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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
    Sepahan deserved the win today, however GN does usually blame it on something but today he didnt, he also has a point the players that came back to iran only had one day before this match, but Sepahan deserved the win no doubt.
    GN ain't down yet my friend. If he doe otherwise I will respect him for that. Lets wait and see.


      Today was awesome however i didnt sleep cuz in toronto the game started at 5AM in and ended at 7, and then i just fell asleep and saw that Perspolis lost as well


        Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
        he also has a point the players that came back to iran only had one day before this match, but Sepahan deserved the win no doubt.
        It was the case for all the teams. Sepahan had also Hajsafi and Bengar in the TM and also Jamshidian who missed yesterday's game because of the injury he picked up in the TM's duty.
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          Originally posted by kaz View Post

          I guess if it was Daei and he made excuses it would all be okay eh? Siavash, has anyone told you you're really desperate?
          Again relating an irrelevant comment to Daei Interesting that you call Siavash "desperate".
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            Hajsafi's shot in the 3rd minute.
            With his weaker right foot, he could have scored!

            GRACIAS PEP


              ^^what a talent, he definitely needs to go to Europe, he is still a raw player that needs a good european coach............
              IRI = FAILED


                GRACIAS PEP


                  Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                  ^^what a talent, he definitely needs to go to Europe, he is still a raw player that needs a good european coach............
                  Yea not too soon though , We need him this season and for the ACL games to bring it home this time

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    Sepahan e Kobande

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      from the official website you can download 4 sepahan songs, they are very nice
                      Zarde talaei one is amazing!

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Here we go again, GN indirectly is blaming the ref for SS lost.
                        ISN - امير قلعه نويى سرمربى تيم استقلال گفت: از رحيمى مقدم مى خواهم اگر پنالتى استقلال را اعلام نكرده به اشتباه خود اعتراف كند. وى پس از پايان بازى مقابل سپاهان در در مورد داورى رحيمى مقدم اظهار داشت: از او خواهش دارم اگر صحنه برخورد عقيلى و عليزاده پنالتى بود به اشتباهش اعتراف كند. او ادامه داد: از باشگاه سپاهان به دليل ميزبانى خوب تشكر مى كنم .ضمن اينكه به خاطر تقديرى كه از من شد ممنون هستم. قلعه نويى در مورد جريان بازى عنوان كرد: تا قبل از دريافت گل اول بازى خوبى انجام نداديم. بعد از گل اول هم تا قصد جمع و جور كردن خود را داشتيم عليزاده با گل به خودى كار را مشكل كرد. سرمربى آبى پوشان اضافه كرد: در نيمه دوم با تعويض هايى كه انجام دادم سعى در كنترل بازى داشتم اما متاسفانه حملاتمان نتيجه نداد. قلعه نويى با طعنه به فدراسيون فوتبال گفت: ديگر تصميم گرفتم در مورد تاج و برنامه ريزى سازمان ليگ هيچ حرفى نزنم. در اين بازى مجبور شدم از آرش برهانى استفاده كنم اما كشاله او كش آمد و آسيب ديد. چهارشنبه


                          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                          Hajsafi's shot in the 3rd minute.
                          With his weaker right foot, he could have scored!

                          He deserves a place in the TM's starting 11. I hope it happens soon
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Alizadeh's header was really beautiful. It would have been a classic if he had scored it on the other side of the field
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              It was a fluke man
                              in bashar hich kare mosbati ke nakard hich gol ham zad bara ma

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                ^ I think it was the most beautiful own goal I have seen in Iran. He definite beat Ostad Asadi
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

