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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
    i said it in the other post before.
    He will surely miss the UAE game.
    He will be out for 2 months at least.
    Haha, oh shit. Here comes the Hosseini - Bengar combo.


      Originally posted by The-Red View Post
      this new coach also seems to be a small name for Sepahan. I hope he does well, but I have my doubt.
      Charkhabi is like what Pepe Guardiolia is to Barca, he is to Sepahan.
      He has an even better record.
      He took Sepahan Novin from 3rd division to IPL in 3 consecutive years qualifying each year.

      If the choice is bertween Estili, Korbekandi and Charkhabi, then I think he was the better choice. He knows almost all the boomy players.



        Originally posted by 021 View Post
        Haha, oh shit. Here comes the Hosseini - Bengar combo.
        Even Bengar may not make it.



          i actually used to go under Sepahan Academy in Esfahan when i was a kid and our coach was Hossein Charkhabi, i hope he does well knowing that hes been around Sepahan for quite a while.


            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
            Charkhabi is like what Pepe Guardiolia is to Barca, he is to Sepahan.
            He has an even better record.
            He took Sepahan Novin from 3rd division to IPL in 3 consecutive years qualifying each year.
            If the choice is bertween Estili, Korbekandi and Charkhabi, then I think he was the better choice. He knows almost all the boomy players.
            I don't know much about him so I trust your jugdment, but I wish they could bring a bigger name to Sepahan.
            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


              maybe his appointment is just temporarily until they can find a decent "bigger" coach from the mid-season.
              It all de3pends on Charkhabi's results that he gets, he might as well stay for the whole season if things go his way.

              GRACIAS PEP


                Now that U19 have been eliminated. Ehsan Fabregas can play on Friday against Damash Gilan.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  I dont promise championship!

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    good luck to him
                    IRI = FAILED


                      Positives from the Payam game:

                      x Papi had a great game again after his good performance last week against Mes. He looks very motivated, runs a lot and his assist was great.

                      x Emad Reza is continuing to impress with his goals. He is one of the rare forwards in IPL who takes his chances. Today he didn't get much chances but he scored one and set up another.

                      x And the last good thing that happened was that Tahmasebi finally scored a goal this season, although it was just a tap in goal for him but it will surely boost his confidence .


                      x 2nd half performance was awful. Nothing close to how Sepahan should play. We were up 2-1 and we were defending and only Bekesh Ziresh, and it allowed Payam to back back into the game. Not good to see a team play so bad in the coach's half!!

                      x Azizadeh looked shaky at the back. He nearly gave a goal to payam due to his miscommunication with Ahmadi.

                      x Number one mistake IMO is the physical fitness of the players. Specially the newcomers to the team. i can't believe we were being outrun by a team like Payam!!!

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        حسين چرخابي:
                        سپاهان نقاط ضعف فراواني دارد
                        تماشاگران نبايد عليه "استيلي" شعار مي*دادند

                        سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
                        8708-07982: كد خبر

                        خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - اصفهان
                        سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                        حسين چرخابي بعد از كسب دومين برد با تيم سپاهان گفت: سخت*ترين بازي*ها بازي با تيم*هايي مثل پيام است، چرا كه اين تيم*ها مدام تغيير تاكتيك مي*دهند.

                        به گزارش ايسنا واحد اصفهان، سرمربي جديد تيم فوتبال سپاهان اضافه كرد: قبول مي*كنم كه با وجود اين بردها نقاط ضعف زيادي داريم و من مسوولم كه اين ايرادات را برطرف كنم. به همين دليل به سپاهان آمدم.

                        حسين چرخابي درخصوص تيم پيام نيز گفت: آن*ها انتحاري مقابل ما ظاهر شدند. ضمن اين كه لغزندگي زمين به نفع آن*ها بود، چون ما روي زمين بازي مي*كرديم و آن*ها قدرتي بودند و سعي مي*كردند با ارسال توپ*هاي بلند روي دروازه ما خطرساز ظاهر شوند.

                        چرخابي درخصوص شعار هواداران سپاهان برعليه استيلي و حمايت از وي گفت: من از اين حرف تماشاگران متاسفم. استيلي يكي از خوش*اخلاق*ترين مربيان ايران است و براي باشگاه سپاهان نيز قابل احترام. تماشاگران نبايد چنين شعارهايي مي*دادند.

