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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    I saw the last 15-20 mins when Sepahan scored the second goal. Practically, It was all Sepahan. Sepahan could score more if its players were less selfish.


      Sickkkkkkkkkk, We Gonna Ownn:d.


        Originally posted by Siavash View Post
        I saw the last 15-20 mins when Sepahan scored the second goal. Practically, It was all Sepahan. Sepahan could score more if its players were less selfish.
        The 2nd half was all Sepahan.
        Abomoslem was relying on counters but they couldn't do anything that way. I Emad Reza/ Hajsafi were a bit more teamwork players at some situations we could have scored 4-5.
        Next game against Moghvemat in Shiraz.



          Abomoslem lost to our professional players.
          Navidkia's sub had a positive effect on the team's spirit and helped us to win.
          Asghari didn't play because players need to learn to stay disciplined at all time.(probably the same case for Armando not playing).
          He thinks Daei should invite Jamshidian to TM as his good form can help TM.
          We've got special plans against PP in Hazfi.

          پس از پيروزي مقابل ابومسلم

          چرخابي:* دايي بايد جمشيديان را به تيم ملي دعوت كند

          خبرگزاري فارس: سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان گفت:* با توجه به آمادگي بالاي احمد جمشيديان سرمربي تيم ملي بايد او را به تيم ملي دعوت كند.

          به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، حسين چرخابي پس از پيروزي سپاهان مقابل ابومسلم در جمع خبرنگاران اظهار داشت:* فكر كنم هواداران بازي زيبايي را از هر دو تيم تماشا كردند و بايد به مردم خراسان تبريك بگويم كه مربي بزرگي بنام ناصر حجازي به زودي روي نيمكت تيم ابومسلم خواهد نشست.
          وي افزود: از سال*هاي قبل ابومسلم را مي*شناختم، چون تيمي فيزيكي و قدرتي بود؛ اما امروز آنها فقط فوتبال زيبا بازي كردند و فكر كنم اسير بازيكنان حرفه*اي ما شدند.
          چرخابي ادامه داد:*حضور محرم نويدكيا سيستم تيم ما را متحول كرد و به نظر من باعث پيروزي ما در ديدار امروز بود.
          وي همچنين در خصوص سكونشيني هادي اصغري گفت: اصغري بازيكن خوب و بزرگي است؛ اما بايد ياد بگيرد به انضباط درون تيمي بيشتر احترام بگذارد تا بتواند جزو نفرات اصلي تيم باشد.
          سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان در خصوص احمد جمشيديان تصريح كرد: با توجه به آمادگي بالاي احمد جمشيديان سرمربي تيم ملي بايد او را به تيم ملي دعوت كند چون مطمئن هستم مي*تواند به دايي و تيم ملي ايران كمك* كند.
          چرخابي در خصوص رويارويي احتمالي با پرسپوليس در جام حذفي گفت: هيچگاه نگفته*ام كه مي*خواهم با پرسپوليسي*ها تسويه حساب كنم. اگر مقابل اين تيم در مرحله بعدي جام حذفي قرار بگيريم برنامه*هاي ويژه*اي داريم كه به صورت جداگانه به موقع بر زبان خواهيم آورد

          GRACIAS PEP


            GRACIAS PEP


              Jamshidian's Fk First Goal.

              GRACIAS PEP


                Emad Reza's Goal.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  Moharame navidkia...sarvare kole Asia
                  is back...

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    ^ thanks for pic. Nice to see Moharam back. I hope he will reach his full potential soon.


                      moharam needs to hit the gym and workout, he looks too weak and fragile!!!
                      IRI = FAILED


                        he's always looked that way.
                        That's how he was supposed to be.
                        He just needs to be careful during games, and training session not to take things too harsh in order to avoid yet another injury.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Elong Elong was present at the trainings yersterday.
                          He feels comfortable in Sepahan and made new friends.
                          He thinks the facilities and professionalism in Sepahan is superior to that of PP's.
                          He says He couldn't believe that a team in IPL could have had such good facilities and pro management.
                          Then he says PP was khar to khar and that everyone says something different. Qotbi was very angry of Mostafavi.

                          قطبى خيلى از مصطفوى ناراحت بود
                          الونگ: سپاهان قهرمان ليگ مى شود
                          - وقتى امكانات و تجهيزات باشگاه سپاهان را ديدم كمى تعجب كردم. واقعاً باورم نمى شد در ايران چنين تيم حرفه اى با اين امكانات عالى وجود داشته باشد. پرسپوليس هم تيم بزرگى است و هواداران زيادى دارد اما در اين باشگاه هر مسئولى يك حرف مى زند و معلوم نيست تصميم گيرنده چه كسى است. از نظر امكاناتى هم قابل مقايسه با سپاهان نيست.هدايتى، فرخزادى، خوردبين و مصطفوى هر كدام يك چيز مى گفتند

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            I agree, I think the most professional and developed team in IPL is Sepahan. If more clubs are built and raised like them, then the IPL could actually turn into something more pleasing.


                              ^ this is because Esfehanies have good managment skills.


                                sepahan truly is a role model for IPL, the match up i like to see is Elong in hazfi game against PP.................that should be a great game and a great match up against his old team...............must see game for everyone
                                IRI = FAILED

