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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Then why Saket got Firat in the first place makes me angry and raises question marks about his choices and saligheh.
    Where do you see a big club like Sepahan give a young and assistant coach a headcoaching job?!
    Eighter go for a big European coach or just pick a boomy one.



      Akbari the captain will miss tomorrow's game due to 3 cards.
      Loveinian will play instead of him



        Actually Shirvand played in LB position and he had a good game, a youngster you can rely on.

        Nothing to say about the game except all the players looked heavy and out of form. Hajsafi, Emad Reza and Asghari all had horrible day.
        Asghari is the most useless striker ever.
        He can't even stop the ball. Emad was good in play-making and holding the ball but he lacked finishing touch.
        despite the loss, jamshidian, Saedati and papi had a good game.
        The rest of the player were too slow and heavy that they were beaten physically and outran by Fajr players. Abolheil was very very slow.
        Next mid-season matches hopefully will be and have to be our good days with the comeback of 5-6 key players.



          ^ I was hopping Sepahan would win this one and get one of the 3 top places. We still have the next round.


            Today Sepahan will play Pas in Esfahan.

            a good news I read is that Bengar and Aghili can play against SS, the home game for us

            Also charkhabi said Molaei's lift will be lifted and he can play in 3 weeks

            GRACIAS PEP


              ^ thanks for the info.......GO SEPAHAN


                Sepahan 2-2 Pas

                I only watched from 2nd half.
                Sepahan had all the ball and attack but no real tactic of scoring a goal.
                But you can't deny the Zede Football of Pas and how they defended with 10 men and used direct balls and that way they scored 2.
                Clearly Sepahan lacks a good DMF someone who can stand in front of the defense and help them out. Abolheil is more involved in attacks and he doesn't contribute much to defense.
                This will hopefully be solved when Elong plays.

                Next game against Payam in Mashad. Payam is a good team and certainly not ZedeFootball like Fajr/Pas. They will come forward at times and we can penetrate. After that we got an important match at home against SS the league leaders, they will come to attack unlike other teams that come to Esfahan, so I got for that match too.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  Or Payam team will be dissolved.
                  But seriously there's a high possibility of Payam get dissolved , I'm wondering what new decision IFF will take about that.
                  WE NEVER FORGET


                    ^^payam is the new dilemma facing IFF, we shell see what the incompetent IFF will do in this case..
                    IRI = FAILED


                      You're right Kianosh I forgot about that.
                      It eighter be canceled or Sepahan win 3-0 by the rulez?!

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        I hope the game against Payam does not get canceled.

                        We badly need the three points, besides, Bengar's suspension will be counted for this game and he will available for the SS game.
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Disturbances in Sepahan

                          Not a good piece of news

                          مى خواهند خودش برود

                          همه چيز در سپاهان عليه چرخابى است

                          ايران ورزشى- تمرين بعد از بازى سپاهان با حاشيه همراه بود. محسن بنگر كه مدت ها درباره اختلافش با حسين چرخابى سرمربى تيم گفته مى شد در اولين تمرين بعد از بازى با پاس با چرخابى درگيرى لفظى پيدا مى كند. بنگر در بازى با پاس از زمين اخراج شده بود، از طرف ديگر در اتمام اين ديدار تماشاگران عليه چرخابى شعار داده بودند تا هر دو با ناراحتى تمرين بعد از بازى را شروع كنند.
                          گويا در اين درگيرى لفظى بنگر به چرخابى مى گويد كه او در حد مربيگرى سپاهان نيست، چرخابى هم او را تهديد به اخراج مى كند. چرخابى به بنگر مى گويد كه او به هيچ بازيكنى باج نمى دهد و براى نمونه به سكونشين كردن هادى اصغرى، آرماندوسا و حتى احسان حاج صفى اشاره مى كند.
                          سه مهره اى كه به خاطر اختلاف با چرخابى سكونشين شده اند.بعد از درگيرى تمرين سه شنبه، ديروز چرخابى به مديران باشگاه مى گويد كه محسن بنگر بايد تنبيه شود و مى خواهد اين مدافع را از تمرينات اخراج كنند اما مسوولان باشگاه با اين تصميم سرمربى مخالفت مى كنند و به نوعى به جاى حمايت از سرمربى، طرف محسن بنگر را مى گيرند. دليل حمايت از بنگر هم نبود مدافع مطمئن در تيم است و مديريت به چرخابى اعلام مى كند در اين شرايط حساس تنبيه مدافعى مثل بنگر اصلا به صلاح تيم نيست.
                          گفته مى شود اين موضع گيرى باشگاه مقابل درگيرى يك بازيكن با سرمربى حكايت هاى زيادى را در پشت پرده دارد.
                          حتى طبق شنيده ها كسانى كه در ديدار سپاهان- پاس عليه چرخابى شعار داده بودند از باشگاه خط گرفته بودند. گويا مسوولان سپاهان از انتصاب چرخابى پشيمان شده اند يا اينكه فرصت پيدا كرده اند تا گزينه مورد نظرشان را بياورند، به همين خاطر مى خواهند چرخابى خود از تيم جدا شود.
                          حسين چرخابى هم بعد از شعار عليه اش اعلام كرده است كه در صورت تكرار اين روند كناره گيرى مى كند تا به اين ترتيب در راستاى اهداف باشگاه قدم برداشته باشد. البته اختلاف چرخابى با بازيكنان تنها به آرماندوسا، بنگر، حاج صفى و اصغرى ختم نمى شود. محرم نويدكيا كاپيتان سپاهان كه نقش تعيين كننده اى در سپاهان دارد هم چندان دل خوشى از تصميمات سرمربى ندارد.
                          چرخابى به جاى عباسى بدنساز تيم سپاهان، ناظم، بدنساز فصل گذشته سپاهان نوين را به كادر فنى اضافه كرده است و محرم عقيده دارد در ديدارهاى فشرده سپاهان، روش كار بدنساز جديد باعث خستگى بيشتر بازيكنان شده و بر سر اين مساله كاپيتان با سرمربى اختلاف پيدا كرده است. به نظر مى رسد با اين شرايط اگر حسين چرخابى در ديدارهاى آينده نتواند نتيجه بگيرد خيلى زود مجبور به استعفا خواهد شد!



                            why shd players have such clout in our clubs?
                            and they arent even SUPERSTARS anyway!!

                            good or bad, the club management has chosen a fellow as the coach.
                            NO player shd take it upon himself to question or criticize the coach. the management shd fully support their choice and punish the player.
                            this shd be made an example so it is not repeated...whoever the player may be.

                            and it's there in other clubs and TM as well!

                            how can players try to influence and steer the team's fortunes according to their wishes?
                            it is rumored that Ivic's 7-1 loss has been an example of such a thing . and it's happened in many other clubs like pp, ss, ... also!
                            they deliberately lose or get ejected or suspended ... just to influence the outcome of games, hence putting pressure on the coach !!!!

                            the ultimate fault lies with the management who do not punish the guilty players and slowly the players start to think they have the right to dictate their wants through such means!



                              ^^ I agree but I highly doubt that this is true. These papers are full of $hit. But if it is true Bengar should be punished.


                                Why everyone's against Charkhabi?
                                Bengar, Navidkia, Haj safi and...
                                WE NEVER FORGET

