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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    I believe if the conditions were more favourable Sepahan would have walked over PP easily but the snow and rain made it very difficult to play specially for Sepahan.
    Next week SS is the victim.



      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
      Next week SS is the victim.
      Beshin sare jaat binim Neshoonetoon midim hafteye digeh!
      Persian Pride running through my veins!

      Esteghlal for life!!


        ^ Felan ke dotta az Peykan khordin Felan neshoone Ghazviniaa bedin taa hafteye ba'd
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          The same team that we destroyed in Qazvin.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Amir faghat yeki onam Amire Sepahani

            GRACIAS PEP


              قهرمانی نیم فصل مبارک
              Ghahremanie Nimfassl Mobaarak

              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                and Nayeb Ghahremani Zobahan Mobarak

                GRACIAS PEP


                  2 most hated players scored against PP, to shut them off a little, toreh and aghili who many PP fan were envies of him for being on the asia players list award
                  IRI = FAILED


                    Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                    2 most hated players scored against PP, to shut them off a little, toreh and aghili who many PP fan were envies of him for being on the asia players list award
                    Sepehr goal brought back old memories for you guys. I know yr ass still hurts.
                    شهریور سال 52

                    پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                    لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                    پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


                      Originally posted by hamidr316 View Post
                      Sepehr goal brought back old memories for you guys. I know yr ass still hurts.
                      lol you desperate.Aghili sarvarete. tehran k** sooziiiiii

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Navidkia: We could have scored a lot more goals.

                        Kheiri will miss the SS game for 3 yellows.

                        خيري: متاسفم جلوي استقلال نيستم نويد*كيا: مي*توانستيم گل*هاي بيشتري بزنيم خبرگزاري فارس: كاپيتان تيم فوتبال سپاهان گفت: اگر دقت مي*كرديم مي*توانستيم گل*هاي بيشتري به پرسپوليس بزنيم.
                        به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، محرم نويدكيا پس از پيروزي 2 بر يك مقابل پرسپوليس اظهار داشت: بازي در اين زمين برفي كار راحتي نبود. خوشحالم كه در چنين شرايطي 3 امتياز را گرفتيم. با همه قوا مقابل پرسپوليس بازي كرديم.
                        وي افزود: نمي توانستيم در اين زمين لغزنده تاكتيك هاي موردنظرمان را پياده كنيم. توپ بازي هم خوب نبود و مدام به برف ها مي چسبيد.

                        * خيري: متاسفم جلوي استقلال نيستم
                        شاهين خيري در مورد 3 اخطاره شدن خود در اين بازي اظهار داشت: مقابل پرسپوليس با همه وجود بازي كردم و به همين دليل هم 3 اخطاره شدم و متاسف هستم كه بازي با استقلال را از دست دادم.
                        وي تصريح كرد: قبل از بازي با استقلال پيروزي مقابل پرسپوليس براي ما اهميت داشت كه خوشبختانه به آن رسيديم.
                        انتهاي پيام/ا

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          GN: The ref was against Sepahan. Their goal and their penalties were wrongly called.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Pics of the game: Sepahan2-1PP

                            more here:
                            پایگاه خبری جام جم آنلاین، منتشر کننده آخرین و به روزترین اخبار سیاسی، اقتصادی، حوادث، فرهنگی، اجتماعی و ورزشی ایران و جهان

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              if 3pahan can beat SS next week, they will have a great start to the second half of the season with a nice cushion for their push in the championship
                              IRI = FAILED


                                Ey val, ishallah emsal sepahan ghahremane, zob ahan nayeb ghahreman

