بودم
        پرويز مظلومي پس از ديدار تيمش با سپاهان اصفهان گفت: سپاهاني*ها به شدت با روحيه بودند و در مقابل شوت*هاي ما با سر و سينه به استقبال توپ مي*رفتند هيچ وقت سپاهان را به اين باانگيزگي نديده بودم.
        به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران(ايسنا) - واحد اصفهان، سرمربي تيم فوتبال مس كرمان افزود: بازيكنانم تمام تلاش*شان را كردند و تنها بر روي يك اتفاق گل دريافت كردند در حالي كه قبل از آن ما در حمله بوديم و بايد گل مي*زديم.
        مظلومي افزود: متاسفانه داوران در هر هفته در هر بازي يك پنالتي به سود ما نمي*گيرند، فكر مي*كنم داوران با مس كرمان لجبازي مي*كنند.
        وي خاطرنشان كرد: در فرصتي كه باقي مانده بر روي تيم كار خواهيم كرد و نتايج قابل قبول*تري در آينده كسب كنيم




          Emad Reza's Goal(watch in HQ)

          Abolheil's penalty saved by Rahmati.

          GRACIAS PEP


            abol chocked on that penalty.......
            IRI = FAILED


              ^ Shayan jan, many thanks for the pics and the videos. It seems both Sepahan and Saipa are doing much better without those German coaches. At least they start wining again.


                ^^you're welcome Siavash jan.
                It's not so direct on those poor german coaches but it definitely has an effect.
                you could argue that firat has been unlucky with sepahan though. losing 6 points from eighter bad luck by conceding at minute 90+ or losing games to refs.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  After returning from malaysia, Saket says They have contacted 2 iranian coaches(Estili and Korbekandi) and 1 foreign coach. These 3 are the main options for the job.

                  The foreign one is probably Luka Bonacic.

                  Also he says Estpanian(the Armenian) is a former player of Sepahan, is going to join the coaching team soon.

                  بازگشت لئون استپانيان به تيم فولاد سپاهان
                  فوتبال. سپاهان . استپانيان
                  كوالالامپور - مديرعامل باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان از حضور لئون استپانيان در كادر فني تيم فوتبال سپاهان خبر داد.
                  محمدرضا ساكت مديرعامل باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان كه براي حضور در سمينار دو روزه مديران باشگاههاي فوتبال آسيا در كوالالامپور بسر مي*برد در گفت وگو با خبرنگار ايرنا با تاكيد بر اينكه چرخابي مربي كنوني اين تيم توان هدايت سپاهان را داراست، تاكيد كرد: در عين حال با رسول كربكندي و حميد استيلي نيز مذاكراتي داشته*ايم و اين دو جدي*ترين گزينه*هاي داخلي ما هستند. ضمن اينكه صحبتهايي هم با يك مربي خارجي شده است.
                  ساكت همچنين اعلام كرد: بزودي لئون استپانيان بازيكن ارمنستاني سپاهان در سالهاي اخير نيز به عنوان مربي به كادر فني زرد پوشان اصفهاني اضافه خواهد شد.
                  تيم سپاهان هفته گذشته فيرات مربي آلماني ترك تبار خود را به دليل عدم موفقيت در كسب نتيجه از كار بركنار كرد.

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    ^^nice to see leo back in sepahan,,,,,,i love that guy, such a classy guy....
                    IRI = FAILED


                      He'll surely be an asset to the coaching team.
                      i wonder where he was before..

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        ^^he went to armanestan for few years, but i guess it was hard for him to leave iran too,
                        IRI = FAILED


                          btw hopefully hajiferooz can deliver for our U19 tomorrow
                          IRI = FAILED


                            Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                            ^^he went to armanestan for few years, but i guess it was hard for him to leave iran too,
                            He was playing for Ararat last or 2 years ago.
                            And I think for one season in Shahrdari Bandar Abbas with Korbakandi.
                            WE NEVER FORGET


                              Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                              btw hopefully hajiferooz can deliver for our U19 tomorrow
                              Ehsan Fabregas.
                              HajiFirooz firooz karimiye.

                              Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
                              He was playing for Ararat last or 2 years ago.
                              And I think for one season in Shahrdari Bandar Abbas with Korbakandi.
                              last he was in Zobahan.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                                Ehsan Fabregas.
                                HajiFirooz firooz karimiye.
                                last he was in Zobahan.
                                Oh yeah, sorry.
                                So who played for Bandar Abbas, was it Armenak?
                                Edit: yeah it was Armenak who played and still playing for Bandar Abbas.
                                WE NEVER FORGET

