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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Good results for the Esfahani teams this week. Zob can go all the way with the current situation especially as they are hosting SS in a few weeks.

    Sepahan should also be able to finish in the top three position with the return of all the injured players.
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      It would be great to have both ZZ and Sepahan in ACL
      the key here is for ZZ to beat SS at home and Sepahan soorakh PP.



        ^ gole ghofti shayan jan!


          mokhlesetam Siavash khan

          GRACIAS PEP


            Good news, as I predicted Navidkia's injury(It was not an injury, just felt something in his foot and thought its safe to stop playing) didn't seem to be serious at all and he has confirmed he can play against Peykan and PP
            soorakhing both of them.

            محرم نويد كيا كاپيتان تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان در گفتگو با خبرنگار باشگاه خبرنگاران گفت: برق شيراز به دليل احساس خطر سقوط به دسته اول تلاش زيادي براي گل نخوردن داشت و در بيشتر دقايق بازي يازده نفره دفاع مي كردند.

            وي ادامه داد: در اين بازي خط هافبك ما خوب عمل نكرد و پاس هاي مناسبي براي دو مهاجم تيم مهيا نكرديم. رسول خطيي و محمود كريمي بعد از مدتها به تركيب سپاهان بازگشته بودند و كمك زيادي به خط حمله ما كردند.

            نويد كيا شايعه دو هفته غيبتش در بازي هاي آينده سپاهان را رد كرد و افزود: مشكل مصدوميتم جدي نيست و به طور قطع براي بازي با تيم هاي پيكان و پرسپوليس به جمع زرد پوشان اصفهان اضافه مي شوم.

            GRACIAS PEP


              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
              It would be great to have both ZZ and Sepahan in ACL
              the key here is for ZZ to beat SS at home and Sepahan soorakh PP.
              I like the choice of words.


                vs. Rah Ahan Full Highlights

                Formerly known as Persianking!
                Follow me @


                  Khalili is gonna play against Sepahan and gonna soorakh you guys:

                  در گفت* و گو با فارس
                  خليلي: از بازي با سپاهان به ميدان مي*روم

                  خبرگزاري فارس: مهاجم تيم فوتبال پرسپوليس گفت:* براي گلزني و كمك به پرسپوليس از بازي با سپاهان به ميدان مي*روم.

                  محسن خليلي در گفت *و گو با خبرگزاري فارس* اظهار داشت: خوشبختانه وضعيتم نسبت به گذشته بسيار بهتر شده است. با توجه به صحبت هايي كه با وينگادا در روز گذشته داشتم براي كمك به پرسپوليس و گلزني از بازي جمعه هفته آينده مقابل سپاهان به ميدان خواهم رفت.
                  وي افزود: دوست نداشتم در حالي كه ناآماده بودم در يك بازي به ميدان بروم و ذهن هواداران را از موفقيت*ها و گلزني هايم نزديك پاك كنم.
                  اين مهاجم عنوان كرد: به همين دليل سعي كردم در بهترين شرايط به ميادين بازگردم. بهترين موقع بازي با سپاهان است و مطمئن باشيد حرف*هاي زيادي براي گفتن دارم. دليل غيبت من در تمرين امروز پيگيري مراحل فيزيوتراپي*ام بود كه خوشبختانه به پايان رسيد.
                  خليلي خاطرنشان كرد: اميدوارم فردا بتوانيم با تلاش بچه*ها 3 امتياز شيرين را مقابل برق شيراز كسب كنيم.
                  WE NEVER FORGET


                    last year when he was on his best form, played in esfahan and did shit. couldn't even get a shot on target.
                    not really scared or anything if Aghili is there

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      last year when he was on his best form, played in esfahan and did shit. couldn't even get a shot on target.
                      not really scared or anything if Aghili is there

                      WE NEVER FORGET


                        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                        last year when he was on his best form, played in esfahan and did shit. couldn't even get a shot on target.
                        not really scared or anything if Aghili is there
                        Baz Gol ghoti Shayan jan. Keep it up. It will be great to see Sepahan and ZZ take over the top two seats at the end. But it is not going to be eazy.


                          Originally posted by Payam_S View Post

                          Formerly known as Persianking!
                          Follow me @


                            He has improved A LOT from those days and now is considered Iran's best CB along with Hosseini.
                            WE will see after the game

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                              He has improved A LOT from those days and now is considered Iran's best CB along with Hosseini.
                              WE will see after the game
                              I know shayan jaan
                              I just posted that for fun

                              Without a doubt he is one of the best defender we have but Khalili is better
                              Formerly known as Persianking!
                              Follow me @


                                vs Bargh Full Highlights

                                Formerly known as Persianking!
                                Follow me @

