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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    I saw my line up again and I noticed a few mistakes. It seems that shayan20 doesn't like Bahadorani. Emad used to have Seyed Salehi pairing with him and Navdkia with Nouri. That would be the best team in Asia.


      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
      Sepahan's line-up is just as good as/ even better than PP's or SS's without injury worries.
      You see Sepahan has great players in all three positions.
      I hope so, plus the new coach is getting the needed result and Sepahan is moving up which is great.


        Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
        this is gonna be one hell of a ride for second half of the season, by the way shayan jan ur line up is amazing but what about karimi ? when is he comming back.
        Karimi can play after the mid-season breaks, I put him in the alternatives since I believe Emad is on good form now
        sorkh: I don't like Bahadorani and never will:bs:



          ^ Sick.


            سرمربي تيم فوتبال ذوب*آهن گفت: بايد براي شرايط بسيار سخت نيم*فصل دوم مسابقات ليگ برتر، يك مهاجم و چند بازيكن ديگر جذب كنيم.

            منصور ابراهيم*زاده در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، پيرامون بازي شنبه تيمش برابر تيم ملوان بندرانزلي در چارچوب رقابت*هاي فوتبال ليگ برتر، اظهار كرد: خوشبختانه تمرينات تيم با شادابي و بدون كوچكترين مشكل خاصي پيش مي*رود؛ بچه*هاي ما پس از به دست آوردن صدر جدول ليگ، انگيزه زيادي براي از دست ندادن آن دارند و خود براي يك مسابقه سخت و سنگين مقابل تيم ملوان آماده كرده*اند.

            وي افزود: ما اين مسابقه را در شرايطي برگزار مي*كنيم كه محمدرضا خلعتبري را پس از يك جلسه محروميت به دليل سه اخطاره بودن در اختيار داريم اما در اين بازي محمد منصوري، فرشيد طالبي و خيري نمي*تواند تيم ما را همراهي كنند كه اميدوارم بازيكنان جايگزين بتوانند جاي خالي آنها را به خوبي پر كنند.

            ابراهيم*زاده درباره وضعيت تيم ملوان نيز گفت: خوشحالم كه قرار است در مقابل تيمي بازي كنيم كه هميشه با استفاده از مربي باتجربه خود، فوتبال خوبي را بازي مي*كند و هميشه از حمايت خاص تماشاگرانش بهره لازم را برده است. ما مي*دانيم كه به خاطر جايگاهي كه تيم ذوب*آهن در صدر جدول ليگ دارد، مشتاقان زيادي براي ديدن اين مسابقه و تشويق تيم ملوان به استاديوم مي*آيند لذا سعي كرديم بازيكنان*مان را از قبل با بوجود آمدن چنين جوي آشنا كنيم.

            وي ادامه داد: همچنين پيش*بيني كرده*ايم ممكن است زمين بازي كيفيت لازم را براي پياده كردن برنامه*هاي تاكتيكي دو تيم نداشته باشد اما اين* را هم مي*دانيم كه تيم ملوان هم يك فوتبال زميني را ارايه مي*كند، لذا اين مشكل در صورت بروز براي هر دو تيم خواهد بود. به هر حال روي اين مساله هم فكر كرديم و سعي مي*كنيم با استفاده از بازيكنان قدرتي و احتياط بيشتر فوتبال متناسبي را با چنين شرايط احتمالي بازي كنيم.

            ابراهيم زاده گفت: اكنون كه باز هم موفق شديم پس از پيروزي مقابل برق شيراز مجددا صدر جدول را بدست آوريم، سعي خواهيم كرد با برنامه*هاي فني پيش*رو و همچنين تلاش بازيكنان ديگر اين جايگاه را از دست ندهيم كما اينكه پيش از اين هم تيم ذوب*آهن در رده*هاي بالايي جدول حضور داشت. اميدوارم بتوانيم با كسب هر سه امتياز بازي برابر ملوان جايگاه* ذوب*آهن را در رده* فعلي تا پايان نيم*فصل تثبيت كنيم.