                        سرمربي سپاهان درخصوص محروميت "آرماندو" هافبك برزيلي خود نيز گفت: آرماندو در بازي قبل حركتي انجام داد كه به كميته قضايي رفت و جريمه*اش را پرداخت كرد. الان نيز با او مشكلي ندارم و با هم دوست هستيم.

                        سرمربي سپاهان درخصوص انتخاب دستياران خود نيز گفت: در آينده همه چيز مشخص مي*شود كه آيا از دستيار استفاده كنم يا خير؟ با اين حال اين را بدانيد كه تا زماني كه در سپاهان هستم از دستياران و كادر فني اصفهاني و به خصوص سپاهاني استفاده مي*كنم

                        Why the hell chanting against Estilli?
                        WE NEVER FORGET


                          Eival Sepahan, they are crawling up the table
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            If football was played only in one half, Sepahan would now be on top of the table with 27 points:

                            I don't know whether it is due the players' fitness problems or Firat used to tell ghesseye hosseine kord shabestari to the players in the half time breaks!
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
                              Why the hell chanting against Estilli?
                              I'm not too sure either... but be sure if they were the Perspolisi fans there'd be a new thread opened up immediately... lol j/k


                                Originally posted by Payam_S View Post
                                حسين چرخابي:
                                سپاهان نقاط ضعف فراواني دارد
                                تماشاگران نبايد عليه "استيلي" شعار مي*دادند

                                سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
                                8708-07982: كد خبر

                                خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - اصفهان
                                سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                                حسين چرخابي بعد از كسب دومين برد با تيم سپاهان گفت: سخت*ترين بازي*ها بازي با تيم*هايي مثل پيام است، چرا كه اين تيم*ها مدام تغيير تاكتيك مي*دهند.

                                به گزارش ايسنا واحد اصفهان، سرمربي جديد تيم فوتبال سپاهان اضافه كرد: قبول مي*كنم كه با وجود اين بردها نقاط ضعف زيادي داريم و من مسوولم كه اين ايرادات را برطرف كنم. به همين دليل به سپاهان آمدم.

                                حسين چرخابي درخصوص تيم پيام نيز گفت: آن*ها انتحاري مقابل ما ظاهر شدند. ضمن اين كه لغزندگي زمين به نفع آن*ها بود، چون ما روي زمين بازي مي*كرديم و آن*ها قدرتي بودند و سعي مي*كردند با ارسال توپ*هاي بلند روي دروازه ما خطرساز ظاهر شوند.

                                چرخابي درخصوص شعار هواداران سپاهان برعليه استيلي و حمايت از وي گفت: من از اين حرف تماشاگران متاسفم. استيلي يكي از خوش*اخلاق*ترين مربيان ايران است و براي باشگاه سپاهان نيز قابل احترام. تماشاگران نبايد چنين شعارهايي مي*دادند.

                                سرمربي سپاهان درخصوص محروميت "آرماندو" هافبك برزيلي خود نيز گفت: آرماندو در بازي قبل حركتي انجام داد كه به كميته قضايي رفت و جريمه*اش را پرداخت كرد. الان نيز با او مشكلي ندارم و با هم دوست هستيم.

                                سرمربي سپاهان درخصوص انتخاب دستياران خود نيز گفت: در آينده همه چيز مشخص مي*شود كه آيا از دستيار استفاده كنم يا خير؟ با اين حال اين را بدانيد كه تا زماني كه در سپاهان هستم از دستياران و كادر فني اصفهاني و به خصوص سپاهاني استفاده مي*كنم

                                Why the hell chanting against Estilli?
                                The fans thought that Estili still had a chance to become the head coach. I think the management made the best decision between all iranian coaches. Charkhabi is a proven head coach. If you are from Isfahan and played football in the last 3 decades there is a great chance you were coached by Charkhabi. He is a straight shooter and takes no nonsense from players. Even if you don't like him you will respect him and that is rare with iranian coaches. He is definitely better than Estili who has no head coaching experience and Korbekandi who failed at shahrdary bandar abbas. Korbekandis success @ Zob Ahan had more to do with Ebrahimzadeh's skills than Korbekandi's.

