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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by kaz View Post
    He didn't. He came out saying that Esteghlal deserved to lose and said that he didn't want to play Borhani but he was forced to after the 2nd goal.

    I guess if it was Daei and he made excuses it would all be okay eh? Siavash, has anyone told you you're really desperate?
    I'll watch Navad for confirmation but I really though Gn would come out saying if that penalty was called in our favour(IT WAS A DIVE) it would have changed the course of the game and bullshit like that.

    WHoever watched the game knows that Sepahan owned SS for 80 minutes but when we had a red card we had to defend for 10 minutes.



      Originally posted by Siavash View Post
      I watch the game in the middle of the night and I am so happy that Sepahan won and made it worthy.
      Siavash jaan, Im so happy for you.
      I was also watching it late at night and I wanted a win so I can get a good sleep



        Sep-SS pics



          Welcome back the king

          GRACIAS PEP


            Formerly known as Persianking!
            Follow me @


              special mention and thanks to Hajsafi and Akbari who closed down Khosro heydari so well, I have never seen this guy so quiet and ineffective as today.

              GRACIAS PEP


                F.Kazemi: This was 10% of the 'real' sepahan.

                کاظمي: اين10 درصد سپاهان واقعي بود.

                سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان گفت: تيمي که امروز استقلال را شکست داد 10درصد سپاهان واقعي بود.
                فرهاد کاظمي در جمع خبرنگاران در مورد مسائل حاشيه اي که در مورد او و رابطه اش با مسئولان باشگاه گفته مي شود؛ اظهار داشت: واقعيت اين است که من خودم از اين تيم رفتم. در اين مدت در هيچ نشريه اي نمي توانيد از من مصاحبه اي عليه مسئولان اين باشگاه پيدا کنيد.
                وي سپس ادامه داد: قبل از اينکه صحبتي کنم بايد به مسائلي که در ماه محرم قلب مسلمانان را آتش زده اشاره کنم .من به جامعه شيعيان حملات صهيونيست*ها به مردم غزه را تسليت عرض مي کنم.
                کاظمي درباره پيروزي مقابل استقلال عنوان کرد: امروز دو فاکتور باعث پيروزي ما شد. يکي خواست خود بازيکنان بود و دوم حمايت هواداران بود.
                وي تصريح کرد: از مربيان قبلي سپاهان تشکر مي کنم. اين تيمي که ديديد شايد فقط ?? درصد واقعي تيم سپاهان بود. بايد بيشتر کار کنيم. من از بچه ها توقع بيشتري دارم.
                کاظمي در ارتباط با جذب رسول خطيبي گفت: اين بازيکن با ساکت صحبت کرده و گفته حاضر است اکنون به سپاهان بيايد اما ما اگر براي ليگ قهرمانان آسيا به او احتياج داشتيم خطيبي را جذب مي کنيم.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  ^lol ok thats enough
                  he should relax
                  Formerly known as Persianking!
                  Follow me @


                    He didn't promise league championship like some people
                    He is keeping his cool and acting polite.

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      He didn't promise league championship like some people
                      He is keeping his cool and acting polite.
                      baba Sepahan just only won an IPL match!
                      10% of the real Sepahan?

                      So if they played 100% they would have beat SS 10-0 or what?
                      Formerly known as Persianking!
                      Follow me @


                        Originally posted by Persianking View Post
                        baba Sepahan just only won an IPL match!
                        10% of the real Sepahan?
                        So if they played 100% they would have beat SS 10-0 or what?
                        This is obviously an exaggeration mate, let me translate, by this He means his team still has a lot of improvements to make and a lot of weaknesses to fix up.
                        This is what all pro coaches say.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                          This is obviously an exaggeration mate, let me translate, by this He means his team still has a lot of improvements to make and a lot of weaknesses to fix up.
                          This is what all pro coaches say.
                          ok I agree
                          Formerly known as Persianking!
                          Follow me @


                            EhSaN FabReGaS & My story with him
                            ================================================== ==

                            Heloooo Every body
                            look to the picture

                            I made this painting
                            the story of this picture
                            I am From Saudi Arabia From Alqatif

                            I am make It when the youth team melli come to Saudi Arabia to play Asian youth cup
                            I am go to the stadium with It in the match of japan
                            After the match I am meet with Ehsan And Ehsan give me The T-Shirt
                            And From this moment It became my friend
                            and next day I am go to watch the training in the Alkhaleej club stadium
                            And the next day I am go to the stadium to watch the match with Yemen
                            In this match Ehsan doesn't play , And I am set with Ehsan in the Chairs of fans
                            And I am send some video of some goals in my mobile to mobile Ehsan
                            After the match I am go to the Hotel and remained with Ehsan and another players until 11 clock
                            Finally: I love Iran Team Melli
                            you can visit this web site


                              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                              Siavash jaan, Im so happy for you.
                              I was also watching it late at night and I wanted a win so I can get a good sleep
                              Thanks Shayan jaan, But then I slept for 8 hours straight and enjoyed every second of it.
                              Originally posted by kaz View Post
                              He didn't. He came out saying that Esteghlal deserved to lose and said that he didn't want to play Borhani but he was forced to after the 2nd goal.

                              I guess if it was Daei and he made excuses it would all be okay eh? Siavash, has anyone told you you're really desperate?
                              Again, not worthy of a comment!


                                Originally posted by a-karimi8 View Post
                                EhSaN FabReGaS & My story with him
                                ================================================== ==

                                Heloooo Every body
                                look to the picture

                                I made this painting
                                the story of this picture
                                I am From Saudi Arabia From Alqatif

                                I am make It when the youth team melli come to Saudi Arabia to play Asian youth cup
                                I am go to the stadium with It in the match of japan
                                After the match I am meet with Ehsan And Ehsan give me The T-Shirt
                                And From this moment It became my friend
                                and next day I am go to watch the training in the Alkhaleej club stadium
                                And the next day I am go to the stadium to watch the match with Yemen
                                In this match Ehsan doesn't play , And I am set with Ehsan in the Chairs of fans
                                And I am send some video of some goals in my mobile to mobile Ehsan
                                After the match I am go to the Hotel and remained with Ehsan and another players until 11 clock
                                Finally: I love Iran Team Melli
                                you can visit this web site
                                Mate that is brilliant!!!
                                Well done

                                Ehsan Fabregas is one of my favourite players too, Im sure you agree with me He will be a big soccer player one day...So stay friends with him while you can!

                                GRACIAS PEP

