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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Good result for Zob considering that it was an away game and also they conceded the goal through a penalty kick which should not have been given. Well done Zobahan and Ebrahimzadeh!
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      Zob and Sepahan r the best teams in IPL by far


        ebrahimzadeh is the best coach ever and sepahan is the best club.



          Considering that we had so many players in TM duty and 18 day of holiday in the league, the today's draw was not too bad.

          I hope we can come back with an away win at Hamedan next week
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            بازي بايد 7 بر يك به سود ما تمام مي*شد
            نبايد از صدرنشيني مغرور شويم
            رحمتي بهترين دروازه*بان آسياست

            سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
            8810-10392: كد خبر

            خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
            سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

            سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان پس از توقف شاگردانش گفت: بايد مراقب باشيم تا صدرنشيني ليگ ما را مغرور نكند.

            به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، امير قلعه*نويي پس از پايان ديدار تيم*هاي سپاهان اصفهان و فولاد خوزستان از هفته بيست و دوم رقابت*هاي ليگ برتر فوتبال باشگاه*هاي ايران كه با تساوي يك بر يك به پايان رسيد، گفت: بازي بسيار زيبايي را از سپاهان شاهد بوديم. ما بويژه در نيمه دوم بازي خوبي را ارائه داديم. فكر مي*كنم فوتبالي كه سپاهان ارائه داد در تاريخ ليگ برتر انجام نشده بود. ما در اين مسابقه حريف را كاملا تحت فشار قرار داده بوديم. فكر مي*كنم در نيمه دوم سه بار هم توپ به رحمان احمدي نرسيد ولي متاسفانه بازيكنان من بي*دقت بودند، وگرنه بازي مي*توانست 7 بر يك به سود ما تمام شده و كسي هم از اين نتيجه تعجب نمي*كرد.

            سرمربي سپاهان ادامه داد: در اين بازي ما از نظر روحي و رواني فولاد را تحت كنترل داشتيم اما روز، روز ما نبود. بايد مراقب بود تا صدرنشيني ليگ ما را مغرور نكند. ما بايد از صدرنشيني به عنوان برگ برنده*مان در بازي*هاي بعدي بهره ببريم. شما شاهد بوديد كه محرم نويدكيا روز به روز به شرايط ايده*آل نزديك مي*شود و چنانچه خودش بخواهد مي*تواند جزء 11 نفر اصلي تيم ملي فوتبال هم باشد.

            قلعه*نويي همچنين گفت: بايد اين را هم بگويم كه دروازه*بان فولاد روز بسيار خوبي را سپري كرد و موقعيت*هاي زيادي را از ما گرفت.

            سرمربي سال*هاي پيش تيم ملي فوتبال درباره نيمكت نشيني مهدي رحمتي هم گفت: رحمتي اكنون بهترين دروازه*بان آسياست ولي ما مي*خواهيم رحمان احمدي را هم به شرايط رحمتي برسانيم. ما درگير سه جام هستيم و بودن دو دروازه*بان آماده به كار ما مي*آيد.

            قلعه*نويي در مورد غيبت ابراهيم توره و حضور مهاجم برزيلي در سپاهان نيز گفت: متاسفانه توره كار غير اخلاقي انجام داده است. من از او بي*خبرم. چنانچه شما از او خبري داشتيد، به من هم بگوييد. در مورد فابيانو هم بايد بگويم كه با او هيچ صحبتي نكرده*ايم و موضوع پيوستن او به سپاهان منتفي است.
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
              ebrahimzadeh is the best coach ever and sepahan is the best club.
              He's been a coach for, what, 2 years now, having won nothing and is the best coach ever? You need to lay off this Esfahan-inferiority-complex you have going.

              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
              SS didn't exactly own the league, because you had to rely on Foolad-Zob game result in the last matchday to win the title, although it was deserved but it wasnt so convincing specially towards the end it looked more like Zobahan was going to win it.

              Ever since we made this thread title "Sepahan/Zobahan" both of them got great results
              Esteghlal owned the title last year and but for several injuries and hashie around the club we would have won it even earlier. Not only did we own the league statistically, we played by far the best football seen in the league.

              Sepahan is doing what it is doing because of GN - a blue, and a Tehrani; how do you like them apples?


                Originally posted by kaz View Post
                He's been a coach for, what, 2 years now, having won nothing and is the best coach ever? You need to lay off this Esfahan-inferiority-complex you have going.

                Esteghlal owned the title last year and but for several injuries and hashie around the club we would have won it even earlier. Not only did we own the league statistically, we played by far the best football seen in the league.

