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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Navidkia extended his contract with Sepahan for two more years

    Happy that he is not retiring from football and I wish him a healthy season, that is what he needs the most With him, Hajsafi and Janvario we will have a deadly midfield next season.

    نويدكيا با سپاهان تمديد كرد

    هافبک تيم فوتبال سپاهان براي 2 سال ديگر قرارداد خود را تمديد کرد.


    محرم نويدکيا امروز با حضور در باشگاه سپاهان قرارداد خود را براي 2 سال ديگر با اين تيم تمديد کرد تا زردپوشان اصفهاني را در ليگ برتر و ليگ قهرمانان آسيا همراهي کند.
    تمرينات سپاهان براي دهمين دوره ليگ برتر از صبح روز گذشته زير نظر امير قلعه*نويي آغاز شده است.
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      its a shame if Khalatbari leaves Zobahan for the overrated longis.



        i hear Hajsayfi is leaving for either Saba, Pas or Malavan. I read this in the Transfer Thread. He is a sarbaz or not?


          ^^yes he will have to do his service now in a military team
          IRI = FAILED


            ^I thought there was a law for the TM players to be exempted from the military service?
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
              its a shame if Khalatbari leaves Zobahan for the overrated longis.
              By far better to join " Teame Mardomi" then a Team that is throwing with Billions to buy players and not even be 100% sure which Coach they have next season.
              By the way he has the chance to make the group stage again. History shows that most likely this chance is not given with Sepahan.


                Originally posted by Hichkas View Post
                By far better to join " Teame Mardomi" then a Team that is throwing with Billions to buy players and not even be 100% sure which Coach they have next season.
                By the way he has the chance to make the group stage again. History shows that most likely this chance is not given with Sepahan.
                sounds like perspolis.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                  ^I thought there was a law for the TM players to be exempted from the military service?
                  really ?
                  I hope so man.

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    Jalal Hosseini will most probably stay in Sepahan. He says one of the problems he has is that he does not like to play as the right back.

                    سپاهان نيوز ، به نقل سایت گل : سيدجلال حسيني ديگر در دو راهي تهران ـ اصفهان قرار ندارد. او تصميم خود را گرفته است تا فصل ديگر را نيز در سپاهان بماند.
                    او حضورش در اين تيم را قطعي مي*داند و فقط يك مشكل كوچك را در سپاهان همراه خود مي*بيند كه اعتقاد دارد آن هم به زودي حل مي*شود.
                    *درباره تيم آينده*ات صحبت كنيم؟
                    تيم آينده*ام ... با سپاهان به توافق رسيدم و منتظر جواب نهايي مديران سپاهان هستم تا قرارداد را ثبت كنم.
                    *پس پرسپوليس چه مي*شود؟
                    با پرسپوليس مذاكره كوتاهي داشتم، خيلي كوتاه كه با اين مذاكره كوتاه نمي*شود قرارداد بست، اولويت اولم از اول هم سپاهان بود، به خاطر آن با سپاهان توافقم رسيدم.
                    *پس فصل بعد دوباره پيراهن سپاهان را مي*پوشي؟
                    به احتمال خيلي زياد مگر اتفاق خاصي رخ دهد.
                    *حاضر هستي فصل بعد هم در دفاع راست بازي كنيد؟
                    نه، حاضر نيستم. يكي از مشكلاتم با سپاهان همين و قرار است با آقاي قلعه*نويي در اين باره صحبت كنم. خوش*بين هستم كه اين مشكل خيلي زود حل شود.
                    *مذاكره با پرسپوليس تلفني بود؟
                    بله، تلفني بود.
                    *با دايي صحبت كرديد؟
                    نه، با آقاي كاشاني صحبت كردم.
                    *نظرت در مورد خريدهاي سپاهان چيست؟
                    سپاهان تيم خوبي دارد و نيازي به بازيكن زياد ندارد. از هر نظر تيم خوبي داشتيم و فقط كمي بايد اين تيم تقويت شود.
                    *چند درصد مي*شود تو را پرسپوليسي دانست.
                    درصدش خيلي كم است، من اهل بازارگرمي نيستم. بحث من با سپاهان فقط در مورد يك مشكل كوچك است كه حل مي*شود و هيچ مشكلي نداريم.
                    *الان شمال كشور هستيد؟
                    بله، انزلي هستم و فعلاً* يك مشكل شخصي دارم كه بايد آن را حل كنم.
                    *كي با سپاهان قراردادت را ثبت مي*كني؟
                    منتظرم تا باشگاه با من صحبت كند تا بعد از ثبت قرارداد در تمرينات سپاهان حضور پيدا كنم.
                    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                      Aghili will most probably stay in Sepahan(damesh garm, I like him), also GN is apparently the next season coach
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Its important for us to keep the skeleton of the team, to increase chances of success next year as well.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          So if Hosseini wants to play center back only, then one of Aghily, Bengar, or Hosseini will be benched/released.

                          I would want to have Bengar leave if I was a Sepehan fan..


                            I am so happy Khalatbari stayed in Zob, he is arguably the best player in the IPL and Zob definitely need him for the ACL QF.

                            Good to see that teams other than PP and SS can now keep their players of this caliber. 5-6 years ago, Khalatbari would have definitely signed with one of those two teams if he was to play in Iran.
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              most likely the cup will stay in esfahan next season aswell
                              i see a close game between steel and sepahan


                                Originally posted by masoud nekounam View Post
                                So if Hosseini wants to play center back only, then one of Aghily, Bengar, or Hosseini will be benched/released.

                                I would want to have Bengar leave if I was a Sepehan fan..
                                Bengar is terrible in ACL.

                                Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                                I am so happy Khalatbari stayed in Zob, he is arguably the best player in the IPL and Zob definitely need him for the ACL QF.

                                Good to see that teams other than PP and SS can now keep their players of this caliber. 5-6 years ago, Khalatbari would have definitely signed with one of those two teams if he was to play in Iran.
                                wow thank God he stayed.
                                shows how intelligent he is.

                                GRACIAS PEP

