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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by Faisalabadi View Post
    Heard Zob Ahan are off to Spain for a training camp? Any news on that?

    They were meant to go but it has been canceled for now.

    اردوي تيم فوتبال ذوب*آهن اصفهان كه قرار بود در اسپانيا برگزار شود، لغو شد.

    به گزارش فارس، اين اردو كه قرار بود از 21 مرداد ماه و به مدت 10 روز در اسپانيا برگزار شود، لغو شد. اردوي ذوب*آهن قرار است در زمان و كشور ديگري برگزار شود.

    مدير روابط عمومي تيم فوتبال ذوب*آهن، گفت: اردوي اسپانيا برخلاف اخبار مندرج در برخي روزنامه*ها كه دليل آن را مشكلات مالي ذكر كرده بودند، لغو نشده و تنها دليل لغو آن، فراهم نبودن امكان حضور ملي*پوشان و بازيكنان جديد بود.

    وي با تأكيد بر اينكه اين لغو ارتباطي به مسائل مالي ندارد، افزود: باشگاه تصميم گرفته تا اردوي تداركاتي را در محل و تاريخي ديگر برگزار كند تا بتواند از همه نفرات استفاده كند.

    مدير روابط عمومي ذوب*آهن عنوان كرد: اردوي اسپانيا به طور كلي منتفي شد و قرار است محل و تاريخ جديد اردوي ذوب*آهن به صورت قطعي، روز شنبه مشخص شود.



      Abolheil has joined Foolad

      هافبك فصل گذشته تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان به فولاد خوزستان پيوست

      .به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، عبدالوهاب ابوالهيل كه گفته مي*شد با مسئولان تيم سپاهان براي تمديد قرارداد به توافق نرسيده است و مد نظر شاهين پارس جنوبي هم بود، با توافق با مسئولان تيم فولاد خوزستان با اين تيم قرارداد يكساله* امضا كرد. با خريد اين بازيكن سهميه جذب بازيكنان ليگ برتري فولاد پر شد.

      * فولاد فردا ساعت 12 راهي تهران مي*شود و ساعت 4 صبح يكشنبه راهي تركيه خواهد شد. اين تيم تا دوم مرداد در منطقه اي به نام قزل*چه حمام در هتل پانتاليا اردوي برگزار مي*كند.

      * نعيم سعداوي دستيار لوكا بوناچيچ شد. پيش از اين قرار بود فريدون حرداني كمك سرمربي كروات فولاد باشد اما پس از جلسه هيات مديره باشگاه قرار شد وي سرمربيگري تيم فولاد نوين در ليگ دسته اول را بر عهده داشته باشد و سعداوي در ليگ برتر دستيار لوكا باشد. مسئولان فولاد در تلاش براي تهيه بليت براي سعداوي هستند تا وي هم بتواند در اردوي تركيه همراه فولادي*ها باشد.



        Is there any news when Naghsh e Jahan will be ready to use, this is getting frustrating.


          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
          we got a new problem.
          GN says he definitely wants Ali Molaei in his list of players, he has a few months still left in his suspension, so if he joins the list then Sepahan cannot buy Rahmati because they have already purchased their limit of top league players possible.
          Though I think rahmati is by far the best goalkeeper but I dont think we will be too bad without him, Ahmadi himself is a great goalkeeper, more than enough resources already to win the league.
          YES ALI MOLAEI!!!!!!!!!!

          i loved this guy before he got suspended, hope he still has those same moves!


            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
            we got a new problem.
            GN says he definitely wants Ali Molaei in his list of players, he has a few months still left in his suspension, so if he joins the list then Sepahan cannot buy Rahmati because they have already purchased their limit of top league players possible.
            Though I think rahmati is by far the best goalkeeper but I dont think we will be too bad without him, Ahmadi himself is a great goalkeeper, more than enough resources already to win the league.
            "its offcial", says wiki


              Originally posted by Babak_ A.Karimi View Post
              Is there any news when Naghsh e Jahan will be ready to use, this is getting frustrating.
              many different bs news but one of them says it will definitely be ready for the ACL knock out stages if Sepahan makes it! Don't believe it though till you see it because remember they promised it will be finished by the start of this season but what happened?!!

              Originally posted by Parham10 View Post
              YES ALI MOLAEI!!!!!!!!!!

              i loved this guy before he got suspended, hope he still has those same moves!
              yeah I hope. he hasn't been in a competitive match for 2 years only attended training.

              Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
              "its offcial", says wiki
              whenever the official site shows the photo of him shaking hands with saket then I believe it

              GRACIAS PEP


                ^^contractors on the project are milking the money, why should they hurry to finish it!!!!

                down with IRI
                IRI = FAILED


                  so is rahmati going to pp?


                    ^^he would be stupid to go to PP, PP is not playing in any international competition for a while and full of hashiyeh
                    IRI = FAILED


                      GN will answer reporters' questions in a official press conference tomorrow.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
                        so is rahmati going to pp?
                        I know goal writes bs at times but this is interesting.
                        it says rahmati will join Sepahan only if his negogiation with the Belgian club Sharlora(?) is not successful.
                        lol Bengian, good progress.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Mes, Sepahan, Zob Ahan and Esteghlal are probably the contenders for the title this year. Pretty much in that order, in terms of favourites IMO.


                            Mes will not even be in top4.
                            They have lost Rahmati, Ashobi, Sadeghi...

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                              Mes will not even be in top4.
                              They have lost Rahmati, Ashobi, Sadeghi...
                              They've also gone on a spending spree and bought a lot of players.


                                I doubt they can keep fighting on top of the table.
                                They're also going to play the ACL for the first time, they will find it extremely difficult.

                                GRACIAS PEP