                Sepahan is doing what it is doing because of GN - a blue, and a Tehrani; how do you like them apples?
                hmm kinda true but dont forget to mention that sepahan has a very good squad 2. ghalenoi was wid mes but managed i think was it 4-5. but sepahan has a high chance of winning the league this year and if they do they deserve it ss shud fight for 2-3 spot


                  Originally posted by unique football View Post
                  hmm kinda true but dont forget to mention that sepahan has a very good squad 2. ghalenoi was wid mes but managed i think was it 4-5. but sepahan has a high chance of winning the league this year and if they do they deserve it ss shud fight for 2-3 spot
                  Name me the last time they were this far ahead playing this well? They've never done it. It's no coincidence that the record breaking coach of last year has made Sepahan another record breaking team. As good as teams often are in IPL (Esteghlal, Perspolis, Zob Ahan, Sepahan, etc) only one coach gets a team to perform this well consistently. Look at Esteghlal now and look at it last year. Look at Sepahan now and look at it last year.


                    Originally posted by kaz View Post
                    Name me the last time they were this far ahead playing this well? They've never done it. It's no coincidence that the record breaking coach of last year has made Sepahan another record breaking team. As good as teams often are in IPL (Esteghlal, Perspolis, Zob Ahan, Sepahan, etc) only one coach gets a team to perform this well consistently. Look at Esteghlal now and look at it last year. Look at Sepahan now and look at it last year.
                    and why is that tiking u off? we cant just go and tell other teams wow ur good becuase of a coach we had tht aint proff man we have to deal wid our own problems atm having an idiot as coach and manager instead of releasing our anger on teams that are doing well.


                      Kaz, please don't come here and talk about things that you have absolutely no clue about, just to release your frustration.

                      First of all, Sepahan collected 45 points after 21 games in 1382 (the year we won the IPL) . Now we have 44 points. Our winning streak belongs to that year with 8 consecutive wins. This year we had 7. We are yet to break any of our own records this year. Which record are you talking about? This is about the IPL. We were also the runners-up in the AFC champions league with the new format three years ago. Something that no other Iranian team has ever done.

                      Ghalenoi is a very good Iranian coach, no doubt, and he is an important factor in this years Sepahan success. But don't blow things out of proportion here. Football is a group sport and no one can single-handedly make a champoin out of a team. It is a team work. You need a good coach, as well as good players, management, fans, bench, funds, etc.

                      Also for your information, Ghaleno is a small village near Arak. It is not in Tehran.
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Go Esfahan


                          Formerly known as Persianking!
                          Follow me @


                            As always thanks for the vid persianking jaan. Also two simple classic goels which IPL players should learn to exersie more often.


                              Shenidam baz toure ghaltoon gozashte,
                              halesho bebarin,
                              شهریور سال 52

                              پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                              لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                              پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


                                Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                                Kaz, please don't come here and talk about things that you have absolutely no clue about, just to release your frustration.

                                First of all, Sepahan collected 45 points after 21 games in 1382 (the year we won the IPL) . Now we have 44 points. Our winning streak belongs to that year with 8 consecutive wins. This year we had 7. We are yet to break any of our own records this year. Which record are you talking about? This is about the IPL. We were also the runners-up in the AFC champions league with the new format three years ago. Something that no other Iranian team has ever done.
                                The year Sepahan won the league it had only 14 teams and was far from the league it was today. The Azadegan league was renown for being lop-sided with strength - meaning some great teams, the rest crap. Two years into the IPL not much changed particularly. And that year Esteghlal had turned to shit, meaning one less rival for the title. Ironically, it was because of that year that GN was hired and he overhauled the club eventually winning the league.

                                When I am talking about records, I am talking about having the least goals conceded, most goals scored, most points in a season...all the records Esteghlal broke last year. With who?? GN, surprise surprise. Right now Sepahan have a better points per game ratio than they did last time they won the title, scoring more and conceding less goals on average.

                                In the same year you came runner up in ACL you were a mid-table IPL team, let's not overblow that achievement just yet. Although you are right, Sepahan won with 7 points that year, they were not near as dominating as they are this year. Anyway, what's it matter. It's not like Sepahan are winning now because of Farhad Kazemi's efforts some 7 years ago; the point was they owe their recent dominance to GN. And I just know that burns Shayan who is the most biased football fan I've ever come across.

                                Ghalenoi is a very good Iranian coach, no doubt, and he is an important factor in this years Sepahan success. But don't blow things out of proportion here. Football is a group sport and no one can single-handedly make a champoin out of a team. It is a team work. You need a good coach, as well as good players, management, fans, bench, funds, etc.
                                Football is a team sport, true, and no one person can change the fortunes of a team to that extent. That goes largely for players. For coaches however, that adage holds to a lesser degree. A coach CAN be the single biggest influence in a team. As I said, you guys are doing what Esteghlal did last year. 6th, 10th, 7th, 5th, 2nd and 4th; you've spent more time in the middle of the table than at the top since your first title win some 7 years ago.

                                Also for your information, Ghaleno is a small village near Arak. It is not in Tehran.
                                For your information, citing surname references to location is not accurate. GN learned his football in Tehran, made his name in Tehran, and grew up in Tehran. No one cares where his family originated from, possibly, some 100 years ago; we are talking about where he is from.
                                Last edited by kaz; 01-11-2010, 04:47 AM.

