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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    some1 please teach aghili how to make long passes...idk why he keeps playing those passes although only 1 out of 10 or so reaches a teammate...

    but its nice to see navidkia back. what a classy guy.
    i will never forget how nice he was to me when i asked him to sign my shirt. hope he stays healthy


      I agree sometimes Aghili overdoes his long balls, in korea game he did it way too much!!
      He normally doesn't do that maybe it was the pressure of the game that got him.
      Also I think Hashemian was not the man for target of long balls, while Gh.Rezaei uses Aghili's and Hoseni's long balls much better.



        Shayan jan i still cant get over your signatue its great lol


          it is very possible for PP to loose their game against Abu, but sepahan has to do their part also
          IRI = FAILED


            yes true. we can't afford to lose points against a lower bottom table team at home.

            Babak jan, Im glad you like it

            GRACIAS PEP


              Sepahan_Bargh will start soon.
              I hope karimi finally plays !!
              Khatibi-Emad partnership is a killer though

              Got to be careful, Bargh have nthing to lose.

              GRACIAS PEP


                lol at Aghili and Khiabani fight

                Khiabani should commentate Weight-lifting and Wrestling matches!

                (because Khiabani during the Iran-korea match said Aghili was in faulty for the goal we conceded and criticized him like an idiot while prasining Bagheri's bad performance!)

                عقيلي: خياباني بايد كشتي و وزنه*برداري گزارش كند

                GRACIAS PEP


                  OMG Navidkia just had to get off the field because of injury, how shit is that, he keeps getting injured!!!!

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    The Goal was Aghilis fault. Also i dont like Khiabani so much he was right in this case.


                      If anyone is to be blamed, It should be in this order:
                      1. Bagheri
                      2. Rahmati
                      3. Aghili

                      Khiabani is just a fatass gorrila.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        No No come on. Its actually not Bagheris fault. First of all it wasnt a foul and second if he dont foul the players go through. Rahmat could be at fault but definitly Aghili cause he dont mark in the box.


                          Navidkia is injured again:

                          نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
                          / حاشيه ديدار سپاهان و برق شيراز/
                          مصدوميت دوباره نويدكيا در جريان بازي

                          خبرگزاري فارس: كاپيتان تيم فوتبال سپاهان در جريان بازي امروز با برق بار ديگر آسيب ديد و از جريان مسابقه بيرون رفت.

                          به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، محرم نويدكيا در جريان بازي از ناحيه كشاله پشت ران مصدوم شد و نتواسنت به بازي ادامه دهد. فرهاد كاظمي مجبور به تعويض او شد. احمد جمشيديان جايگزين كاپيتان تيم شد.

                          * قبل از شروع بازي باشگاه سپاهان طبق روال هميشگي خود كه از سرمربيان تيم هاي حريف تقدير مي كند از فرشاد پيوس تقدير كرد.

                          *حدود 2 هزار هوادار از بازي امروز در فولاد شهر استقبال كرد.

                          *هواداران سپاهان با حمل بنري در ورزشگاه با اين مضمون كه ؛ فردوسي پور دوستت داريم از اين مجري تلويزيوني تشكر كردند.
                          WE NEVER FORGET


                            Mahmoud Karimi finally played for Sepahan today
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              i think navidkia should retire, he is too injury prone
                              IRI = FAILED


                                vs Bargh

                                Formerly known as Persianking!
                                Follow me @

