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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by hamidr316 View Post
    lol, so why they call it simane sepahane esfehan?
    does it mean simane esfehane esfehane,

    sepahan here means: ANE SEPAH

    go and learn



      lol, guys don't put links from wiki and don't make this place a history class:

      Don't u see the sarcasm here when I say:
      sepahan = "ANE SEPAH"

      oops, I said ANE SEPAH again.
      شهریور سال 52

      پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

      لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

      پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


        nakheir to adam besho nisti



          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
          As I said its because they have kept their team for years and yes they play more organized.
          But Sepahan is a stronger team this season.
          ok, man. i don't care. you asked why i like Zob ahan more than sepahan and i gave you the reason.


            Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
            if you want to look at it that way, then all the teams are owned by "sepah" not just 3pahan, either directly or indirectly, either in front office or board room!!!
            that's simply not true.

            Sepahan is directly owned by the Sepah.
            If you support Sepahan, you most likely support the Sepah.Sorry. it's just the truth.


              Originally posted by Kiafan06 View Post
              that's simply not true.

              Sepahan is directly owned by the Sepah.
              If you support Sepahan, you most likely support the Sepah.Sorry. it's just the truth.
              Please guys stop it, Im dieing of laughter here

              The two most IR influenced teams are exactly PP and SS, so whoever supports them supports the regime?

              GRACIAS PEP


                Originally posted by hamidr316 View Post
                3pahan is owned by sepah?
                that makes me hate them even more, how did I never notice
                "sepah", "an" = sepahan ,
                which means : ane sepah !!!
                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                Esteghlal for life!!


                  Originally posted by Kiafan06 View Post
                  that's simply not true.

                  Sepahan is directly owned by the Sepah.
                  If you support Sepahan, you most likely support the Sepah.Sorry. it's just the truth.
                  please explain this reasoning, so saipa is an independent company, foolad, ZZ, PP and SS among others!!! you are telling me that just because the name of the club is sepahan then they must be owned by the sepah!!! or are you saying ONLY sepahan is owned by sepah??? if anything PP and SS are neck deep in sepah and IRI agents, really if anyone supports these two teams they are directly supporting IRI and sepah???
                  IRI = FAILED


                    Down with sepah and sepahani.
                    شهریور سال 52

                    پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                    لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                    پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


                      Originally posted by hamidr316 View Post
                      Down with sepah and sepahani.
                      Hala Pomad bemal daresh shayad behtar beshe.
                      Kheili dard omade mesle inke.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        rofl: ^


                          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                          Hala Pomad bemal daresh shayad behtar beshe.
                          Kheili dard omade mesle inke.
                          LOL. Shayad taraf maale Ghomsheh boodeh pas.


                            ُSince 3pahan is directly controlled by sepah, I think we should put some sepah news here:

                            فوتسال سپاه شهرکرد قهرمان مسابقات فوتسال جام شهدای سرباز شد
                            سپاه نیوز: تیم فوتسال سپاهناحیه شهرکرد با غلبه برتیم فوتسال تیپ44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) با نتیجه 7 بر6 مقام اول مسابقات فوتسال جام شهدای سرباز ویژه گرامیداشت هفته دفاع مقدس را از آن خود کرد.
                            به گزارش سپاه نیوز؛ در این مسابقات که در سالن شهید حسینی پور سپاه استان وباحضور 8 تیم از ستاد سپاه استان ، تیپ44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) و نواحی شهرکرد ، بروجن، کیار ، کوهرنگ ،عشایری و حفاظت سپاه استان شرکت داشتند تیم فوتسال تیپ 44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) مقام دوم و تیم ستاد سپاه استان مقام سوم این مسابقات را از آن خود کردند.
                            انتهای خبر/04

                            شهریور سال 52

                            پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                            لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                            پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


                              You cant have a Sepahan AND Zobahan fan thread in the same thread!! No matter if theyre from the same city. Thats like having a Perspolis and Estefraghi hybrid thread!! Close thread immediately!!


                                Originally posted by kia View Post
                                LOL. Shayad taraf maale Ghomsheh boodeh pas.
                                Baeid nist

                                Originally posted by hamidr316 View Post
                                ُSince 3pahan is directly controlled by sepah, I think we should put some sepah news here:

                                فوتسال سپاه شهرکرد قهرمان مسابقات فوتسال جام شهدای سرباز شد
                                سپاه نیوز: تیم فوتسال سپاهناحیه شهرکرد با غلبه برتیم فوتسال تیپ44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) با نتیجه 7 بر6 مقام اول مسابقات فوتسال جام شهدای سرباز ویژه گرامیداشت هفته دفاع مقدس را از آن خود کرد.
                                به گزارش سپاه نیوز؛ در این مسابقات که در سالن شهید حسینی پور سپاه استان وباحضور 8 تیم از ستاد سپاه استان ، تیپ44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) و نواحی شهرکرد ، بروجن، کیار ، کوهرنگ ،عشایری و حفاظت سپاه استان شرکت داشتند تیم فوتسال تیپ 44 قمربنی هاشم(ع) مقام دوم و تیم ستاد سپاه استان مقام سوم این مسابقات را از آن خود کردند.
                                انتهای خبر/04

                                i suggest to you stop posting BS here unless you want to get banned again.

                                Originally posted by JMU View Post
                                You cant have a Sepahan AND Zobahan fan thread in the same thread!! No matter if theyre from the same city. Thats like having a Perspolis and Estefraghi hybrid thread!! Close thread immediately!!
                                Not at all.
                                Esfahanis support both Sepahan and Zobahan because they both belong to Esfahan.

                                GRACIAS PEP