            سرمربي تيم ذوب*آهن هم*چنين درباره تقويت اين تيم به لحاظ جذب بازيكن در نيم*فصل رقابت*هاي ليگ برتر، تصريح كرد: پس از مصدوميتي كه براي وحيد امرايي پيش آمد، تيم ما در خط حمله كمبود*هايي را حس مي*كند كه مي*بايست براي تقويت اين خط، يك مهاجم توانمند را در اختيار بگيريم. معتقدم رقابت*هاي ليگ در نيم فصل دوم بسيار سخت*تر و حساس*تر خواهد شد و تمامي تيم*هاي با انگيزه مضاعفي به ميدان خواهند آمد، لذا بدون شك ما هم بايد تيم*مان را تقويت كنيم تا در اين مسابقات از كورس قهرماني عقب نمانيم. البته با توجه به جاي خالي كه در ليست تيم داريم مي*توانيم در خطوط مياني و دفاع تيم نيز بازيكنان جديد را جذب كنيم كه در اين خصوص بايد بررسي*هاي لازم انجام شود.
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              that's great to hear ZZ isn't just relying on mid-season championship. They have already set aside long term goals to achieve something.
              They certainly do need extra players in their squad if they are to get a position in top 3 this season.
              But why they want a striker?
              They already have 2 great ones in Khalatbari an Castro.

              GRACIAS PEP


                In about 4 hours Sepahan will host Abomoslem.
                I expect the team to get 3 points from every home matches and this is no special.
                With a win, Sepahan will go to 3rd place if SS don't win their game.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  I would appreciate if someone can find a good link to watch esfahan tv other then glwiz because it doesnt work well for me, even with the new laptop i got, so someone is they can find a good working link for the match i would appreciate it very much.


                    Glwiz used a new media player of their own for some time which I had problems watching too. But recently they've been using the usual windows media player and it works fine for me.
                    have you tried it recently?

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      i was just on it a couple minutes ago and it has its own media player, and on my firefox it said u have to download plug in for media player and i did but like when i click on the broadcast after it buffers and everything, i can only see like the erasaneh sign at the bottom for like 10 minutes then the screen moves for like 2 seconds and freezes again.


                        The only concern with Navidkia is that he is soft, his physical ability really stands out in a bad way, however you do not need to tell him what he has to do when he is fit, he is a genious in desicion making and knows when to do what, him and Nekounam would make an awesome midfield in TM. I just hope he doesnt get injured again


                          Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
                          i was just on it a couple minutes ago and it has its own media player, and on my firefox it said u have to download plug in for media player and i did but like when i click on the broadcast after it buffers and everything, i can only see like the erasaneh sign at the bottom for like 10 minutes then the screen moves for like 2 seconds and freezes again.
                          I just checked again and it works perfectly.
                          Esfahan TV however seems to have a bad signal or something else because it shows a black screen with paaraazit on it. It will hopefully get fixed soon.

                          I also use firefox and have media player 11.
                          There is another link to Esfahan TV that I used from its won website but It's been down since 2-3 months ago and it hasn't been fixed yet.
                          Glwiz is the only option online. I hope they fix the channel soon so we can watch the game.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            well its 3:00 AM now for me, and idk if its worth it to stay up 3 hours and to watch some scrammbled crap lol, shayan jan if you have any luck with the game,summarize it for me later if possible aziz, id appreciate it man.

                            - Goodnight


                              shit, you've stayed up until 3AM
                              Gnight man. Just hope the channel is fixed soon, I promise I give a summary

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Sepahan 2-1 Abomoslem

                                First half was a boring half I don't want to talk about it.
                                Jamshidian scored from a brilliantly taken FK and He was undoubtedly the MOM.

                                The second started when Abomoslem scored from a corner with no one marking the new cameroonian striker.
                                After that Sepahan played some very nice attacking football and nice passes and finally Emad Reza scored a great placed goal while the keeper was out of his line.
                                The rest of the match Sepahan attacked and Abo had nothing to say really. I'm just happy we played much better in coach's half and there was no sign of bad physical fitness or anything
                                navidkia came from 65' and he played a good part in Sepahan's attacks and counter-attacks.

                                Overall a Pass mark for the performance and a sweet 3 points.

                                GRACIAS PEP

